


I sigh when the clock says there's 10 seconds left. I moved into the vault after it got painful being in the real world, it was like dying agonizingly slowly.

The moment I came in here there was a count down. 8 whole years in isolation. I actually enjoy the silence.

"Kaiya. Can I see you just one last time?" I look around and she appears with a smile on her face.

"Thanks for that 1001 mom." She gives me a gentle hug.

"Of course, honey. I just wanted to tell you I love you."

She disappears and my heart drops, I had more to say, so much more.

The blackness starts fading.

I think, despite circumstances these past 8 years have been just perfect.

I'm happy, going out like this.



I stand in front of the capsule. Rei's eyes open slowly. I turn around seeing Rin walk through the door with Toya.

I slowly help her out of the capsule wrapping the blanket around her body. She looks me in the eyes and I smile. She smiles back and looks around.

Toya runs to her and picks her up, "Babe, you had us worried sick. Are you alright?" He asks and she looks at him confused then at me. Toya and I look at her confused as well.

Toya puts her down cupping her face, "Hey, look at me, are you feeling alright?" He asks.

"I … don't know. Who are you?" She asks Toya who chuckles and jumps when she's serious.

"You don't remember me specifically, or you lost your memories?" He asks.

She shake her head and collapses.

"The pregnancy must be affecting her, plus we may have been using her blood to stay live. I thought I should tell you that." Rin says and we look at him confused. He's already doing that run for your life thing he does before disappearing.

" Relax I won't kill you." I calm his nerves so he won't disappear I need him close.

Why is nothing making sense anymore?

"Just tell us the whole damn story." I add as we take Rei upstairs to the room prepared for her.

"You guys have been asleep for 80 years. A lot has changed at the time. Civilisations came and went. We couldn't have you guys waking up to nothing. So, we found a way to stay alive using your blood. A decade past and we had no idea what to do.

"Another 10 years and nothing. The decades just kept coming and going and you guys weren't waking up. We heard Yachi disappeared a few decades ago.

" Oh, and you almost woke up 3 years ago, you guys should have woken up a long time ago, but Yachi bought herself some time by disappearing into the time vault. She delayed everything."

I lay Rei on the bed listening to Rin give us an update on what's been going on, at the end he hands us our new ID'S.

"I made sure I worked somewhere I could make your IDs legally. Your new names are going to take some time getting used too, but you won't believe just how much the world changed. We'll take Rei to the hospital after you guys agree. It's pretty close by."

I nod and Toya agrees as well.

Rin takes her to the hospital and I look at the receptionist confused. She has horns. The woman standing next to her is covered in scales with a reptilian face.

"Excuse my staring, you remind me of a friend." I say looking away.

What the hell did those idiots do when I was gone? Make Lizards and cows human?This has their stupid names written all over it.

"Oh, you must mean my son Speedy. He'll be here in a minute." The woman says excited.

Toya laughs at me and I glare at him. We wait for a while and Kendo is walking next to a Lizard guy.

"Kendo?" I walk towards him and it's not him, but the kid nods.

"Yeah, who are you?" He asks nodding his head up at me. If it was my old man he'd get a good whooping for his bad manners.

"Uhm, sorry you look really familiar." I take a step back sitting down. That is definitely not Kendo, maybe his son.

"Oh, he said I remind him of you. Are you boys sure you don't know him? He sure seems to know you." The woman asks looking at me concerned.

"I have seen him before. There's a photo of him and my dad, but he hasn't aged a day. My dad actually mentioned that he has a friend in cryostasis, maybe that's the guy, he must have finally woken up. Did he say his name?" I overhear the boy Kendo talking to the Lizard lady.

So, it is Kendo's son. I'm glad he's still alive.

"Hey, call your dad and tell him we're here, if he asks tell him Toya and Kai say so." Toya orders the kids around while we wait for information about Rei.

Rin comes out and Rei is right behind him. She looks well.

"Hey, are you alright?" Toya and I ask at the same time and she takes a step back looking at us confused. Then she turns to Rin who chuckles.

"You were not with them both. You're actually quite loyal. You never allowed yourself to hurt any one of them. Their just worried about you, that's all." Rin explains and she calms down.

"Did you mention the part about the pregnancy or do you want to overwhelm her bit by bit?" Toya asks and I clear my throat. I didn't think it would be best, we should wait for her memories to return first.

"I'm pregnant?" Rei asks holding her stomach.

"I sure hope so." Toya checks the clocks on her chest. There's two left, "Yup, totally baking in there. Who do you think it is? My money is on Kaiya." He says looking at me and I sigh.

"Then we're foolish for putting all our eggs in one basket. Can we please refrain from overwhelming her with that kind of information? She will remember on her own." I tell him still looking out for my Kendo.

"They will return if she's carrying Kaiya, but if not, they won't return." Toya gives me that serious look of his.

"What's your theory?"

"When she was pregnant with the last child I kind of felt like they were different from all my other children. The others took after their mother, but not this one. If that's who's baking in there Kai, she might not get her memories back.

"So, lying to her or withholding this information is really wrong, plus, you know what she's like. What will you say when the morning sickness kicks in?" He takes her hand and we wait outside for Kendo to arrive.

Rei does have the worst case of morning sickness. Does her body think Pregnancy is a disease or something? You'd think a healer would have it easy.

Kendo arrives and I am really glad he's still here. He's older now. Wow.

"Boss, man you really had me worked up taking such a long beauty sleep. Are you alright?" He asks shaking my hand. His manners got refined over the years. He's changed so much.

"Who else stuck around?" Toya asks.

"There's also Jin, Zero and Canvas. She has been such a great help, but unfortunately, she died 10 years ago. She gave me her last serum so I could stick around for our son. It's almost like she knew the birth would take her life."

He gives Rei a hug, "I'm so happy to see you. I was worried about you most of all. You'd be so devasted if anything happened to your kids."

Rei gives him a hug, "You smell nice. Got food on you?" She asks and Kendo laughs. She always asked him for takeout when I wouldn't go.

"You know I got you. Built your favorite place all over the world. No matter where you go you will always find a Ryuoir chain. Come on, kept the menu the same to." He leads the way and he orders all of Rei's favorites.

She smile when she tastes it for the first time all over again, "This is really good." She digs in complimenting every bite she eats.

Toya's alarm rings and he passes her a bucket. She throws up and I laugh when he shakes his head.

"What the hell did we tell you about stuffing her like that? You know she can barely keep anything down, you'll spoil her rotten after the babies are born." Toya uses a scolding tone and I laugh.

Something is different about him.

He looks at me confused, "What?" He trying to start a fight.

"You're different, you never laughed, not even at Rei's jokes, and she's funny." He looks at me suspiciously and I'm looking at him just as suspicious.

"Are you two together? You're very close." Rei says looking at Toya and I.

"What?" We both say at the same time. Disgusted does not even come close to how I feel.

She snorts, "Just kidding."

"I see your sense of humor is still intact." Toya says snatching the bucket.

Rei furrows her brow before purposely throwing up on him.

I laugh shaking my head. Her memories might be gone, but she's still the same. I wouldn't want her to change for anything.

"Really? You lose your memories but you don't lose that petty habit?" Toya says and Rei glares at him asking for the bucket.

Toya gives it to her and she throws up again.

"Dammit, I miss Kaiya, she'd just clean this up. I'm so mad at you right now just so you know." Toya says getting up to change in the bathrooms. There's an underground room here.

An entire underground city in fact.

We leave in new clothing.

Rei covers her mouth, "I hate a new car smell. I'll walk. I wish I had a bike. That one, let's go buy it." She pulls my hand running to the motor store across the street. I have a feeling she wanted to go there all along.

She touches every inch of the bikes and smiles.

Since when is she a motor head?

"We don't have any money, Rei. We'll walk instead okay. The house is pretty close." I offer my hand and she takes it opting to walk instead. We arrive at the house and she's in bed already. I sit down thinking about what Toya said.

I wish Kaiya was here too. I miss my daughter, I really hope she's the one Rei is carrying right now.