
You’re It

Hazel Rose Compton is one of many girls. Not popular but not a hoodie girl either. She has always told her self that she is going to wait til college to find a love. Well at the age of 16 she has always followed that rule. One day at the pool she runs into Asher Reid Forsythe and she forgets about that silly rule. Asher is everything that Hazel has ever wanted. Kind but cold. Gentle but fierce. Athletic but smart. Rich but generous. They hit it off and everything is going great but Hazel has a secret and she want make sure Asher's HIM before she tells him. But what if it is to late.

Riley_Mack · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs

Not Real

"Hazey, Hazey wake up" Crimsyn yelled jumping up on my twin bed. "What is it" I said still thinking about my dream. I have had that dream many times but this one felt real. Calix walked through the door holding a ice pack on his busted lip and black eye. Calix and Crimsyn have light brown hair and blue eyes. When they were born I was mad at them for having brown hair instead of blonde hair like me. Usually when I see either of them I think of my dad but when I saw Calix I all I could think of is punching somebody. I jumped out of bed and picked Calix up. "Calix what happened" I signed to him. I watched as his face crumble as he started signing back to me what happened. I put him in the bed while he started to explain. Apparently Jack and Max were tired of Calix practicing to talk and they told him to be quiet but since Calix is 80% deaf he did not hear him and they beat him up. Jack and Max are brothers that stay at the group home. They loved torturing Calix and Crimsyn and I hate them. But mostly I hate having to watch my brother and sister get torn down at this foster house. But it keeps me in school where no one know where I live so we stay and deal with the torture. They are only 4 but have been through so much. Actually make that 5.

Crimsyn and Calix were born 13 seconds apart. And at 25 weeks. They were in the NICU for 2 and a half months. Calix was born 60% percent deaf but it got worse as time progressed. Now he is 80% deaf. Calix also has ADHD and takes medicine for it. Crimsyn was born with a heart murmur but the doctor said that we shouldn't worry. But I do anyways. Crimsyn was also diagnosed with scoliosis when she was 2 and had to get a brace. The doctor said that there will probably be a surgery in the future. But I can't afford that. Crimsyn and Calix both have severe social anxiety. Crimsyn has it so bad that somtimes she pretends to be deaf like Calix so she doesn't have to talk. The only person she ever talks to is me and Calix. They even have their own language that they made up and they usually talk in that. I was excluded and every time I ask if I can learn it they always ignore me.

"Hazel, Hazel, Hazel, Hazel" screamed Crimsyn, tugging on my pajama sleeve. I turned around and picked her up. "Yes my lovebug" I replied. She giggled at her nickname. "Guess what day it is?" She said a smile on her face. Today was their birthday but I wanted to see how long it took her to finally tell me that. "Let me see it is Miss. Winchildrin's birthday" I said putting her on my bed and picking up Calix. Miss. Winchildrin was the group homes leader."No silly" calix signed to me. Then it hit me. "Hold on Calix, can I see your face?" I signed putting him in my bed next to Crimsyn. "Why" he signed moving the ice pack away from his face. I looked at his face and saw that the cuts were bloody but they where dry. I saw Crimsyn examine his face too. "Calix, buddy when did Jack and Max do this?" I signed to him. " Last night" he signed ." Before dinner. "

"That's it!" I yelled, scaring Crimsyn. I stormed out of my room and stomped to Mr.Mcullmer's office. Mr.Mcullmer was the boys watcher. The boys and girls don't eat together so Mr.Mcullmer watches the boys while a lady named Mrs.Ken watched the girls. Mr.Mcullmer and I have a pack. If Calix is getting messed with or is not doing well he tells me and Mrs.Ken. Then Mrs.Ken let's me go see Calix and make sure he is doing ok. I guess a bloody lip and a black eye isn't good enough for him. I opened the door and saw Miss.Winchildrin and another dude making out on the desk.

Miss.Winchildrin was the group homes leaders, so usually she is very strict. She has gray hair and wrinkled skin and looks about 65. The other dude looked about 45 and as ugly as could be. He had brown hair on one side of his head and bleached blond in the other. He was wearing a colored shirt so he was supposed to be here for business but look how that turned out. I cleared my throat to let them know their time was over. Miss.Winchildrin didn't hear me but the man did. He turned to see who was at the door. When I saw his eyes I gasped.

One was purple and one was yellow. The purple one was very dark but electric. The yellow one was almost a green but still yellow. He sat up very quickly and Miss.Winchildrin sat up too with a disappointed face. Like she didn't get enough. "What do you want?" the man said. His voice scared me. It sounded like he smoked. A lot. "Where is Mr.Mcullmer?" I said giving him a look of I am not someone to play with right now "Well missy he isn't here now cause I replaced him" he replied with a smug smile on his face. "What's your name" I asked. "Mr.Butcher" "Great". Just what we need. A person that has a killing name. Now I have to introduce Calix and Crimsyn to a killing guy and tell him what he has to do to help Calix out. Miss.Winchildrin spoke up "John this is Hazel Compton. She has twin siblings that need some extra help." I cringed at this. I hate when people say my siblings are special needs. Miss.Winchildrin kept talking. "Isn't it their birthday today Hazel?" Did I tell you she talked alot. "Yes ma'am it is." I turned to Mr. Butcher. "Can I introduce you to my siblings Mr.Butcher" I asked him. I hoped he said no but it was kind of inevitable for him not to meet them. There all over the house. He grunted what sounded like a "sure", turned and started making out with Miss.Winchildrin again.

I went and got Calix and Crimsyn and brought them to the office.

I knocked on the door to Mr.Butcher office. I had learned my lesson on just walking in. "Come" I heard someone say. I turned the door knob and pushed the door open. Mr.Butcher was at his desk looking through bills. "Mr.Butcher these are my siblings." I said walking through the door. Mr. Butcher looked up right as Calix and Crimsyn walked through the door. Crimsyn took one look at Mr.Butcher and started crying. Calix hid behind me and I heard him whimper. I probably should have told them about his eyes and how ugly he was but I have short term memory loss diagnosed by yours truly so I forgot. Mr.Butcher did not look happy to see that they were crying over his face. But he looked like a criminal so he had it coming. I picked up Crimsyn and started soothing her. "This is Crimsyn" I said to Mr.Butcher "and this is Calix" I said pointing at him behind me. "This is no way to treat a leader" Mr.Butcher yelled getting out of his seat. "I expect both of you to come over here and gives me a proper introduction" he stated "by yourselves" he added, looking at me.

"Oh no oh no oh no!" I thought Mr.Butcher thinks that they can talk, I have to tell him. "They d-" but I was cut of by Mr.Butchers not so nice finger in my face. I put Crimsyn down and whispered in her ear. "Tell Calix to not do anything and if you hear Mr.Butcher say anything mean don't listen. But please don't talk." Crimsyn grabbed Calix's hand and dragged him to stand in front of Mr.Butcher. "So who is this young lady" He asked Crimsyn. I held my breath. She stayed silent. "Yessssssss!" I wanted to scream with joy. "Oh maybe I should talk a little louder" Butcher sneered and he yelled in Crimsyn's face "What is your name!" Crimsyn didn't say anything. Mr.Butcher grunted something under his breathe that I did not catch and turned to Calix "Now tell me your name little boy". Mr.Butcher had a aggressive voice like he was a military official or something. I could see Calix trying to read his lips but Mr.Butcher was talking to fast. "Speak. Up. Boy" Calix turned to me with pleading eyes and I regretted saying they couldnt talk but it was to late. Calix turned back to face Mr.Butcher while I looked back on my life choices. Not really but I felt really bad.

I didn't see what happened after that but all I heard was "Retards" and Calix scream in pain as he was slapped on the face. I was in shock for a second but I regained myself and made the best or worse decision of my life. I slapped Mr.Butcher. Hard.


"Crimsyn come over here please" I told her grabbing Calix's leg and dragging him to the shallow end. We had to move because a group of rowdy teenage boys from my school were playing football and although the twins can swim they are not ready for "tsunami" kind of waves. Calix was working on floating on his back while Crimsyn worked on breaststroke. Calix knows how to swim but he still can't float on his back.

Miss.Winchildrin said that we should probably get out of the house since the police where there trying to figure out how to deal with the situation. Miss.Winchildrin also said that I will probably be doing community service since I slapped Mr.Butcher. Someone tapped me on my shoulder and I turned around. "Hazel can we play tag" Crimsyn asked. I shrugged. Why not. I smiled at her and poked her on her nose "tag" I said and swam away from her. I saw her poke Calix in the ribs and swim of toward the deep end of the pool. Calix looked around for me. When he spotted me he grunted and started swimming forward me. I should let him get me, it is his birthday after all. ... Nah. I swam to the opposite side of the pool. He'll never get me here I thought laughing to myself. Right after that someone poked me on the back of my head am so heard someone snicker. I turned around. Calix was standing there with a grin on his face. "Tag" he signed and jumped out of the water. I watched as he ran to the other side of the pool and did a cannonball in the water. I looked around and saw Crimsyn and Calix signing up a storm. I did not recognize any of the signs so they must be talking in their own language. "No fair"I thought. I want be secret language.

I close my eyes and took a deep breath. In one day I had slapped a man and played a game of tag. Wow I am so weird. Our of the corner of my eye I saw a figure that looked exactly like Calix move. Revenge sweet sweet revenge. I swam over to Calix and taped him on his shoulder "You're it"

The guy turned towards me and I saw that he was not Calix.