
Yes! He's Perfect

A struggling head strong young woman seeks to make a name for herself as a photographer in the fashion industry. She's given an opportunity to prove herself by doing a photoshoot for the men's underwear line of a huge fashion empire. Unware that the model she hired through an agency cancel at the last minute, Leah mistakes a gorgeous hunky guy as the model, giving him a pep talk, commenting on his looks and masculine body to the guys amusement. After completing, what Leah considers to be a successful shoot, she wishes the model who introduces himself as Logan Grey, all the best. Packing up, she receives a call from Mrs. Daniels who was happy to hear the shoot was over. Checking her phone at home she saw numerous calls and a message from the modelling agency. She reads a message stating that the model would be unavailable today and to reschedule. What? who was the guy in the shoot? The perfect model! How do I explained this to Mrs. Daniels?

Sabry_Singh · Thành thị
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221 Chs



I'm worried about the things that Logan isn't saying. I afraid that Jessica's choices will cause my husband to go down the path his parents rescued him from.

For the first time I actually paid attention to Jessica's demeanor around Logan. She likes him. My sister likes my husband. How do I deal with that? How do I deal with her rebellion without pushing her to far out.

Logan's grandfather wants Logan and I to breakup so that Jessica becomes a part of his life? What about my baby?

Logan's mother used tough love on him. I have no other choice but to show her my love, the tough way.

One thing I do know, is that I will never leave Logan. It will always be his choice.

Sitting on a wheelchair in judge Delano's office waiting, unsure if what I'm doing is the right thing. I need to get my sister out of the clutches of the senior Mr Daniels.

Hearing the door open behind me, sitting still.

"Mrs Daniels, I apologize for having kept you waiting" judge Delano says, walking into her office, coming around to face me with a broad smile, which quickly vanishes as notices me. Staring at my chair, before looking at me confused.

"Hi" I greeted her awkwardly,

"Ms Scott?" she addresses me, still shocked to see me in a chair.

"No" I chuckle, showing her my wedding band, "Mrs Daniels now" I tell her.

Smiling, she walks around her desk, sitting down, facing me.

"I'm sorry, I'm stunned to see you, like this" she says softly. "If you don't mind my asking, what happened" she asked.

I proceeded to tell her about my accident after marriage and the case my husband was working on. I left out the fact that my husband's grandparents were involved for now.

"Oh my goodness, it makes sense now. You're Logan Daniels wife" she said.

Nodding, unable to add much. I just want to deal with the situation at hand.

"So what brings you here today?" she asks, noticing my reluctance to discuss more.

"My sister Jessica" I started. Nodding, she crossed her arms and leant back in her large comfy chair.

"I'm in a wheelchair at the moment and Jessica has been acting out. She has found herself tied to someone in the underworld, becoming a puppet in his hands and turned against me. I can't do anything until I'm out of this chair." I sobbed.

Judge Delano helped me from day one with my brother and sister and she understands that if I could, I wouldn't let Jess go.

"I need to be tough to get her out of the clutches of those people and making her a ward of the state is my only option right now. She is even rebelling against our brother." I continue

Judge Delano, looks on sadly as I weep, like a woman without backbone.

I know if you were not in this chair, you won't be here" judge Delano says, with compassion, causing my tears to flow.

"I'm sorry, it's the pregnancy that cause these tears" I try to explain the reason for my weakness.

"You're pregnant?" she exclaimed in surprise.

Realizing what I said, I stopped crying and looked at her. I nod, "but that is not the reason why I'm making this decision about Jessica. If if I wasn't in this chair, I would stand and fight her head on, but, I can't fight the people whose intent on dragging her down in my condition." I justified myself.

Judge Delano, immediately starts scribbling on a piece of paper, while calling her secretary on the intercom.

"I would like to have this document drawn up immediately" she told the elderly lady, before addressing me. "Does she know of your intention?" she asks me.

"She knows that I'm coming here" I answered.

"Did you notify her that you were coming here?" she pressed on.

"No, she heard me asking my husband to bring me here and she started begging me not to come here, but I know that she is not ready to change. At least not yet." I informed her.

"Is your husband here with you?"How does he feel about your decision?" she wonders

"I only asked him to bring me here, I didn't know what I was going to do. All I knew is that my sister needs help and I need the law on my side to help me, help her." I said flatly.

Nodding , "you have made a wise choice" she commended me, "maybe you would like to bring your husband in" she suggests.

Chuckling through my tears, "you just want to drool" I said nodding. "oh, and his mother is also here. Bring her in"

She called her secretary in, informing her to invite Logan and his mother in.

"One more thing, I would like a copy of the deed and a notice for eviction on this property please, I'll pay the for everything" I said, scribbling down the address for the castle that I still own, to her secretary before she walks out.

My mother in-law walked in followed by my husband, both wearing worried expressions on their face.

"Putting a hand on my shoulder, " are you okay?" mom asked, while Logan walked up to judge Delano and introduces himself.

Logan pulls a chair beside me, "you good?" he whispers.

Nodding, I turned to judge Delano, "I've made a decision and I want to inform you about it." I started, looking at mom and then Logan, before nodding to judge Delano, who picks up the conversation.

"Jamie Scott has temporarily relinquish her guardianship on Jessica Scott." judge Delano started.

Logan turned to me confused, but his mother tapped my back lightly.

"What now?" mom asks, while my husband sat silently.

"Jessica is now a ward on the state and we will be picking her up after you leave here." judge Delano, informs us.

"Jamie, you need to delay this move now"

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