

Meet Yaruko who everyone thinks has a mental illness--schizophrenia. She was sure that the voices she hears is from a real person. Or is it?

yaruuuu · Thanh xuân
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6 Chs

Chapter Three: Voices

These voices, full of hatred.

Piercing through my mind like needless.

"Damn! I'm late!" I say as I ran towards the door and hopped on my bike.

"Good morning Yari!" Chiso, my neighbor, exclaimed.

"Good morning Chiso! I'm running late, I gotta go! See you!"

She responded by giving me a thumbs up.

I started to pedal on my bike when I heard it again.

This feeling is akin to loneliness yet what is it?

I ignored it since I'm running late as I pedal all the more.

The light breeze touched my skin as I sprinted towards our classroom.

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.

I kept my pace as I see the door of our classroom. I hope Mrs. Lorico will not punish me for being late.

As I open the door, all my classmates looked at me—catching my breath. And Mrs. Lorico crossed her arms.

"Miss Yaruko." she stated

"Ma'am I'm sorry I'm—" my sentence was cut off.

"You know the drill young lady. Now sing in front."

Oh boy. I hate myself.

"But—" I started reasoning out, but then again, it was cut off.

"In front. Now."

"Yes ma'am." I sighed in defeat.

Hm, what sing shall I sing?

Sadly, I can't sing my lovely metal songs.

I decided to sing Therapy by All Time Low instead.

I cleared my throat which made my classmates chuckle.

"My ship went down in a sea of sound

When I woke up alone, I had everything

A handful of moments, I wished I could change

And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade"

I took a breath.

"In a city of fools, I was careful and cool

But they tore me apart like a hurricane

A handful of moments, I wished I could change

But I was carried away....

Give me a therapy, I'm a walking travesty

But I'm smiling at everything

Therapy, you were never a friend to me

And you can keep all your misery."

*Laughing maniacally* I'm going to kill myself. It's a great day to die today.

I froze in horror.


My classmates and Mrs. Lorico were  taken aback. Their eyes, as wide as  ping-pong balls

A blade, I found it. It's mine. I'm gonna die!

"STOP! NO! ARGH! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I started crying and crouched down as I cover my ears.

Kaye stood up in her seat and rushed in front to hug me.

"Yaruko dear, what's wrong?" Mrs. Lorico asked, full of concern in her eyes.

Some of my classmates stood up, wanting to see me, probably to gather rumors again.

*Continues to laugh maniacally*

"Please! Oh God." I don't know what to do but I still covered my ears instinctively.

"Ma'am, I think she's hearing voices again. I saw her do this before." Kaye said in a sad tone.

"Oh my. Call the school nurse at once! You, Carlos, please run to our school clinic and bring the nurse here as quickly as possible." Mrs. Lorico exclaimed.

I now saw on my peripheral vision that the students on the other room is peeking at the door.

I want to disappear

After the nurse came, she and Mrs. Lorico escorted me to the school gate while reassuring me that everything will be okay

After all the commotion, I was sent home by Mrs. Lorico and the nurse, they thought it was the best thing to do. She thought I was mentally ill. Well, she didn't say anything but I can feel her thinking it.

And to top it all off, they called mom. Yep. This day can't get any better.

I'm now in my room, waiting for mom to come home.

I cringed at what happened at school today. It was embarrassing as heck, I can't face myself in that school again. My reputation is ruined!

Or maybe they're somehow concerned about me?

Nonsense. They must be laughing until now. I'm sure they are.

Also, I feel super guilty that I interrupted our lesson today. Not just our lesson but also the other class beside us.

I covered my face with my hands and heaved a sigh.

It's now twelve a.m., I can't put my mind at ease, I can't sleep. I'm still waiting for mom to arrive home though. Because for sure she won't wake me up if she saw me already sleeping.

Stupid voice. Of all the people, you chose me? How unfair.

I crossed my arms.

I've got no one

Oh come on, not again!

I feel numb, forgetting how to feel, hoping to feel alive once more.

Wish I could find a reason to still be alive. I want to escape the pain

No one cares about me anymore

I am the  someone that no one would adore.

Why am I hearing this? Is it my inner thoughts? But I'm not suicidal!

But I somehow feel that it may not be mine. But who's voice is this?

I'm sure that it's from another pers—

I hear the main door open.