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OneFist · Hiện thực
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1962 Chs


Healthy guilt is any type of guilt that's directed at a behavior. It's the kind of guilt you experience when you know you're doing something you shouldn't be. One example would be staying up late at night and risking deletion. Healthy guilt is basically your conscience telling you what you should be doing.

On the other hand, unhealthy guilt is guilt that's unnecessarily directed at yourself. For example: when others try to guilt you using something that was entirely out of your control, you might get what would be considered as unhealthy guilt. It's what will eventually trick you into believing that these falsely directed accusations are indeed true. They're the things that'll bind you into a harmful relationship, force you to take on more work, and just slowly destroy your confidence.

The only way to get over constantly experiencing unhealthy guilt, is to first realise that you actually suffer from it. Try to view the source of your guilt from a different perspective. Maybe even find a few friends to help give you a second or third opinion on the matter.