
Yellowstone: The Return of the Lost Brother, a Yellowstone Fan Fiction

Follow the story of Rips younger Twin Brother as he takes the fall for the death of their stepfather.

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Chapter 1 - Part 1

Chapter 1

- Part 1

-The Night of The Incident.

1992 (17)

My self and twin brother were born on an old pig farm in Montanna it was 1975 to a loving mother and the father well he was only around long enough to sign the birth certificate and other information then he was gone. Rip and I are twins but weren't identical twins, but fraternal twins, meaning we are just siblings.

Sometime later, our mother remarried. It must have been okay at the start. However, as Rip and I grew, we started to notice that stepfather liked to drink, and he liked it a lot.

It was 1992 and Rip and I just turned 17 we just had our birthday a few months ago however we didn't dare celebrate it we never did at home at least Rip and I got a few well wishes from Beth when we each saw her at school we would only go 2 days of the week to stay home and look after everything, Beth Dutton always gave rip something which I tease him about it was nice though rip always got a rare smile when she did those things I was happy for them even if Rip was clueless but im sure he knew more than he let on.

Tonight was good Rip got home later than usual and said he was helping the Duttons and Mother made a small cupcake for us to share for our birthday it was nice however there was just something unsettling tonight when we went to bed neither I nor Rip slept we were just laying on our beds listening to the sound of silence was deafening and I started to sweat that's when we hear a car pulling up to the house then the car door slamming shut next it was the front door getting hit with a few heavy thuds it was quiet for a second only my and Rip's deep breathing to be heard then the front door slammed open, Rip and I jump up with a start and went to our door to listen.

we started to hear stepfather from the dining room he was pissed, he started yelling and cursing at our mother calling her every name in the book he started to throw things around while yelling racist shit, Rip and I made our way silently down the hallway to peak into the dining room we saw just as he then threw my mother's old dream catchers it into the fire as it smouldered in the fire it was heartbreaking it was the first time we saw mother become engaged she kicked stepfather in the balls and hit him in the face.

Mother would try to celebrate our birthdays and tell us stories even when we weren't supposed to one of them was about the dream catcher that was from her family, and that's when I first felt something other than fear from stepfather after seeing mother strike back.

I started to feel my hope for freedom from my stepfather and that is when he retaliated and struck my mother, it was as if someone chilled my body it felt as if there was ice flowing through my veins it started as a tingling sensation in my brain and then into my scalp I then felt it move down into my neck and travel down my spine it was as if Ice flowing throughout my spine as the feeling passed my shoulders I felt it shoot out and travel like lightning throughout my body my fingers clenched into a fist and I toegrippeded the hardwood floor I shivered and as I watched mother gebackhandeded for the third time I knew it was now or never.

This wasn't the first time stepfather had hit any of us hell that was normal but after years of this and the derogatory abuse we have suffered at the hands of this prick everyone was done and everyone knew it too because tonight is going to be a fight for survival and rip and I sure as shit aint gonna lose.

While we were in the hallway after I felt like a firecracker my heart was beating and I could see everything I was getting pumped and Rip was as well I could feel it in the air that is when my stepfather yelled.






"NO? WEll "


I then see mother hit him and scratch his face and kick and try and fight him off but stepfather was tall and had broad shoulders



during the yelling match Rip and I looked at each other in a moment of recognition Dutton? John Dutton, we knew him because he used to buy a lot of pigs from us before stepfather tried ripping him off; we thought he was a fool for it after that we only met him a few times when he bought a couple of pigs he never ordered as much as he used to but enough to help us when needed, he was nicer than stepfather that was for sure

Stepfather just grabbed our mother by the face and I said to Rip

"one of us should try and get John he will help us"

Rip responded with a solemn nod

"Yeah make a run for the door if he catches you'll try and hit him we will have to fight our way out of here"

I responded

"If either of us gets the chance to run we run and get John the other will stall for time and try and help Mum it's now or never"

After the brief plan, I took off for the door the issue was thought the door was near stepfather and he had mother by the throat and forced her to lay on her back on the dining room table so instead of running for the door I ran it straight for him Rip called out for a distraction and with all my might I hit him and pulled him up of mum and slammed him into the table the legs buckle the table crashed down and I started to scramble for the door however the last thing I remember was being grabbed by the ankle and hearing mothe coughing witch was theovershadoweded by a booming voice


As I roll onto my back and try and kick his hand off my foot I see the wooden fruit bowl that John gave us for Christmas of course stepfather ddidn'tknow that,

we told him we made it during woodworking he said it was shit and not to make anything else anymore, that was my last thought as I was then promptly knocked out with it for how long I did not know

Rips Pov

Chris just lifted Stepfatherer and slammed him into the dining room table it was magnificent however I heard Stepfather yell something and hit Chris with the wooden fruit bowl.


As I ran into the kitchen I grabbed the heaviest thing I could see which was a wok I could hear Mother coughing and stepfather yelling and smacking Chris or Mother I wasn't sure

As I came back stepfather was still hitting Chris, after hitting Chris he stood up and looked down and over Chris then looked at mother, I also looked at mother as she tried crawling towards me into the kitchen he then saw me and yelled that I was going to get it next he then started to walk towards me as he passed mother he kicked her side so I threw the wok at him and ran at him and tackled him into the dining room table breaking it completely apart from the end near the door the wok landed next to Chris as we hit the floor I was winded stepfather was bigger than either Chris and me so as he got up he found the wooden bowl that was still holding after hitting Chris with it he hit me with it then dragged me of the broken table and threw me next to Chris as I was getting back up stepfather smashed a ceramic platter over the side of my head

[Switching Povs again ]

(Christopher Walker )

I was wakeing up and my head hurt while laying there i see rip is next to me but not moveing he was next to me bleeding and the wooden fruit bowl had blood on it at me feet but there were sgards of ceramic all over me and Rip, The kitchen table was broken I try shaking him awake but I could hear mother coughing and stepfather yelling in the kitchen i go over i can hear mother she is yelling and coughing saying she can't breath I run back to rip, he was not getting up I saw the wok on the floor I grabbed the wok and went back to where stepfather was with mother it is quiet now besides his labourers breathing I then sneak up behind him and with all my might I bring the wok down onto his head and he lets out a started yelp I then hit him again his head then bounces off the floor he then made a noise akin to a snort like a pug struggling to breathe i grab him by the legs and drag him off mother and see his nose was bleeding, he had scratch marks on his face and arms and blood on his hands but as i dragged him into the dining room i made it to the divider when I made eye contact him he snarled like a beast but he was missing teeth he tried saying sonething but just spat out broken teeth and blood

His speech was slurred with incoherent words being mumbled as he was like this

I decided to stop dragging him by the feet and I dropped them I then kicked him in the nuts to put him in as much pain as possible.

on reflex alone, he attempted to inhale sharply which had him choking, coughing and spitting out chunks of blood, teeth and whatever else his body decided to evacuate after taking such a traumatic blow to the testicles. As he was on the floor in pain after the kick, I stomped on his nuts again he howled, and with his mouth now open I scooped up the mixture of blood, teeth and bile with my hands and preceded to force it down his throat while doing this he tried biting my fingers he only had a few teeth so I stuck my four fingers inside his mouth and with my thumb under his jaw I dragged him away from the kitchen at this point he was screaming incoherently after dragging him by the jaw with I felt extend and pop in my hand I climbed back on top of him and proceeded to taunt him

"I'm going to kill you tonight, and I'm going to enjoy it"

His response was a smile and defiant eyes I didn't like that it was as if he wanted it.

However, I knew something I'm sure he didn't think I knew.

After this, I got closer to his face held his head down with my forearm on his throat and said to him with a manic smile

"After I kill you I'm going to feed you to the pigs and after that'll slaughter them and feed them to that slut you oh so like ill then kill and feed her to the pigs, and I oh so love getting 2 birds with one stone"

After this stepfather's eyes went wide and the hazy look disappeared and a look of survival and indignation came over him however he was in an exquisite amount of pain and I made sure to keep him there I hit his hand with the wok I then decided to finish this I climb on top of him and hit him in the face with the wok twice I stopped to see him and he spat some his last broken teeth and blood up at me his jaw was split open and I could see the pearly white bone of it so I started over again and hit him over the head and face after the 3rd hit I stop and check on my work, his face is bleeding everywhere now and when I strike it sounds more like wet crunching than anything else after the 4th hit he stopped moving but I wasn't taking any chances I paused to catch my breath

I leaned back and placed the wet wok on his chest and I wiped the sweat off my face unknowingly spreading blood over my face than saw Rip starts to sit up as he got up and saw us it was dark the kitchen light was out and the counter was casting a heavy shadow over us but he was highlighted by the light in the dining room I was too tired to say or do anything that's when he mumbled that he was going to get john I caught the john part as he turned and ran for the door awesome stick to the plan.

After a while of sitting on top of stepfather, I was about to get up I was on my knees and heard a groan from stepfather with no hesitation I swung the bloody wok down again and I heard a crack I then got back up to one knee and swung with everything I had left down and his head splits opened accompanied by a wet squelch along with something giving way I get up and with a scream, I brought my final blow and I missed his forehead and hit his mouth the pressure must have built up because to top of his skull exploded like a watermelon and it came apart blood and the squishy pink matter went everywhere the blood spray went up the counter for sure on me I had my mouth open at the time after my scream and I think I may have swallowed something as I was sitting on stepfather looming at the now half headless body I felt freedom and hope that's when I remembered mother.

I knew Mother didn't like sleeping with stepfather so I pulled Mother to the corner of the kitchen and pulled her into the pantry after this I felt sleepy as I was with her holding her in my arms she was slightly cold as I was leaning back against the shelf of the small pantry, I was coming in and out of sleep and I saw the sunrise and I could hear a few cars outside mother was cold now and I could know that she had probably passeI i was should cry but i was oddly happy that she was free she always said that if she dies she would be happy and free and that when she did finally pass she was going to be a wild and free horse.

I remember the men coming in and asking if anyone was in the house the shocked gasps at my stepfather's body and the orders to come out of the pantry vividly because I remember looking beside me and seeing the drying pool of blood.

The main thing I remember though is giving Mother a last kiss on the cheek and saying thanks, and goodbye, and that she can now be a horse born wild and free and to roam as she pleases in the fields and meadows mountains and streams of wherever she decides to go.

after this, I finally sleep after pushing the pantry door open.

Police Pov

We decide to go in as a team because the front door is open

They came in and started to call out

"Hello, it's the police we got a welfare check call saying that you weren't answering your phone, hello I'm going to come in and check if everyone is okay."

As we came through the door we first saw utter carnage it was like a tornado went through the room as we were going through and following the destruction there were small piles of blood on the floor mixed with the debris of the table and other things

When we see the first body there is lots of blood beneath the body and seeped everywhere

We call it in immediately

"1 body with bloodied footprints and a separate bloody trail leading into the kitchen we are going to need backup and an ambulance"

I then call "If there is anyone else inside the house come out now"

"Whoever is in that pantry open the door slowly or I will shoot"

After some quiet muttering, I see the pantry door open and I see a smaller woman lying in the arms of a young adult male

"Put your hands up now"

After no one listens I decide to wait for backup and the sheriff to get here soon.

When they arrived they approached the medical team and they pronounced the woman dead but the young man who was holding her in a hug was alive but weakly.

Police POV end.

While I was unconscious everything started to reply as if it were a nightmare

After I woke up everything happened fast almost too fast I just remember shaking and feeling cold for days, I didn't want to talk and I didn't want to even try and sleep with the nightmares about the night, I barely ate anything

After all this the police questioning started I didn't speak much the only time I spoke was when one of the clips who knew my stepfather because when he came in and started questioning me he wasn't subtle

"So Chris why did you murder your nice loving father" I didn't let him finish I went for him and when the cuffs on the bed stopped me from reaching him I yelled at him saying

"Nice? Loving? Fuck you don't know what the fuck happened or what happened in that hell, I want my lawyer or a defendant or my guardian"

The officer replies with a chuckle

"oh yes your guardian well as you may remember you murdered your loving father he was a nice man and a friend to me and the boys at the bar, you must have said something to anger him"

I yelled at him to fuck off and that he was anything but nice

He cut me off before I could go on a tangent and asked "Why did you kill your father? Did you enjoy it?"

I replied with a grin and exclaimed

"I enjoyed the sound of YOUR friend's head exploding like a watermelon under my steel wok and the sounds he made before I caved his skull in were like music to my ears, he deserved what I gave him he is no father to anyone of us what he was was a jailer no worse than that he was an emotional and physical abusing coward and his cries and pleas for forgiveness while I broke his face with my work brought joy to my very existence.

After finishing my tirade the officer gave me a sly smile thanked me and left with an ominous chuckle.

I wouldn't talk after that interview I didn't trust anyone it felt like everyone had schemes they tried to charge me with murder I didn't have a defence so I got a public defence lawyer In my defence my lawyer found out how my mother died and told me I cried that day in the room with the lawyer.

My defence lawyer argued it was justified self-defence because the stepfather was in the process of killing my mother and I defended my mother.

The prosecution then argues if it was self-defence then why did I do so much damage to the stepfather after he was already incapacitated?

My lawyer then tried to argue that it was a life and death situation and that my stepfather had already made an attempt on my life with the wooden bowl and was in the middle of killing my mother when I started to defend her.

The prosecutor then pulled out my police interview and replayed an edited version where it was just the officer asking why and if I enjoyed it and my tirade of a response my lawyer looked at me and whispered "You are fucked now, you shouldn't have said anything," I said they edited the video my lawyer asked for the full video they court ruled in their favour and said it wasn't needed and that this was enough.

After the hearings the judge charged me with murder tried me as an adult and scented me to life without parole I stood up and said to the judge that he and the police were all full of corruption.

Johns pov

Rip went to Yellowstone Stone in 1992 after the incident,

That night I was woken up by Lloyd one of my trusted ranch hands he said that one of the new ranch hands found human footprints in the field and followed them to one of the barns but we came to get you to see what we should do with whoever is in there as we arrive at the barn it is about 2 hours before sunrise and we arrive at the barn we head inside and found one of the 2 ranch hands had a freshly broken nose while they were holding rip down on the floor I immediately tell them to get off him and go back to checking the rounds while I talk with the boy alone.

After trying to talk with Rip for an hour only getting small replies I brought him to the bunk house and took him through the back door and into the showers while there I told him to take his shirt off so I can check if there are any major cuts he did wat I asked and I quickly checked for any major I couldn't find any I then told him "come sit on the stool so I can start cleaning you off" I made sure the water was warm and start cleaning his hair of the blood I ended up finding a decent cut on his head and mumbled "that'll need stiches" after washing his hair with soap and whatever else I could find to get the coaglating blood out after his hair and face where cleand I helpd wash his sholders, arms and hands after cleaning the blood I have him a towel so he could dry hus face I started washing the blood from his back next I didnt need to ask him Where all this blood come from I had my suspicions and if his brother wasn't here the shit that must have went down was not good."

Lloyd came in with a med kit and I told him to stitch the cut on his head after that we both left before I left I told him

"You can clean the rest yourself, don't worry about what happened we will talk later"

It has been 15 minutes and I hear the shower turn off so I go in to check on Rip he is sitting on the stool with a towel wrapped around him but looks dazed I gave him a spare set of clothes and took the bloody clothing and wrapped them in a thick wool towel and threw them in the bonfire I had Lloyd prepare at the front as I went back inside the bunkhouse Rip cam out and I told him to tell me the kist of what happened it's about an hour off daybreak now so I called the house a few times but no one answered so I left a message to buy a few pigs but no one answered, then I called a welfare check on the house

Still john's pov

I was waiting for information about Chris so I could help him however even been a week and I had only just found out that there was a court date set for today.

They were trying to push this through fast and it was suspicious I wanted to know why so I began to ask people to look into it, I was too slow to send out lawyers because the case was over so quickly the defence lawyer was shit and the prosecution had an edited police interview the judge working with the prosecution sided with them and charged Chris with murder and sentence was life without parole I was pissed and ordered only trusted people I knew who had connections in the state justice department and the police force to investigate this incident.

After a while I still wasn't allowed to see Chris they had him isolated and I was still investigating turns out the biggest piece of information came from Rips and Chris's mother wrote in her will that she had given everything to me and when Rip and Chris where old enough I could give them some of the will then she add the reason why she left everything to me in a sealed letter for me to read alone I read it to myself while in the meeting and it was a confession of love and an apology to having to burden me with all of the what happened and if I got this letter then she has passed to early to confess and be free, she said she didn't regret out small trysts and was planning a divorce but her husband was controlling and he had some friends who are businesses man call her about selling all the land they became more threatening over time, I was aware of being in her will we talked about it briefly and I should have helped her more.

She told me about the Becks but I didn't know it was this bad Lucky she recorded all conversations she had with the Becks when they had been trying to get her to sell all of her land and the pig farm and she kept telling them no in the will she left a recording of the last time she spoke with the brothers they left with a threat that they will have this land one way or another so she should have just signed over the property over now well have to to do it the hard way.

Knowing the names of the people who wanted the land and having heard of them trying to buy land from other people in the area I decided to start buying land as well however instead of buying land and kicking the owner out I would go into a joint deal and own their land and support their farms on it for yellow stone started to expand into not only ranching but farming as well this new land that I bought would go into management buy a new section of The Yellowstone estate called The farmland and the farmers I bought the land off became board members and united under us because we were united and had everyone support to not let city folk cone destroy the natural beauty and to force them out we decided to expand the farms.

After setting this up I had someone I trusted from the police department send me all the digital evidence there was the full interview, and the officer who did the interview was one of the people on the becks payroll and was told to become familiar with the stepfather and manipulate him into selling the land to the becks but because he isn't the land owner he had to become one so he started showing fake proof that their mother was cheating on him with me which we did a few times but this evidence and everything was fake and used to manipulate the stepfather into doing what he did so they could snatch the land up through the corrupt cop

Now for the other part of this cluster fuck the current Mayer his son is the prosecutor and the judge's brother-in-law is the police chief the chiefs son is the one corrupt cop who questioned Chris they all knew each other because they were all working for the Becks

During this time of investigation, I decided to take in Rip and train him as one of my ranch hands this was already his cover story as to the reason he wasn't at the house so why not make it true?

Throughout the time investigating and working on the ranch, I noticed Rip and Beth would disappear from time to time thinking they were slick He still took Beth to school 2 times a week as well as attend himself.

During this time I thought back to when Evelyn and I used to do the same thing and then the realisation of knowing what Rip and Beth were doing meant that Evelyn's father already knew everything so I started to laugh as well finally realising what the old man was talking about.

Flashback to a young John asking if he can take Evelyn out on a date

As I nervously approached Evelyn's father, I said my hellos, and then he gave me a nod i asked

" Can I take Evelyn to the fair as a date?"

"Why are you asking me for? you should be asking her; besides, she wouldn't listen to me even if I told her no *he replies with a smile and a chuckle. "

I gather the courage to ask something else

"Can I date Evelyn ?"

Evrlyns father started laughing loudly after 10 to 15 seconds of laughing. He replied

"Why the bloody hell are you asking me for? Again, go ask her if she's old enough to make her own decisions, now leave me alone, hahaha fool. "

After that, I found out why he had called me a fool.

While driving home from high school

" Hey Evelyn, do you want to go to the fair?"

"Of course, who else were you going to take?"

"No one?"


A while later, at the top of the ferries wheel

"Hey Evelyn, do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

She responded with a smack on the arm

"What are you talking about, fool?"

"So, no?"

" You think I would spend this amount of time with you think we're not a couple oh you are an idiot hahaha"

"So yes?"

"Oh my god, you are an idiot why ask? we've been together for ages already, so yes, it's a yes, hahaha."

Flashback ends

Still Johns pov

During this time I knew they liked each other and I was fine with that plus I could see the look in his eyes he loved Beth even if they were still in high school just like me and Evelyn god I miss her I knew she is cross if I messed with them she always loved the way we met and that we were each other first everything I also knew she would have wanted me to move on and to be happy and find another lovely lady she said it her self that if she passed suddenly to be happy and find someone supportive but do not forget to support the kids so I did what she would have wanted and helped rip fix a new truck working so he could go to school he asked why and I said that I want him to look after beth and not drive the old shit box as well as he needs to be at least somewhat educated Rio laughed and said okay.

Beth was smart too smart for her own good she knew that I suspected something but didn't know how much I knew and thought I asked Rip to keep an eye on her just in case she was smug when she thought this because it just helped them have more time together.

She was happy when she found out I would let Rip and her attend their last year of high school together and happy that Rip could drive them the 3 days they attended school because he has a better truck now.

During this time I talked with Rip about the pig farm It had been a while and we shut it down and slaughtered the pigs or sold them we then documented everything in the house and kept all of their mothers' things Rip torched the place and said that the land was Dutton land now and that he only wanted something to do with it then not with his stepfather's name attached nodded and we cleaned the place up the burnt house was cleaned out same with the pig pens and other sections of the farm we turned it into a plain field.

- Part 2

- Jail/ prison

-1992 - 1996 (4 years served, 17 - 21)

Chris Pov

When I went to court in 1992

I was charged with murder.

The first 6 months to a year were hectic but I had a phone call with John and he said that he will work on getting a retrial it's hard because the judge was corrupt and they had to gather strong evidence and build my case then go for a strong retrial but that interview will always be a hurdle to get over and may fuck me over again.

While in jail, I got used to the routine and was planning to work out while I was fit and healthy before, but now I had nothing else to do but train.

After 6 months there was a fight in the yard which happened between a white gang and a native American gang it was a brawl while I was watching I saw 2 white guys run up to one of the young native american kids after seeing something in his hand I ran after him and tackled him and fought him for control of the shiv after knocking him out and the brawl was coming to an end one of the older native americans came over to me and asked what I was doing I told him I'm half-caste and that one of them had a shiv and I don't know what to do with it so I asked if he wanted it he said yeah so I passed it off to him and he thanked me I said it was all good.

After this, I was called a traitor by the whites but I laughed at them and said I was half-caste that I disdain the white gang for thinking themselves better and that my racist stepfather found out that being pure white didn't stop me from crushing his head like a watermelon after this I was offered to join the native american gang but I respectfully declined to say if I lose my retrial that I am going for than ill probably join then they said good luck with the retail and they have my back until we find out if I get a retrial and win it. During this time I was kicking back with the young guy I saved his name was Mato meaning bear which I found funny because he was still a bit small he said he had time to grow turns out he is the son of one of the big shots outside and he was just doing small time because he stole a car and got caught.

I never did end up joining any gang officially during my time in prison, but I was good friends with them and Mato.

After another 6 months, I have been in jail for a year now and I had a meeting with John, he said they came up with a plan to get a lower the charge from Murfer to manslaughter in self-defence because even this new corrupt judge laughed and said that the previous judge was too blatant with this case, The new judge said that the deal is ill go through jail therapist and if I get clear from them before I turn 21 I'll join the marines for 8 years at least and that if I make it to join the marines ill discuss the military contract then.

After I got back to my cell I told Mato and all my other friends and word got around all these guys were friends with me and some were even marines themselves so I asked them for advice and to help me get into shape the rule they had I only knew why it looked familiar later when I join the marines it was reminiscent of drill instructors smile.

For the next 3 years in prison with the help of the veterans in the native american gang, I was trained hard for the Marines as well therapy helped me deal with a lot of things I wanted as hit-headed as I was and the vets explained that the drill instructors will be much worse and unhinged with their insults so I had to get used to it and not let it affect me.

During the final 3 years, I was taught everything they knew from the Marines and Mato got one of the older guys from up near Yellowstone to teach me how to speak crow because I told them that where I used to live he taught me but said that walker comes from the Nevada reservation of the Walker River Paiute Tribe and that they speak Numu he then taught me that as well he said before he came to jail he was studying languages and history of indigenous America and that after a drink driving crash where his friend died and someone in another vehicle was seriously injured he was scented to 30 years for manslaughter and DUI after learning crow and Numu from the old man I realised that u picked up on speaking languages fast some of the other marines around the prison caught on and started to teach me Spanish as a joke but that was easier than Numu.

This took 3 years of learning and training. I could have done talking with John every day when he came to visit. We finally got a retrial for late this year.

Retail 1

After 4 years it was 1996 and I had my retrial the judge followed the plan and had cut an under-the-table deal with (my) the Dutton's lawyers to lessen the charges from murder to manslaughter and with the help from my jail therapist sessions and new evidence got it dropped to excessive self-defence on the condition that I enlist in the Marines for the maximum enlistment contract off 10 years and after that, I am to have a retrial to see what happens next if I go to jail to finish serving my sentence or finish it in the marines, after the trial I finally saw rip again he apologised

"I am sorry I ran Chris. I thought you were dead. There was so much blood, and it was dark. You weren't moving,"

I replied, "It's a good thing you had got John and that he was the only one who knew where John's place was thanks to his apprenticeship not to mention it was always the plan for one of us to run to get John for help." I then pat Rip on the shoulder and chuckled while saying, "we are free from our stepfather. "

I then asked

"What happened to the pig farm?"

"I gave the land to John to manage after u took the things Mother treasured and then burnt the house down. we then removed the pig farm and the debris of the house just a plain field now."

"Good that's good, I want you to plant a bunch of flowers there and put some horses on there but I don't want the horses broken in just let them roam and leave the gates open for them to come and go"

Rip gave me a questioning look


"Because it was always mother's dream,"

After a moment of silence, Rip says, "

"I Want to leave everything that man had to do with me behind I'm not using his name or the last name he forced on us I'm going to use our biological father's last name Wheeler because at least he had nothing to do with this however my first name will be rip just like how everyone used to call me when we were kids."

I respond positively

" That's fine with me Rip. I want nothing to do with him either. I'll probably keep my name but take on Mother's maiden name. Walker"

A guard then tells us to wrap it up, and we say goodbye.

After a couple of months, I was now being transported to the Marine Core Boot camp.

- Part 3

-The Military

- Marine Core

- Boot Camp (1997

- Redcross, Africa (1998 - 2001)

- Afghanistan (2001 - 2004)

- Iraq - Fallujah (2004 - 2005)

Boot Camp

Boot camp was easier for me due to being used to the similar system I had learned and used while in prison after following the advice of the veterans.

After 13 degrading weeks, I passed no one was there at the graduation ceremony I wasn't expecting anyone so I just stayed on base and thanked my drill instructors and was immediately smoked for it, I then trained some more for the next few days before going to combat training for the next 4 months, it was Military Occupation Specialties after this it was 1998 and I completed my training and I was now a marine

Red Cross (Africa)

In 1998 I was protecting redcross operations and other aspects while in Africa that was when I got my first kill, it was during an escort of an American Red Cross doctor doing a regular checkup on people when we came under small arms fire from a building across the street, I panicked for a second until my superior officer kicked my arse into gear and we returned fire as we approached the building we prepared to breach and clear the house we swept the ground floor and went tgen stacked up on the stairs as we entered on the 2nd floor one of the bedroom doors slammed closed and we stacked up on it we where locked our team breached the door and I was 2nd entering the room both me and out squad leader shot at and killed the assailant who was kneeling behind the bed with the rifle raised at the door after we finished clearing the house the squad leader gathered us and said that this would not be the last time we do this.


After a few years in and around Africa, it was now 2001, and I was to be redeployed to Afghanistan. we had a couple of months of training for desert warfare, and then we were sent off

I have written to John and Rip over the years but there is only so much you can write about before it becomes repetitive and almost disingenuous so we slowed the letters down which was fine I made sure to express how I liked the letters over the years with only small updates and I in turn did the same it was fine like this

While I was deployed to Afghanistan the operation in 2001 most of the operations were in a manner of evacuation and smash-and-grab missions the worst day was when my convoy hit an IED it happened 2 months after being deployed into Afghanistan.

I was sitting in the back of the Humvee while one of the guys played the Bloodhound gang song Fire Water Burn I thought it was funny and we started jamming to hit singing together then I blinked and my ears were ringing and I was disorientated the Humvee was burning and our gunner was slumped in his turret chair which confused me because he was laughing and dancing to the song just before as I looked further to the passenger side front seat one of my friends was slumped forward, blood was coming out of his mouth I then felt someone pull open my driver's side door I grab my rifle and it all the sound and colour started coming back as I got dragged out other marines were posting up shooting towards the poppy field and after being checked over I was sent to post up and started laying down suppression fire on the treeline over the poppy fields.

It has been 2 years now since that incident and it's just become an everyday experience the scary part is not knowing when they will start shooting at you its 2004 and I am sitting in this dugout just kike everyone else watching duty, with the rest of the marines on base and I am bored out of my fucking mind I hate keeping watch in this dugout the sun is always on you, you can't hide from it and there is no escape.

As I look over the poppy field farm I am reminiscent of the farms back home and the long drives I used to take with Rip and Beth to school once a week when I joined them when I made sure Stepfather was busy and not at home so I knew mother was safe I liked the farm, not this poppy field shit but open fields of grass and crops hell even the ranch was good but I sure as shit don't miss the smell of pig shit by god I'm thankful for that I haven't eaten pork since that night of the incident mother didn't like cooking pork roast said it was too oily and gets stuck to the tray of course rip and I would help clean up but stepfather would make her cook and clean it because he knew she hated it sometimes he said it was his favourite meal even though we all know it wasent.

Thinking of this got me thinking of Rip and everyone back home letters have slowed down a lot not much to talk about when you both have the same routine except I patrol the desert and he patrols the mountains and ranch.

I was rudely interrupted when someone came over and kicked some sand into my foxhole and told me that there was going to be a muster tomorrow at 0600 I grumbled out a roger, the next day at muster the colonel addressed everyone saying some of us are receiving new orders and that those on the list are to stay behind, I was on the list that is when I remember I'll have to change my name later everyone just calls me Chris at the moment, later after the list everyone cleared out the colonial address those remaining "alright lady's pack your bags you're going you are going on a nice vacation to Fallujah". I couldn't help the shiver that ran down my back. I didn't know why, but I will soon

Iraq to re-enlist mental 8765

- Iraq

Fallujah (2004 - 2004)

- Battle 1 (2004, April - May)

- Battle 2 (2004, Nov - Dec)

Retrial 2 with prejudice (2005)

We arrived 1 week into Operation Vigilant Resolve or the first battle for Fallujah and it was already Fubar we were immediately placed into squads and we were doing different operations because I have learnt multiple languages during my time in Afghanistan it also helped that I have been learning how to breach and clear building for intell during patrols and raiding in Africa and Afghanistan, I can speak a fare few languages now NUMU, Crow, Spanish learnt in prison and Farsi in Afghanistan and I also learnt how to speak modern standard Arabic.

As soon as we went out for patrol there was always a gunfight it was non-stop if there was ever a front to a modern war it was here it was also strange because this was an active war zone but to the locals, it was an everyday experience there were open markets and shops it was bizarre and slightly depressing to think about life finds a way.

We went out on patrol in our Hummer going down a street and we started taking fire from down the street there was a muffled sound of someone yelling and then it went black and smoke started to clear the humvee ahead got hit and rounds started flying almost immediately after 10 15 seconds

I then leaned forward and told the driver to get past the lead Humvee to draw gunfire so we jumped the curb onto the sidewalk and passed the broken Humvee and onto the intersection of the road where the lights would be for the crosswalk on the tight intersection, we repositioned to try and shield it from the front we got hit directly from another RPG from behind and as I felt the pain and I tried to embrace it but it and let it was over me but it was coming in like waves.

I was still in the hummer but it was so bright I couldn't see or hear all I smelt was burnt meat and I gagged I Leand over and spewed somewhere then the sound came back it was almost impossible to hear myself things started coming back there pain in my back and my ears were ringing.

When I woke up and came around someone was trying to yell orders next to me in the back I turned my head and the gunner was down from his gun bleeding everywhere and the driver and team leader in the passenger seat were trying to get free from the seat belts from what I could see at least, I then looked to my right and saw the other members of my team slumped forward with bloodied backs I leaned over to check him and he was gone the team leader who was in the front passenger seat leaned over and checked me after this I came around and we devised a quick plan and it was every open window with gun barrel light flicker or someone hanging out of it gets a free 50 cal round the gunner was down and team leader told me to pull him back in and take his position we took him off his seat we put the black tag on him I then reached up and re-racked the 50 just in case and said readily.

There was still a lot of gunfire outside of the Hummer, and only the outside of the back windshield was on fire. No one else was on fire, thankfully, but the smell of flesh cooking wouldn't leave any soon

I poked my head out and saw gunfire coming from windows I started shooting but at most, I got 10 off and then it stiped I pulled back on the charging handle on the 50 cal and it was like the first part was a cough to get ready to sing and oh boy did she sing, I shot at every fucking window if I thought I saw a weapon or a flash I only stopped to reload it was as if some unknown god blessed this 50 cal to not fuck up, after that last barrage of 50 cal fire I saw teams of marine starting to breach doors my team leader just came out of the house on the corner we made eye contact and I picked up an empty belt next to the smoking barrel and shook it then showed a thumbs down he waved me over and I joined his stack to continue clearing buildings

While clearing the buildings I was always on the team leader's hip sweaping with him it was as if we were doing live fire training except we were collecting bodies it was slow smooth and methodical nothing was left unchecked rugs were pulled doors to dressers were pulled open people checked for wepons after gathering anyone inthe hous it was moastly empty of civilians though.

I remember everything clearly but the body cam footage showed more detail it was like an orchestra of violence and death every door we kicked open was checked we went in and after securing the rooms I flipped tables kicked in dressers and pulled up carpet rugs I would muzzle dump someone if I thought they looked suspicious or shot them if they had a gun on my last door team leader let me take point and as soon as we breached opened the door I saw a guy with a gun pointed at a kid in his arms.

He was yelling at us to lower our guns or he would shoot the kid, he aimed his gun at us as we flooded into the room and then he aimed it at the kid while swearing to say these stupid Americans can't speak Arabic and then he pointed his hun at me and that is when I shot him in the leg he was holding the kid to his chest while standing up his legs were exposed I shot him in the leg and then ran at him I grabbed the arm with the gun and pushed the kid and passed him off to one of the guys behind the man and I started asking the old man where the rest where.

He laughed I then smiled and laughed in return while I pulled out my knife while everyone was busy clearing the room I saw him reach for something so I cut his eye out his screaming caught everyone's attention with everyone watching I cut off his ear and made him eat it. While I laughed at him, I cut off some of his cheek fat, and as I forced it into his mouth, I was cursing him.

While cursing him in Crow and then Arabic and the old bastard recognised some of what I was chanting and he started to struggle I then started to talk to him his one eye went wide when I told him he was no longer going to his paradise because he just ate human meat he looked mortified and as I sat on his chest he started screaming I was then pulled up off him by my team leader some guys asked what I did to him to piss him off, I explain I cursed him in crow then explain what I did to him in Arabic so he understood what he will become a wendigo or in Arabic a demon will take him because he will not be going to paradise. I laughed and they did as well one of the younger marines recognised what I said and asked if I was native American I told him Yeah half mother was half and my biological father was full native american I learnt how to speak crow from some of the guys in prison he was surprised because his father is chief Thomas rainwater I told him that's cool and all but I don't know who that is but we'll talk more later.

I was on sick leave on an American base in Saudi Arabia somewhere after answering questions and writing a report of basically why I cut the guy's cheek, eye and ear off I said the heat of the moment he was reaching for his chest and we needed him alive so I made sure to disable him before his hand made it into his vest which was lucky because the team found that he had a grenade in his vest.

After this it was straight back out with no reprimand I was told I was changing from patrols to breach and clearing work it was compound to compound, house to house, door to door it was on one of these that I got caught and cleared a room but not fast enough and paid for it with a bullet in the liver I immediately shot him back and I thought I was fine but after a few steps I dropped and I remember trying to get up but a fellow marine called it in an abdominal wound he stuffed me with gauze and I was dragged out I couldn't walk it was like my nerves system was fucked I remember is waiting for the Jeep in pain and one of the boys said "Skinwalker got hit he should be alright I hear he is hard to kill" I don't think I have laughed so hard while in so much pain the fool.

After being driven back and checked up in the back of the jeep we drove in and went into immediate surgery they fixed my liver but they had to take out the appendix because it was inflamed and didn't want to risk it rupturing.

I was out of combat for a while resting up during that time Motega came by and carved a skinwalker/ leshy, deer skull on my helmet it was rough but good enough then I got a big tattoo on my back it was a skinwalker/leshy with a wendigo head in its hand and the corps of the wendigo next to it the monster was like an evolved or super strong skinwalker/ leshy thing I liked it ( the witcher 3 leshy ) the guy who done it was a kid who said he was going to art school after he finished his contract while waiting for my back to heal I asked if he would tattoo a wild horse upper sleeve so I had something to remember my mother he said sure and that he will draw something up and show me later after half a month he came back with this designed i liked it

( https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/17873729760041899/ )

While I was getting the tattoo done someone asked why I was getting a horse and I said it was to remember my mother everyone just gave a solemn nod everyone was cool with it I didn't care what they thought of it. To get the tattoos complete he worked through multiple nights on it and touched up my back tattoo as well as the other tattoos Marines usually get I paid him a fair, and as we were finishing the last touches on the leshy monster I asked if he wants to weave his signature into the tattoo somewhere because he is the artist and he should claim the art as his and that I'm just the canvas for this artwork he ended up weaving the signature as some of the blood down the forearm of the leshy that had the wedigo head.

Much later the artist would become popular and be one of the most sought-after tattooists ever and his art would sell like hotcakes, in every tattoo art piece he would hide his signature inside it somewhere, Sometime in the future a celebrity would get a tattoo of a garden and in one of the rose bushes he signed his name in vines in the corner of the piece when the celebrities eagle-eyed fans spotted the name in the tattoo she said that she knew he put his signature in the tattoo but didn't know where and that it's fine and that she knew about it and she liked it.

When he was asked why he put his signature in the tattoo, he said

"An old war buddy said that if I and the person I was tattooing liked the tattoo enough and were comfortable enough to tattoo the art piece, then why not claim it as my artwork,"

After a few days of healing, we were called to muster where it was explained that we were pulling out of Fallujah and digging in outside the city and that there would be a second fight for it however when we did not know after that announcement I was then given leave for a few days during this time I applied to take on my mother's last name which was walker so my name is now Christopher Walker.

During this time I met up with Motega Rainwater after a brief conversion about how I freaked him out because he wasn't expecting anyone to speak native american crow and at that curse someone in it he jokingly called me a skinwalker which I found funny and laughed as I told him "I already killed my father I'm halfway there " his face after I said that was priceless I have already come to terms with what happened that night a lot of the rage and indignation at being so helpless has been felt with during my 3 years of therapy in prison

He was shocked

Motega "You're joking, right?"

Me "Sure, however, if you count a stepfather as close enough for said ritual, then maybe not so much."

I chuckled and told them to tell me where he grew up surprisingly we grew up pretty close to each other it was just that he grew up on the reservation and I was on the outside, he then told me about how his father was the head of a reservation after the small talk I asked to have some peace for a while.

2nd Battle for Fallujah Nov - Dec 2004

Its June now and it has been 2 months since I was injured I have fully recovered from the injuries as well as my tattoos are fully heald and look good during the healing process I had Motega check on them to see if they were healing well because the tattoo artist had been reassigned before he left he told m to keep an eye on the tattoos like a fucking hawk and not let then get infected.

It was mid-way through June, and I was still nursing the healing of the tattoos. I was called up to the commander's office.

When I entered I was expecting disciplinary action to be taken due to the blatant tattoo code violation I had made no effort to hide what had happened to my surprise though I didn't when I entered the office the colonel and a major I only recognised one of them and he was the first one I saluted he was a certified Bad arse mother fucker Douglas Alexander Zembiec aka the lion of Fallujah, he was one of my commanders during some of the operations in the first battle of Fallujah.

After the proper edicate of saluting the major and the colonel the major told me to go to the meeting room with other skilled operators to assist in identifying key positions and areas where we experienced heavy combat and other information, as I was on my way out the colonel said alright we've got out own let's go ad well l, In the meeting room where I was sent a collection of special forces soldiers of all backgrounds from different British spec ops groups to American spec ops group all here to make an attack plan,

They were split off into different groups for different parts of the plan and they had other people going between each group making sure they knew what the other was doing with the updated information it was a well-oiled machine.

As I was standing there, I made eye contact with one of our guys, and with a smirk, I said

"Hey boys, looks like we are going to be busy for a while hahaha".

One of the smaller guys at the table in one of the groups called out

"Hey, don't joke about that. This shit sucks I can't feel my fingers, man, I don't even remember how long I've been in here,"

Everyone laughed and then we had a quick introduction for a bit after that I was organised into a group where we were to identify routes, strategic streets, buildings and other locations for both the enemy and allied forces. We also helped the group, which had to identify high civilian density places of gatherings, places of worship, markets, and other points of interest.

I was on the planning teams for 2 months from June to July during this time we had finished identifying what our group needed but there was still more planning to do however and a fair few other operators were reassigned and replaced with new people who had been scouting and gathering more intelligence on Fallujah, our reassigned positions were to create a crash course to help the soldiers become familiar with breaching and clearing compounds, buildings and other locations.

Creating a training plan didn't take too long. We just had to put it all down on paper and build a course.

For this, we used an abandoned village we got people in and set up wooded barriers that could be moved around to create different scenarios between existing buildings and the insides of the buildings.

This also took a month It is the end of August now and we have 3 months to drill as many soldiers as possible I was excited we were going to be running our boot camp and we weren't going to slack off on this although they know the basics we were now going to reinforce it and build as much as possible for as many people as possible.

We ran drills on split shifts every day and through the night for the next 3 months from August to October we ran team leaders first and when they understood properly they were to pass the knowledge on when they were in the field, we kept training everyone who will be a leader of a squad, platoon anyone who was in charge someone who was going to be on the ground.

We made it our goal so that at least 1 person on every second squad had at least someone run through this course I am not sure how we went but by the end of it my voice was shot for yelling and my brain was numb but it was November now and our 2nd round with Fallujah was about to start.

Once the 2nd battle for Fallujah was initiated, I was paired with the special forces group that helped train the soldiers, we were known as Breaching Squad 2.

Our breaching squad consisted of 14 people. I was in the 2nd position of the main building clearing team

4 breachers for setting and breaching 2 for support cover outside and 2 for the continuing of breaching the building.

4 man main Clearing team

4-man exterior cover and supporting clearing team


1 team leader with assistant

As soon as the power was cut, it was all go no brakes we set up and started clearing houses and compounds.

As I approached the door, I could feel the adrenaline surge through my veins like an ominous embrace, I remember this feeling like an old friend of the night when I was 17, I heard my heart in my ears and took a deep breathless breath then I felt a team member behind me tap my back signalling that those behind me are ready to go I was in the 2nd position on the clearing team. With the tap and another calming breath, I felt my mind and body sharpen, and I gave the team leader a firm double tap on the back, signalling the rest of the team is ready to go.

It is 2 am November 1st the electricity to Fallujah was cut yesterday on the 31st of October 2 am and no one knew what happened until we encircled and cut off all roads in and out of Fallujah, It is now 2 am and the silent early morning air was awoken with the sound of a Mossberg 500 loaded with breaching rounds knocked ln an unsuspecting compound wooden door.

As we enter the compund we hear yelling inside the house no one qas in the compund so me immediately press for the door we stacknup on ot and the team leader breaches the door into the house immediately i toss a flash band through the now open door and re stack up the flashbang pops and we enter team lead goes far left and i go far right looking for any movement their are stairs and a hallway to the back right off the ground floor i can see team leads IR Laser from his an/peq-15b thats mounted to his M16 rifle train onto the stairs as i watch the door just to the left of the staicase team memeber 3 enters and dose a sweep and focuses on the hallway leading off into the garage of the building i move and stack onto the hall way door and team memeber 4 enters and stacks with me we then enter down the hallway and into the garage and do a quick sweep no one was hear i hear a burst of fire from an M16 team member 4 and i double back and let everyone know that the garage and ground floor hallway is clear, as we make re-entry into the living room i train my gun on the door comeing off the stairs and team member 4 tapps my back and says he will follow me into the room and team leader team member 3 will hold stairs we then make entry while team leader and team 3 hild staires as i breach the door using my owen Mossberg 500 witch was cut super short i blow off the hingers and team member 4 throughs a flash bang and as we enter a woman screaming starded up she is their with a kid we do a check of their person for wepons say were comeing out and hand them off to the team outside to deal with we then restack ul and step over the now dead man on the bottem of the staircase and move up stairs at the top of the stairs you can see the gun on the floor there are 4 doors 2 on the right and 2 on the left with a long hall way between them team leader.

"Team member 4, stay on the stairs and watch the hallways while we check the closet door."

We then stack up with the team leader on door 1 and breach and enter and throw a flash inside after the bang we enter. There is one man in the corner of the room where I can see his hands

Hands Hands i yell in English then switch to arabic (Hands Hands now) he throws his hands up and we see nothing i then tip tie him and send him to get taken out of the house by 2 members of the back up clearing squad we bring an extra guy to watch stairs so its outlr full man squad breaching doors we enter the next room and it was the same after the bang we enter and a man and a women are their without guns we then zipntoe em and send them dow stair as squad 2 tem member 3 has moved up to the firest door held for a better position the other team escort ls them outside and we entrr the last 2 doors one at a time as soon as we pop one door the other door starts shooting theough his door and into the hall way I Immediately shoot back through the door and breach it with team member 4 while team leader and team member 3 are clearing the original door i do a sweep and see someone laying down behind the bed i tell them to come out slowly they listen i zip tie them and walk them out theast room ad a few kids inside and we walked them out after this we quickly seaexh the house and dind guns inside a few cabinets after this we exit the house and go next door and do it again rinse and repeat its 7 am and we've been doing this for 5 hours we have done a small section of this block with other teams doing the

Other side of the street some of these houses are just families living life others are the same and have weapons for self-defence and other times they are the people we are looking for and we get a good catch.

After this, we headed back to base and another squad took over as we pulled into base we did a debriefing about the house with the suspects and we wrote a report of how many houses we had one what we found along with the body cam recording.

It has been another 6 hours now and it is 1 pm I decide to go for some exercise and I run a few laps of the base while running I replay what has happened and want to get better be faster move better and move fluently with no clumsy mistakes after the run I do a light workout and head back and realise I'm going to be doing this all again tomorrow.

We go again and raid another set of houses every day it was almost getting repetitive but they caught on quickly to how we breached and entered so instead of throwing flash bangs we would throw a rock and if we got shot at I would throw a grenade in it was messy but it worked the thing that fucked me up though is when I was escorting the women out of the house to hand give her to the other squad the lady slipped in the goop on the floor and when she saw whoever it was she started to call rant and rave about us being demons and evil.

I just carried her out and passed her off. I had heard this song and danced enough times already.

on the way back to base through a street we thought we cleared we were shot at a few times we smoked the building staked on the door and entered with the intent anyone inside was likely hostile we breached the door and as we were going to push gunfire comes down on us from the other side of the street it stayed outside taking heavy fire or push inside we chose to push inside we throw a grenade and enter a man and women lay dead with a gun on the floor next to them as we enter

team member 4 was shit in the back from across the street we pull him into the house and as a team member 3 was performing first aid my self and team leader was watching 3 potential points of entry and I notice this was the same house.

I tell the team leader and he nods solemnly and we decide to hold until team member 4 is stable, radio chatter lights up we got a tank inbound to assist in the support they put a round into the top floor of the building that had all the gunfire coming from across the street.

Adter this another team pulled up and took eam member 4 and gave us another guy we clear the garage on botem floor rooms nothing as usual we the go up stairs an throw a flash ove to top and into the hall way we hear a yelp then a bang we rush violently up the stairs as we push i take the first door on the left and swing it immediately i see a man crouching behind the bed and immediately start shooting i get his chest a few rime then i hit his head and it came apart as i keep swinging to the closest i break it open and i dragged a lady out i take her into the hallway and call for 1 extract then we hear a small explosion and i kick the lady down the stairs as soon as i saw the guys rush in i turn and head for the far right room all others rooms are being cleared i see team leader on the floor looking up at the ceiling i then remember feeling as if i got punched in the chest and i drop and return fire at the bed because didn't know where it came from just that direction i shot at the corner that was against the window and as i get yp and push to make sure i see a lady with a gun slumped over dead.

I run to the team leader and he was all fucked up I put a turner kit on his leg, and gauzed anything I could, he gave me a solemn pat and said let us get the fuck out of here I call for emergency evacuation 1 soldier down we take team leader down and put him in the back of the jeep and it speeds off.

The team leader made it but lost his left leg and left arm he was medically discharged with honours.

After that every time i staryed clearing buildings it was with a cold heart and machine like calculations i felt nothing when i should have i became a machine of war during this time i was clearing a building and in one of the last rooms there was a man with a fun i shot him immediately then turnd and aimed at the woman who started screaming i then see the dresser move as it opens i see a gun barrel pointing at my face i immediately stopped training my rifle on the woman and transition to my pistol and shot into the dresser 3 times xoming up and one on target another 3 times i thenr open the door and see a kid with a gun slumped down bleeding and then the womans screaming erupted she ran at me and hit me i went to tie her hand behind he back when she lunges for the gun in the dresser as soon as she grabs it and turns around i shot her in the chest 4 times I reload my pistol and my m16 and my team memder 3 calls for medical assistance for a child this snaps me out of it and i started to check the child even though I was sure he would have passed already but i thought their was a pulse, I did what i would have done for anyone,

I kept working on him I felt a tap on my shoulder and remember saying "I have checked he has a pulse I felt one" Quick give me your first aid pouch, but I would later find out that I didn't and it was probably my own fingers puls because I still had my gloves on, so in the video I kept trying to save him but I ran out of supplies I wanted more but team member 3 said there was nothing left to do and that he has already passed.

After that, I wrote a massive report on what happened, how it happened, why it happened, why I did what I did

All I said and did was cross-referenced with my body camera video and my team member 3's video of what they showed, and if it matched what I said was happening in my report.

While they were watching the body cam video back you can see when the dresser door opens at high speed and something that looks like a barrel comes out of the door first and I immediately put shots into the dresser.

When you switch to my video you see the lady and then I suddenly turn to the dresser it is opening and the gun barrel in the dresser is there looking at me you can then see hands on the weapon but at the speed of what happened no one would have processed that it was a kids hand holding the gun because the dresser was being opened at speed and the first thing I saw was a gun being aimed at me and I shot him.

After that, I was put on base patrol for 2 or 3 days while they investigated and only went on VIP or intel snatch and grabs.

I was cleared of any malicious internet and the video showed that the kid had his hands on the weapons system and it was aimed in my direction, as for the woman she became an enemy when she grabbed the gun and went to shoot me instead of grabbing her child.

No one talked about anything that happened with me and that incident, just the normal banter carried on.

It's April 2005 and it has been 4 months since we took Fallujah I was pulled aside after muster and into a meeting room with a commander I thought it was going to be about the incident that was already dealt with and cleared l.

"Son, I had no idea you were in the Marines to shave time off your sentence now you have gained my interest so I looked you up and read everything I could as a "review and assessment of your character" Now I know everything that was in the case I read the file but it seemed odd."

"Yes, sir, it was odd. That is why I called them out for it in court but were dismissed. wonder if that was noted in the report. I know they fucked me over when the cop who interviewed me 2 days after the incident and before I even started to eat again started to manipulate and rile me up witch being in that high emotional state worked and I said a lot of shit turns out he was friends with my stepfather and he wanted to get me for murder there is a lot more to it than that but that's the most of it."

"That's interesting, and how did you get it from murder to manslaughter?"

"Well the fact that my stepfather murdered my mother while I was trying to defend her was one thing and the other is that he had a long list of previous reports of threats to kill us and more it's just he left a lot of tacks behind with intent and beatings."

"Well, that's good, and the new judge decided to try and fit you in the Marines, uh? Just like that?"

"Well, I'm not entirely sure *I said with a smirk if he read enough he would know I had Dutton in my pocket* but I think he was in the army and he also stated that the first trial was a fuck but he can not just let me off with a warning after serving tome already it mould make a lot of people look bad so he lowered my sentence from murder to manslaughter and gave me a choice 20 inside or 10 in the marines, I chose the marines."

"Well seems like our justice system is at the tip of its game" *he said with a smile whilst I chuckled he knew the judges were corrupt as fuck*

"Well you got 2 years left on this contract then you're going back to court to see if you do more time or if you served your time

"Fuck that, how do I sign back up?"

"Haha marines, first I am going to send you back home for another retrial but with prejudice, I want this cluster fuck sorted out and the charges dropped into a self-defence case this should be easy enough use these lawyers, you will still be enlisted in the marines so you will have to finish your 2 years after that re-enlist for 6 years at that time you be 16 years in the military than its 4 years and you can retire with bonuses at 40 hows that sound?"

"Pretty fucken good to me sir"

"Good now fuck off and make it happen, don't disappoint me kid you have potential and I want to use it,"

Freedom and re enlist mental

I am currently sitting in court, the judge asked me to tell my story, so I did. I was currently wearing my dress blues with the medals displayed.

I tell them my story and my accounts of what happened, and with old journals that my mother, RIP and I wrote down what was happening, and I came up to the night of the incident.

While retelling the incident of the night, I didn't include the parts whereby I had fed him his blood and bile mockingly; that would have been stupid. I said it was a flurry of blows, and when he slipped and fell, I had to make sure he didn't get back up because he was swearing up and down that he was going to kill me, my mother, and my brother.

Afterwards, I explained why I was going for another retrial with prejudice because of how the first and second trials were suspect, but the first was the worst by far. I explained and showed proof thanks to the help of the Dutton lawyers about information on the first judge and how the whole court was related in the first trial. The prosecution said it was murder, and the judge agreed without my proper defence. I was sent to jail for 4 years. Then I had a retrial where the charges were dropped to manslaughter, and I was given the choice: 10 for the Marines or 20 in prison. I signed up for the Marines for 10 years, and with good behaviour and excellent results or spending the next 10 years in prison, I chose the Marines.

The judge for this trial and the prosecution were gobsmacked at how the first judge handled the case and how the cops pressured a minor into a falsehood of administration just 1 day after the incident. Still recovering from the ordeal, I had asked for a lawyer and a guardian, not to mention they disrespected me by saying I killed all my guardians. The police officer showed me no regard, and the obvious conflict of interest considering he admitted to knowing my stepfather.

The retrial ended after a couple of days, and I had won. I was now a free man, technically I still had 2 years of the Marines to do as well, but I would be re-enlisting for another 10 years and following the colonel's idea; it sounded pretty good to me, retirement at 40, how many can say that?

After court, I went back to base handed in all my paperwork and cashed in my 30 vacation days.

While walking down the street, I came upon a store that sold some phones. I went in and bought a phone, and the cashier helped set up the phone and explained the basics to me. I asked if she wanted to grab a coffee later, and she said sure, but she has a crazy ex and not looking for a new one. I laughed and said it's fine; I'm only looking for a friend. Her shift ended after 20 minutes of hanging around talking; I was her last customer, and we went to grab a coffee from a local spot she knew. That's when she started to explain that she was trying to get back home and get away from her crazy ex-boyfriend who convinced her to move down here from Montana. I also learned her name was Alice. In response to that, I said that I was from Montana as well. We chatted for a few more hours, and it was getting late, so I asked."

"So do you have anywhere to stay?"

"No, I don't. I am currently living out of my car, trying to save enough to get back up to Montana with my parents. When I left, they didn't have a phone, or at least that I knew of."

"Well, drive me to a motel, and I'll rent a room for the night. Pack your stuff; we're going home."

She looked confused. "Why?"

"Because why not? It beats sleeping in a car. Let's go. I'm going to fly up there anyway; I have 30 days free, and I intend to use them."

Alice said, "Fine, let's do it. What else am I going to do? I'm stuck here. Oh, and by the way, we're going to have to walk; my car is dead, and it's probably going to be impounded soon. So, yeah."

We walked to her car, and she took out all the things she needed and wanted, mainly small knick-knacks and some clothes, a total of three bags.

"You got all you needed?"

"Yup, let's go, Chris."

We turned and walked off to the closest hotel. I asked if she wanted a separate room; she denied it and said the same room's cheaper. We took turns showering, and nothing happened. We slept and got ready in the morning and left for the airport. We arrived, got our flight tickets, and we were ready to go.

It was a 6-hour flight with a crying baby. After that, both Alice and I were done. I exclaimed to her that never again would I complain about flying with Marines. We both laughed, and she said she was heading back to her family's house. I said I was heading to a hotel to sleep. She offered me a room at her parent's place, and I said that it was okay and that I was fine with the hotel. Afterwards, she gave me a big hug and thanked me again. I chuckled and said that it was okay, and if she wanted, she could write me letters while I was deployed, and that she was going to be fine. She said okay, and that she would do that. Afterwards, we went our separate ways after we gave each other phone numbers.

The next day, I got up early and gave the Dutton ranch a call. I had lost John's phone number. After calling, I got put on hold, so I said screw it and hired a rental and called Alice and said that I'm going to the Dutton ranch, so I won't be available for the day. She said it was fine and that she would probably catch up with some of her old friends.

I then started the 4-hour drive into Yellowstone. As I was pulling into the driveway, someone was parked just to the side of a new bridge. I heard yelling, so I got out and went to check on what was going on. This blonde lady with a nasty attitude was giving some guy a verbal lashing over the phone. She then turns around and says,

"Who the fuck are you? Why are you here on Yellowstone property? Turn around and fuck off."

"Hahahaha Beth, never change. After what, 10 years, and you are still a bitch to everyone on their first meeting. My god, you are consistent."

"Fuck you. Who are you? You look familiar."

"Chris, is that you? What the fuck are you doing here? Come here, hug me. How are you out? Dad said he couldn't do much else other than wait. He didn't know how long you'd be gone. Oh my gosh, you got a bird and everything, hahaha. You know, for twins, you and Rip only share similar hair and beards, but yours is more scruffy."

"Yes, yes, yes, hello Beth, it's good to see you as well. We haven't spoken in ages. Let's head up to the barn house; I'm sure everyone has a lot to talk about."