
Yes! He's Perfect

A struggling head strong young woman seeks to make a name for herself as a photographer in the fashion industry. She's given an opportunity to prove herself by doing a photoshoot for the men's underwear line of a huge fashion empire. Unware that the model she hired through an agency cancel at the last minute, Leah mistakes a gorgeous hunky guy as the model, giving him a pep talk, commenting on his looks and masculine body to the guys amusement. After completing, what Leah considers to be a successful shoot, she wishes the model who introduces himself as Logan Grey, all the best. Packing up, she receives a call from Mrs. Daniels who was happy to hear the shoot was over. Checking her phone at home she saw numerous calls and a message from the modelling agency. She reads a message stating that the model would be unavailable today and to reschedule. What? who was the guy in the shoot? The perfect model! How do I explained this to Mrs. Daniels?

Sabry_Singh · Thành thị
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Arriving home after a long day and night, to face another problem. Jerome's frantic call about Jamie's condition brought me to the boiling point.

Ensuring that Dr. Morris makes a house call, I sped back to the cabin, sending Cameron to retrieve the doctor since this second attempt on Jamie's life my father has ensured that the entire small community is guarded unknowingly and all our guests are to be escorted in and out of the compound blindfolded.

Tonight I almost broke the promised I made to mom and this is never to kill again. Cameron. who after interrogating the man responsible for pushing Jamie into the lake, killed him. He was then thrown at the feet of my grandfather and not surprisingly, Jessica Scott. I looked on through a camera Cameron wore to recorded what transpired, needing to see grandfather's reaction. Jessica is constantly hovering around my grandfather and I am wondering whose really motivating who and what is Jessica's agenda.

Jessica was definitely shocked to see the dead man, but Justice was served, and I'm satisfied. Cameron on the other hand, took pleasure in torturing him before killing him after he revealed everything he knew, to us.

Jessica never asked about Jamie!

The unnamed woman he described was Angela, but by Jessica's reaction, she recognized the dead man and was clearly shaken, as she stared at Cam, fearfully. What is Jessica's story.

First thing first. Jamie!

Caressing her face, moving the stray strands from her face, her forehead creased and her closed eyelids constantly twitching, with her hands resting protectively on her stomach. I place feather kisses on her hands on her stomach, but she did not even flinch until I woke her when Dr. Morris and the nurse arrived.

Walking Dr. Morris out, I interrogated him as if I was cross-examining him on a witness stand and he did not even flinch nor seem nervous around me. I know that I can trust him because he sat with Justin and I after I woke up from the coma, informing me of all that he saw and overheard while he stood around.

Without informing even my dad, I knew everyone involved in a plot to get rid of Jamie and now, I am slowly putting pieces together to understand why they are doing this.

Going back to the kitchen where the guys sat eating a breakfast, because I believe that they are not going to take a nap till tonight but me? I'm not going to be sleeping until I destroy everyone that is hurting my wife and that includes Jessica Scott!

"Coffee," Justin beckons me to the table, "let me check Jamie first" I told him, before turning to Cam. "You should rest a bit, you're riding with me tomorrow" I informed him.

Shaking his head, putting down the coffee mug in his hand, "no no, he had all the fun tonight, I need some action now" Justin said, glaring at Cam whose pounding the table, laughing, at Justin's expression.

With her hands on her hips, "boys will be boys" Mrs. Stanley chuckles.

Looking at the time, "Mrs. Stanley, you should also go to bed, and don't worry about getting up early, Justin and Jerome will be on breakfast duty" I informed her, then Justin butts in swearing

"F**k no" Justin swears, "in case you haven't realized, I've been shot and I'm going to bed" Justin, picks up his coffee and walks out of the kitchen, muttering about not being a chef, leaving everyone else in the kitchen in laughter.

"Go to bed" I reminded Mrs. Stanley, "mom will handle breakfast and you" I point to Cam, "bed."

Untying her apron, "there's some dinner in the oven for both you and Jamie" she says, pecking me on the cheek also leaving the kitchen.

Jerome called me back into the kitchen as I was walking out, "Grey"

I stopped and turned "yeah," I responded, because I know that Jerome never addresses me unless it's important.

Standing up, "Jess is involved in Jamie's accident." Jerome, didn't ask me, he told me.

Never one to hold back on life threatening issues, "yes she is and I'm letting you know that if she is ever in my face I will kill her." I lowered my voice, angrily.

Jerome fights to control the tears that I see him already blinking away, he nods, "just so you know, Jamie knows that Jess is involved." he informs me and that threw me, because I had absolutely no intention for discussing all that went on in the last few hours with her.

After the doctor's warning tonight, I have to keep Jamie and our baby safe, "Jerome, please don't have this discussion with her again. The doctor warned me about it just before he left." I walked back into the kitchen as we spoke, because it's a good time to have a quick discussion about the changes I'm making.

"You need to continue your studies" I raised my hand when he started to protest. "Uh uh. I will be paying for your studies. You can do it partially online by remaining here or you can go back to school. Secondly, you will not be paying anymore money to Lloyd's family" I continued seeing his nervous expression "and don't worry, Jessica doesn't know that you still own this cabin. Dad and I will be sealing it off from the public. Electronic fences will be placed around the entire property and within the next few days I will be building other cabins around the property for the security/ I will also be adding extra rooms upstairs and downstairs." he frowns, but stayed silent as I spoke to him.

"I'm sorry, I know that this is your family's property and it will still be your property, just consider it an investment to a vacation spot for the future." I chuckle to lighten the mood.

"This belongs only to Jamie" he says, "always have always will."

Thank you for reading. please vote and review so that I could better understand my errors. please be safe

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