
Yasu's Adventure Through The Old Sky

Yasu is a relatively normal 14 year old until his best friend, Puff ask him to help her on a adventure little does he know he may one day make the sky fall. Will he be able to complete this adventure of or will he succumb to the sky, only time will tell...

UipoTheWorst · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs

Chapter 4: Welcome To Amethyst City

Finally at Amethyst City, it is a massive city and the capital of trading.

The port was filled with trading blimps and people.

Suddenly two men in suits walked up to me.

"Hey you got your passport kid?" asked the first man.

"Where's your parents?" asked the second man.

"I don't have a passport," I muttered.

"Then you gotta pay the 1000 Pyrites fee," the first man said.

Luckily I have a payment implant.

"Fineee," I groaned.

The two men took me into a large building, it glowed in a dark blue.

"Once you go in head up to the fourth floor and pay the fee at the desk," the second man said in a bored tone.


It took me way too long to get to the elevator.

"Are you here to pay the visiting fee?" The lady at the desk asked me.

"Yes," I groaned.

"Or would you like to buy a passport?"

"Yes, that seems more useful than paying a fee," I said.


It took way too long to apply for a passport and it cost way more to buy one.

"Excuse me are you a friend of Puff's?" someone next to me asked.