
phone and drooling

Cane woke up to the sound of his phone ringing and let out a yawn

It had been two weeks since Jasmin ranting had escaped and returned to the facility, during said escape she is noted to have killed nearly a dozen guards before she had arrived at his house to deliver her gift.

The small plushie after being x-rayed by himself personally and checked for any types of poison or hazards was now sitting on his nightstand holding up his now buzzing phone as it released a light jingle.

After said incident Jasmin had been kept in a new heavily reinforced cell and he had been required to move from his apartment to another location for his safety before being allowed to return to his work

So he had moved… to the apartment across the hall from his

Now that the moving process was completed and security on Jasmin had been placed at an all-time high, he could once again begin her therapy

Picking up his phone and seeing that it was from the overseer of the facility he picked it up and answered

"This is Dr Barlow; how may I be of assistance Mr. Wilfred?" he answered and asked

"…So that's your name…" a voice that was clearly not that of MR. Wilfred answered. A voice that was much to light and soft to be that of a forty-year-old overseer of the catacombs… a rather familiar voice

"Ahh, Miss Rantin… might I ask how you came into possession of this phone?" he requested as he got up and put the phone on speaker as he began to prepare his clothes for after his shower. "I doubt the owner would be too pleased at the theft of property… wouldn't want you to get in any more trouble."

"He doesn't realize it was taken and if you don't tell him this conversation can be… our little secret Hehe" releasing a little giggle as if finding the idea of keeping information from his "boss" secret "besides I haven't been able to you since you invited me into your room…"

"Interesting interpretation of events because I seem to be unable to remember letting you in my home" he countered as he made his way to the bathroom "thanks to that I had to move apartments"

"My apologies" she responded taking on a clearly fake tone of regret "if you want, I can tell you where I had to move or even visit you in you r knew home" she whispered in a now seductive tone

"I already know the location of your cell" Judging from the audio she was likely in her cell right now if he was to judge from how there was a complete lack of background audio which would only make sense if she was somewhere soundproof "and I now live in room 207 of the same apartment building if you must know"

Telling a literal psychopath where he lived would normally be a terrible idea but judging from his interpretation of the woman, he had noticed one outstanding trait… she liked a challenge. So, by telling her where he lived, she wouldn't need to find it, reducing the challenge of killing him in his home dramatically and therefore reducing the chance of it happening due to her being less interested in that option

"Now then I'm sorry but I must hang up now, as I would rather not bring my phone into the water" he apologized as he began to turn pick up his phone and make his way to the shower

"I don't mind… we could facetime…" she countered with a suddenly childish tone

He hung up

He had work to get ready for

[Jasmin Pov]

Aww he hung up!

Oh well, I'll see him later today… whether he wants it or not…hehehehehehehehehe

Barlow huh… what a nice name

Sounds like he's getting ready for work, so I get to see him soon! WAIT he didn't want to bring his phone into the water?

Cain in the shower? Naked!? Wet and shiny!?

I can't help but drool at the thought.

I hope he liked my gift… he can be my gift

[ Alice pov]

1 more week until we can see Dr Barlow! Cane!

[7 days, 168 hours, 10,080 minutes and 604,800 seconds… 604,799 seconds… 604,798 seconds]

Ooooh I miss him so much, his black hair, his green eyes shining like emeralds in the sky and his perfect muscles that seemed to just show through his shirt…

[you're drooling]

We're drooling

I just miss him so much! I heard that he has a new patient! THAT BITCH! I heard she broke out of the facility and broke into Canes house! How enviab… I mean how barbaric!

[Nice Save]

Only we can have him, we love him! WeNEEdHIm! wE WaNt HiM! He'LL LovE US… BUt WE Wont FORce HiM TOO, No no no Any ONE whO HurTS CANe WiLL DIE!!

CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE

[normal pov]

Having gotten ready Cane made his way to the car and began the drive to his work, passing through the buildings he first made a stop at the bank to make a withdrawal, after all moving house was expensive even if you only move a dozen meters

Standing in the line to the front desk he was waiting patiently until suddenly three men rushed into the bank, one with hands ablaze and the others toting assault rifles


