
You’re It

Hazel Rose Compton is one of many girls. Not popular but not a hoodie girl either. She has always told her self that she is going to wait til college to find a love. Well at the age of 16 she has always followed that rule. One day at the pool she runs into Asher Reid Forsythe and she forgets about that silly rule. Asher is everything that Hazel has ever wanted. Kind but cold. Gentle but fierce. Athletic but smart. Rich but generous. They hit it off and everything is going great but Hazel has a secret and she want make sure Asher's HIM before she tells him. But what if it is to late.

Riley_Mack · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs

Getting To Know Him

That was not Calix. That was Asher Forsythe. He goes to my school and is in the popular group. So I don't hang out with him. Asher had bleach blonde hair and green eyes. If you look real closely you can see little trees in his eyes. His smile is very gentle. "Can you pinch me?" I asked Asher.

Why did I ask Asher Forsythe if he could pinch me?. Am I that stupid? Of course I am why did I ask that.

"Sure...?" He replied and then pinched me. A bolt of pain shot up my arm and I screamed out in pain. Asher stoped pinching me. "Did that hurt" he asked with worry in his voice. Duh! "No its fine" I answered through gritted teeth. I looked down at my fore arm and saw a bruise was starting to form. Asher must have saw that too because she next thing I knew I was being ushered out of the pool by Asher Reid Forsythe. I felt his breathe on my way and almost melted. But then I heard what he said and I panicked. "Your leaking". Shit! I looked down and saw that blood was running down my legs. Asher shoved me his towel and put on a shirt. Nooo! I didn't get to look at his abs. "Go get your stuff and I will drive you home" Asher said bringing me out of my thoughts. We walked here but I thanked him anyway for offering, saying we can walk. "But I need my towel back and you need it too. So I will take you to your house and get my towel back there."

He had got me there. I didn't have a towel and needed his. "Fine" I huffed "but we go to your house and no questions asked." I walked away before he could say anything. I walked over to the shallow end, where Crimsyn was teaching Calix how to do a cartwheel . "Hey Crimsyn we got to go" I told her, right as Calix came up. "Calix buddy we got to go" I signed. "Home?"

"No buddy we are going to a friends house. Now hurry up cause he is waiting"

I walked back to Asher's table and stoped when I saw all of my stuff was gone from my table. "Where is my stuff?" I asked in a panic tone. "Relax Basil I put it in the car." Basil? I don't know where he got basil from but I liked how it rhymes with Hazel so I did not question it. Calix and Crimsyn walked over signing back and forth. Calix looked up from their conversation "Come here" I signed to him and then looked over at Asher. He was in complete and utter awe. I smiled and introduced them to Asher. "Asher this is my brother Calix and my sister Crimsyn " I said. I turned to the twins "guys this is my friend Asher" I signed. The twins eyed Asher over them Calix signed to Crimsyn "he's good. I approve" I laughed and signed "no no no guys we are just friends" and I turned to Asher but not before I saw Crimsyn sign "That is what they all say." I rolled my eyes and walked forward the parking lot hoping Asher and the twins would follow.


I sat on Asher's towel as he drove us to his place. He didn't ask any questions which I was grateful for. After he got into his neighborhood, he turned to me. "So what did they say about me?"

I laughed because I knew he was wondering. "They thought we were dating and I had to tell them that we weren't"


Oh. Oh! Is that all he is thinking. Oh!

The rest of the ride was silent except Crimsyns occasional whisper to herself.

When we drove up to the house I gasped. It was huge. Not mansion huge but it was something.

I heard Asher chuckle as I got out of the car. I looked at the blood soaked towel. That was embarrassing. I looked up at Asher to see his reaction. I was in shock. He didn't even care. I took out the towel an helped Calix out of the car.

As we walked towards the house I saw squirt guns and bikes in the yard. Did Asher play with these?

Asher took out his key and unlocked the door. I was expecting a grand stair case and a chandelier when I walked in. But instead I got a skateboarder whiz by the door.

"Foster, come back here" a girl screamed and ran passed the door . I looked at Asher and stifled a laugh "Welcome to my house" he sighed and walked in.


Asher showed me where the shower was and said he'd take care of Calix and Crimsyn. I told him thanks and he started to walk away but I stoped him.

"Asher do you have a hotel around here that is cheap." "Why" he asked turning to face me. "No questions" I whined.

He was about to ask another question so I asked him again. " yeah there's one right across the street from the neighborhood" he replied, giving up.

I smiled and thanked him.

The shower was amazing. At the foster home the showers are very cold. That opens up your pours and that I am grateful for but somtimes I just want a hot steaming shower.

Today I got one. I got out of the shower right as my fingers started getting wrinkled.

On the toilet seat there were sweats and a under armour shirt. Also underwear and bra. And a tampon. Plus a note.

Dear Basil -

I want you to know that I washed my towel and that I was not embarrassed by you and your girl week.

- Asher

How thoughtful.

I dried of and put on all the clothes and did my business. I walked out of the restroom and found myself in a corridor of rooms.

I took a right turn.

And ended up right were I started.

"Hello?" I yelled. "Hi I'm Mackenzie but you can call me Mack . What is your name?" I heard behind me.

I turned around and saw a girl standing in front of me.

"I'm Hazel, nice to meet you" I said shaking hands with her. She was very formal for her age.

"Do you need help" she asked. "Yeah that would be great. Do you know where Asher is?" I asked kind of embarrassed that I had to ask.

"Ah yes he is in the living room do you want me to take you there. " she didn't wait for a answer instead started walking.

I followed her to the living room but stopped when I heard Crimsyns voice. "Asher what's a retard?" I started crying. For two reasons.

First, Asher was the first person that Crimsyn has ever talked to besides me and second because she was asking if she was a retard.

I regained myself and walked in. Crimsyn was sitting on Asher's lap playing with a necklace he had on. And Calix was sitting on the floor tying Ashers shoe.

I sat on the floor with Calix and we started playing rock, paper, scissors. We played a couple of round before I looked at the clock.

"Hey ladybug we gotta go" I said standing up and picking up Calix. "Where are going?" he whispered.

I decided against the hotel and thought we should go to the foster house.

"Home" I said

Calix immediately started crying and signing frantically that he didn't want to go home and that he was scared.

And then he started hyperventilating. Asher stood up putting Crimsyn on the ground. "Follow me" he said and lead us to a spare room.

I put Calix on the bed and started rubbing his stomach whispering to him that it was going to be ok. "Breathe Calix breathe" he eventually started breathing steadily again and he fell asleep.

I layed with him for a couple of minutes before I put the covers on him and went back to the living room.

Asher was waiting for me when I walked in there. "We need to talk" he said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a study.

"Basil I want to help you and the twins. But I am going to need you to fill me in on the twins so I am prepared the next time that happens."

I looked at him "Your talking to me like we have known each other forever. Asher I just met you! I will tell you some stuff but after that your gonna have to get to know me before I to talk to you about my past."

He sighed and started talking about how he was sorry and all that. He was getting all worked up over our disagreement that it was kind of cute.

I walked over to him and took his hand. He stopped talking and looked into my eyes.

"Its ok" I said and squeezed his hand. He nodded and took a breathe.

"So thing are tough back home and as you can see from Calix's face he gets punished for his disability's. " Asher nodded so I kept talking.

"When we talk about home Calix usually gets like this. He usually falls asleep after one and has nightmares about it." I stoped talking to see how Asher was taking this. Concern was all over his face.I

"Basil is your house safe" he asked with worry

I really wanted to say no and cry on his shoulder but that would have been weird.

"Yeah yeah yeah" I said trying to convince him. Or me.

I really did not want to tell him that I was in foster care. That would make things ten times worse.

I realized I was still holding his hand and I let go. He has a girlfriend Hazel think!

I heard screaming from where Calix was sleeping and sighed. 'I will talk to you later" I said to Asher and left the room to go see Calix.


Asher convince me to stay until dinner but I made it clear at that we will not be staying for dinner. Crimsyn was playing twister with Asher and I was reading a book to Calix.

Mack came in to the living room at about six saying that dinner was about 5 minutes away.

I looked at Crimsyn who was currently upside down.

"Come on lady bug time to go to a hotel" I said picking up Calix who had fallen asleep. Again.

Crimsyn started to whine but I have her a my signature stare and she became quiet.

Asher walked is out and it felt really weird. I mean a day ago I would have laughed at you if you said I was going to talk to Asher Forsythe let alone go to his house. Crimsyn said goodbye to him and then Calix did.

I felt kind of sorry that I was making them say goodbye. It was kind of pitiful. But not that much.

"Thanks for everything" I said

"No it is no problem." He replied. Are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner. " he asked me.

I nodded.

"Ok well see ya around basil."

I smiled at my nickname. "See ya"


"Crimsyn this is yours and Calixs bed and mine is right next to yours ok?" I asked she nodded and got on her bed.

I turned on the tv to Disney channel.

"Crimsyn I am gonna take a nap wake me if you need anything ok?" I said with my eyes closed

I heard her murmur something as I drifted of to sleep.

I had the same dream as I did this morning but the only thing that was different was the car. Instead of a truck it was a grandma car like the one that can only fit 5 people. And the little girl was in the front. Not good.

I tried yelling at the mom to move the girl to the back seat but it was to late. The SUV hit the little car and the mom was dead. And the little girl was dead too.


"Basil can you please wake up. Crimsyn is really hungry and Calix is signing food so"

I woke up suddenly trying to get the girls blood splatter all over the car out of mind. I was breathing heavy and didn't realize that someone was standing over me intill they tapped my shoulder.

I screamed for my life and looked over.

And felt like a idiot. Asher had just poked me. In bed.

"Basil can you please get up and get packed we are leaving in 5 minutes."

What! When did this happen?

Asher saw my confusion and said "look you are coming over to my house to have dinner. You will stay there in till your house is safe for you and the twins to go back too."

I looked at him. He was very serious and I could tell he was not going to change his mind so I got out of bed.

And followed Asher Reid to his car.