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OneFist · Hiện thực
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1962 Chs

White Hair

White hair is a normal part of life. Eventually everyone's hair will end up white. Over time, hair follicles, a part of the skin that grows hair, lose pigment cells resulting in the white colored hair.

Premature white hair can be a caused by multiple factors. These include vitamin deficiencies, genetics, stress, smoking, hair products/ dye, and or certain medical conditions.

If you're an African-American, you can expect white hair as early as your 30s, for Asians it's 25 and white people in their 20s.

Premature white hair could also just be hereditary and you can't do anything about it.

White hair progression can be slowed, stopped and maybe even reversed in some cases but ending up with white hair is inevitable. It is a natural aging process and should be accepted as is.

Nowadays quite a few people just want to have a different hair color than the one they were born with. So if you are someone who regularly dyes his/her hair, you don't need to worry about white hair.

The 50/50/50 rule used by dermatologists is that by age 50, 50% of the world population will have 50% gray hair. The actual numbers are however much lower, somewhere between 6 and 23%.