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OneFist · Hiện thực
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1962 Chs

The Blue Whale Game

All of this is based on information I heard a few years back. I don't really plan on researching these kinds of topics.

The Blue Whale Game caught a bit of media attention a few years back and allegedly caused quite a few teen suicides. The game takes place over the duration of 50 days where each day you will receive an increasingly difficult task. On the 50th day, you'll receive the final task, "Kill yourself". Allegedly by the time you've reached the 50th task, you'll be in too deep and will have no choice but to kill yourself. I'm not sure if the kids who actually did commit suicide knew what they were getting themselves into, or went through with it due to worrying for their loved ones safety.

I have no right to comment on this as I didn't even do a basic Google search, but suicide should never be the answer.