

Once inside I felt more secure, yet the moment I took a gander at the window on my right side, I froze...


The window was about midway open and that was very bad. I knew if the window doesn't get raised up, that cat could get in. Nervously, I uttered to the driver, my friend. A man in his thirties with a medium-thick beard and some heavyweight. Another person was on the passenger side as well. A woman in her thirties in age too.

I'll give the name's of Bill and Becky I reveal to them very terrified, RAISE THE WINDOW PLEASE!!

Bill looks at Nancy through the rear mirror and sees that she looks very unsettled. He sees her looking out at something. He gives a quick gaze around staying put in the car but doesn't see anything alarming. He then says....

Ok but Why? I see you look scared or something, "what's happening?

Reclining sideways on the seat trembling, Nancy states with a boisterous voice;


There's a huge black greyish cat outside and it'll come inside unless you raise the window but you have to do it now!!!

Bill goes on obeying without questioning and raises the window. He leaves it only about two inches open.

It wasn't sealed how I wanted the window to be, but I felt it was ok since it was a tremendous size cat. Logically, I felt there was no way it could fit in a two-inch spared space. So I felt confident and very sure of things. Everything would be ok now.

