

Hi guy just a quick message! I am starting a patreon!

Don't worry I will still be updating and everything, I will just be putting up chapters a day earlier there

Its just a way to make some pocket money, only 1$ (still trying to figure out patreon)

Love you guys


"This is a robbery!"

"You've got to be joking"

Cane was completely speechless, not only had he picked today of all days to make a withdrawal but also just in time for a robbery!? What are the odds?

Inspecting the men, he saw the flames coming out of the hands of the man who appeared to be the ringleader of the crew as well as the machine guns the other two were carrying who were now hearing the civilians into the center of the bank

"Amateurs…Great" he muttered under his breath, silently cursing his luck. not only did they only have three crew members which was a issue considering you realistically need two people watching hostages and another two for the actual safecracking and money grab, not to mention the getaway driver. On top of that the two men with the guns where clearly high strung and their fingers never left the guns triggers.

A scared gunman is always more deadly than a professional

Carful not to move and sett them off he watched as the ringleader and one of the gunmen ran off deeper into the bank while the third man was yelling and forcing the civilians to lay on the ground while taking their phones and jewellery

Eventually making his way towards the line that Cane was in he began to take them one by one, taking valuables and throwing them to the floor "hand em over!" he screamed pointing his weapon towards Canes face and holding a small bag

Cane began to slowly take out his wallet and phone before reaching in his jacket for his pocket watch… or at least that what the gunman thought he was reaching for

BANG Two shots rang out in the bank as Cane whipped out his pistol and shot the man in the chest, causing him to fire his own rifle. Difference was that while cane tilted his head to the side and only got a small cut on the cheek, the gunman got a bullet directly in the heart, killing him instantly

While the laying down people where screaming he wiped the blood from his cheek, he took the man's rifle and pointing it towards the door yelled "everybody out!" and that was all it took as they scrambled to their feet and ran through the doors nearly trampling each other in the process

Cane himself ran further into the bank as not only was he pissed at the would-be robbers for ruining his morning but also to avoid the police that would inevitably storm the building now that the robbers had no leverage

Having been a member of this particular bank for a few years now he knew the actual location of the vault he made his way down a few flights of stairs before arriving at a now open circular door.

Slowly stepping in and checking his corners he made his way in and listened for any voices…

"We're gonna be rich! I mean when you told me about this job, I thought you where nuts but GOD DAMN!"

He didn't recognize this voice as the one that had originally announced the robbery meaning that this would have to be the second gun man

"I told you! Easy snatch and grab! We get in and I get out with everything!"

That was the ringleader

"Yeah!... wait what do you mean?"

Cane felt a rush of heat from inside the vault followed by a lot of begging and screaming before the sound of footsteps began to get closer and closer to him, jumping into a nearby supply closet he hid and peaked out watching as the masked man he recognized as the man whose hands had been spewing fire walked out alone with two large duffels of money, he ran down the hallway unaware that he had a new secret admirer following his every step

Cane followed him through the building and through an emergency exit that connected to a small alleyway, seeing the empty car at its end that was missing its license plate he could surmise that was the getaway car as the man began to dump his bags into the back seat

Letting out a whistle and alerting the man of his presence he couldn't help but let out a smirk at the mans panicked expression at being caught

"Who the hell are you?!" he squeaked looking at the revolver that Cane had pointed at him

"Someone whose morning you ruined" he couldn't help but let out a grumble

"FUCK OFF OR DIE!" the man now screamed igniting his hands and pointing them towards cane

"You know… I don't think I will" he said softly releasing a small mocking chuckle

"RAHHHHH!" releasing a war cry the man shot an entire wall of fire towards Cane, he could feel the heat as it moved towards him melting the glass and cracking the brick within the alleyway

Giving a triumphant laugh the man watched the blazing inferno slam into the strange man… but his expression soon changed to pure shock

Once the flame disappeared instead of seeing a charred corpse he instead saw the same man untouched, not even sweating from the intense heat and unlike the ground near himself that was singed and blacked all the ground near man looked as if nothing had happened, as if their was never a fire at all

"Nice try" Cane softly said, like a mother would after seeing her child fail to walk for the first time before putting a bullet in the mans shocked face

Dialling a number into his phone and walking over the dead body and sitting in the driver's seat of the car he began to drive away

"Hello Damion? Do you still run that money laundering gang? I appear to have…found a large amount of dirty money"