
Yasu's Adventure Through The Old Sky

Yasu is a relatively normal 14 year old until his best friend, Puff ask him to help her on a adventure little does he know he may one day make the sky fall. Will he be able to complete this adventure of or will he succumb to the sky, only time will tell...

UipoTheWorst · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: A Change

This sucks.

Why are there always salt clouds when I plan to go eat somewhere good.

Should I just go out anyway.


I forgot my parents aren't home.

I don't know where they are so I'll just risk it.


Well that hurts a lot, it feels like my lungs are made out of sandpaper.

I think I should visit my friend.

Wait... Where does she live?


I finally found her cave, I think it will be safe there.

"Hello?" I shouted.

"I'm in my living room," she shouted back.

She had dark red hair with pale skin and an iron tail on her backside.

"What's up Puff," I said.

"I'm doing good, WAIT WHERE IS YOUR GAS MASK," she yelled.

"I couldn't find it," I mused wondering where it could be.

"Next time just stay home," she said.

"You wanna go on an adventure," she suddenly asked.

"What kind," I asked.

"A long kind," she said.

"The thing is I don't know how to get out of this fortress though," I said.

"Don't worry I know how to," she said.


It's been five days, I hope we can make it out alive.

"Qo are you ready?" Puff asked.

"I think I am," I groaned.