

Meet Yaruko who everyone thinks has a mental illness--schizophrenia. She was sure that the voices she hears is from a real person. Or is it?

yaruuuu · Thanh xuân
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6 Chs


I sighed, as I stared at my hands--wet from the water bucket.

Jeez, it's so heavy.

"Yaru! Help me out here!"

I can't find a thing that's sharp enough to cut my skin. Dammit.

"No!!" I exclaimed to seemingly nobody.

"But why?" Kaye asked me, while trying to lift the heavy teacher's table.

"I'm sorry Kaye, I think I heard someone about to hurt their self" I said

"Who?" Kaye asked. Another attempt to lift the heavy table

"Honestly I don't know, I must be hearing things." I chuckled, shrugging it off.

Kaye shrugged as a response, her eyeglasses gleamed as the sunlight hits it.

"Okay now help me out here, will ya? My noodle arms aren't doing anything."

After a few scrubs and girly screams from the guys after seeing a spider, we finally finished cleaning our classroom.

"Shoooww...." Kaye said, chewing the sandwich in her mouth.

"So?" I asked in confusion

"Whut dija hear? I mheen speshifically?"she asked, talking with her mouth full.

Ah, typical Kaye

"Nothing. It's nothing." Again, shrugging it off.

To be honest I'm weirded out by it. I don't like it, not even one bit.

A knife, I need a knife to kill myself.

My eyes bursted open, "Please stop!"

Kaye looked at me in confusion

And that's where it all started....