

Meet Yaruko who everyone thinks has a mental illness--schizophrenia. She was sure that the voices she hears is from a real person. Or is it?

yaruuuu · Thanh xuân
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6 Chs

Chapter Four: Late

The storm of voices are imminent,

I should take shelter


As I hear the main door swing open I instantly went there to check it out.

Turns out it was just the air.

I facepalm out of frustration and shut the door close. I gave up in waiting and headed off to sleep.

While I was heading towards the bedroom door, I heard my cellphone ring inside the bedroom.

Must be mom.

I was about to pick up the cellphone, and saw Kaye's name on the caller's ID. What does she want from me at this late hour? Probably to share some rumors at school again.

Oh Kaye, seriously, this late?


"Yaru! I'm surprised that you picked up the phone. Oh wait! Did I wake you up?"

I shook my head, as if Kaye could see me.

"Nah. Is there anything I could do for you at this late hour?" I raised a brow.

"No no. I just wanna check if you're okay. Are you?"

"Yes. I'm okay, thank you."

Ah, everyone loves Kaye.

"Okayyy.... let's go sleep now, Yaru, good mornight! *crunch*"

She's eating cookies this late again. That stubborn girl...

Again, I shook my head.

I dropped the call as I lay down on my bed. Thoughts about what happened in school lingered in my mind once more.

What would mom think about me? And worse, what would mom do?

After a few brain cramps, I fell asleep.




I woke up to the clinking sound whilst I rubbed my eyes at the same time.

What in the—??

I peered at my window as a pebble hits it, which caught me off guard and I fell down, butt first.

"Oww..." I groaned in pain.

I stood up and looked at the window once more. And guess what?

It's Kaye in her uniform.

Wait, if she's in uniform.....

"GOD I'M LATE! OHMYGOSH I'M SO DUMB!" I panicked, "OUCH MY BACK!" I exclaimed as I tried to ease the pain by rubbing it.

I looked back at the window. Kaye's laughing at me. I glared at her.

That dumbass.

I wore my slippers and headed downstairs and hoped that mom hasn't come home yet, since Kaye can't come inside.

"Yaru, good morning." Mom chirped.

Crap! And isn't mom late for work?

"Good morning mom." I said, pretending to be unamused. But deep down I'm nervous as heck.

"Where are you going dear?" Mom asked as I rushed towards the main door to let Kaye inside.

"Kaye's here." I simply said. And yet again, pretending like nothing happened yesterday.

"Oh! Okay." Mom said, smiling.

I walked out the house and saw Kaye looking concerned.

"You dummy, why didn't you come inside at the first place?" I said

"Well...ahaha, long story short."

"Spill it. Are you shy? Don't tell me you're shy with my mom. We've been friends for so long." I glared at her. "But why are you here? You're gonna be late."

"Yeah. About that..." she scratched her cheek, "I went here to check if you're okay. I'm very worried about you. I did some research last night and it says that you might have schizophrenia. Not that I'm saying you have it, but-"

"But low-key you're saying I have it." I butted in, "I may have it or not, I'm still the same goofball, Kaye. Plus you're not even sure that I have it. It should include other symptoms, not just hearing voices, don't be such a paranoid grandma. Now let's go inside."

"Yeah okay, I'll wait for you inside. I'll have a chat with your mom while I wait. I don't care if we sing in front together." she chuckled.

"Oh Katie, have a seat." mom offered a seat to Kaye

"It's Kaye, Mrs. Uyoga." she said, as gentle as ever.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kate."

Yes, my mom is smart and pretty slow at the same time.

Kaye sighed in defeat.

I chuckled at both of them. But secretly, I'm still nervous.

"Sorry Kate, Yaru's not going to school today. Thanks for visiting her though, sweetie."

I was shocked.

"But mom, why?" I asked, confused.

"We'll talk later, hun." answered mom , "Aren't you late for school Kate? I could drive you to school if you want." Mom offered.

"Can I at least go with you guys?" I said

"Of course hun. Let's go, Kate might be late, you could eat your breakfast later honey."

"It's okay Mrs. Uyoga, imma prepare my voice for later while Yaru eats her breakfast." she smiled

Oh really, Kaye? You told me yourself that your voice sucks. I laughed to myself.

"Oh shut it." she playfully answered to my chuckle.


We arrived at Eular Highschool in approximately five minutes. And Kaye hopped off as quickly as possible and ran towards the main building while shouting a quick thanks to mom and me.

I closed the door of the car. Me and mom are all alone in the vehicle now. Beads of sweat ran down my face as I looked outside the window. My heart pounding like a storm in my chest.

"How's yesterday, hun?" she asked

"Oh yesterday? Yeah, yesterday was, you know? It's, it's great!"

Wow nice acting skills.

"Mrs. Lorico and the nurse told me that you had a problem, am I right? What happened, dearie?" Mom stated calmly, which subsided a bit of my nervousness.

"There's this familiar voice, mom. I've heard it before. But it's in my head this time."

"What does this voice say?"

I kept my mouth shut.