

Centuries after the Great Reality War ended and the Reality Lines are at peace, New threats begin to appear. Kalani Ranel a 15 year old living with grandma is taken by a suspicious group on his way home. People who seem normal at first glance start forming Ice and Fire out of thin air and doing things regular people shouldn't be able to. Kalani is soon forced to join a organization known as NRPK for a week until tragedy happens. He must find out who his TRUE enemies are and the mysteries behind his past.

VenDangoSan · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


Under the hot sun lay Kalani Ranel, a slightly short 13 year old boy with black hair that contained a few white patches. He was laying in a empty field of grass that only contained a tree, some random rubble of concrete, and old rusted metal.

He stared into the sky as he gave a long yawn and stretched while pondering off for a few minutes. He looked at the bright blue sky for what felt like hours ignoring the outside world and all its noises.

Kalani then rolled around in the soft green grass and standing over him was his childhood friend Sarah. She was a tall tanned girl with short hair and also was 2 years older than him. She was very known and quite popular with everyone at their school.

Kalani made an attempt to roll the other way but was suddenly pulled up to his feet by Sarah before he could fully turn.

"Geez, you always get good grades yet you spend your time skipping school and getting into petty trouble, poor nana must be having a hard time dealing with your mess." Sarah said giving a pouty face while dusting grass off of Kalani.

Kalani put on a confused face and starting looking around as if he just have woken up, "Wait, this is not the school!" He said while giving a nervous grin and shrugging as if he ran out of ideas.

Sarah just sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck as they started walking down the field.

"Anyways how you know where I was at?" He said while giving Sarah's face a few fast pokes and swipes snickering.

"Well when I was walking home, me and my friends saw you going out the city on your bike, so I came up here and knew you would probably be in this field." She replied shooting him a suspicious glare then proceeded to lean on him with a little weight added.

"Looks like I have a stalker, oh how lucky I am to finally get senpai to notice me." Kalani started blowing kisses teasingly and folding his hands together.

Sarah sighed, gave him a little knock on the head, and continued walking.

While they made their way down the field, Kalani tripped on a old broken path made out of bricks and fell down a grassy hill landing in front of a forest full of weird looking trees.

He sat up and just stared into the forest as he suddenly felt a heavy pressure getting closer to him. The pressure was a suffocating feeling and felt as if someone was about kill him. It was approaching faster and faster with each second.

Just as the pressure was a few feet in front of him, he felt someone tug at his arm. He let out a terrified jump and fell backwards drenched in sweat.

"You ok, I was calling you but you wasn't answering so I came down here to check on you." Sarah said while looking at the forest confused. She helped him up and dusted him off for the second time while he just stared into the forest where he no longer felt that strange feeling he had a second ago.

"Weird forest under such a random hill." Sarah said as she started using her hands like binoculars looking into the forest.

The forest was nothing special in particular, but for some reason Kalani felt that there was something there. The reason of that was because Kalani's smelling is a little special and is said to surpass that of a dog.

He smelled the scent of multiple people and also the scent of a slight fire nearby. This fire was not ordinary fire due to the fact that the smell seemed to disappear right as he took notice.

"Guess thats enough for today, lets head back." Sarah said pulling Kalani up the hill as he stared blankly into the forest. She looked at Kalani and saw the concern on his face, so she put her arm on his shoulder and started walking at his pace.

Once they got back up the hill, they made their way back to the entrance of the field as the sun got lower.

They walked for a about half an hour in silence until they finally reached the city where they lived. Sarah lived right next to Kalani so they both were heading in the same direction.

"Sarah, did it feel like we were being watched when we were near that forest?" Kalani said after finally regaining composure.

"Nope, but I did feel like a clumsy weirdo was going to try something." She teased while acting scared.

~I guess she didn't feel that strange pressure, it felt like I was about to die~ Kalani thought to himself while walking looking at the ground.

Sarah stopped, then walked over to Kalani who was still looking at the ground kicking the nearby rocks. She suddenly lifted his face and stared into his gray colored like eyes.

"What dont tell me you're gonna give me a kiss, not right now I need to brush my teeth and eat a few mints." Kalani said attempting to ease off Sarah's worry.

"If you are being bullied at school tell me who they are and I will handle them!" She said folding a fist in the air.

Just as Kalani was about to deny what Sarah said, three suspicious looking guys approached them. Sarah turned around and looked at the them with a mad expression.

"What, you got some problems over here!" She demanded while holding up her fist.

Just as she started to walk towards them, Kalani hurried up and got in front of her facing them with a nervous smile while scratching his hair.

~I dont want Sarah getting in any trouble or getting hurt so I will try my best to defend her, Plus I can look cool doing so.~ Kalani thought while trying to look heroic but was showing his ulterior motives.

One of the guys walked in front of the other two and looked at him. He then stared at him for a few secs and gave another one of the guys a slight nod while walking to the back of the group.

"Please do forgive us messing up your date, but can we borrow your boyfriend?" The guy who was currently in the front said smiling while peeking behind Kalani.

"Boyfriend, Date? Listen here, He is not.."

"Of course you can borrow me, but isn't that something you should ask the person you are trying to borrow?" Kalani said while giving off a few evil smiles at Sarah.

The guy who was in the middle of the group walked closer to him, bent over so they can match height and smiled.

"Well you see If you just up and left while on a date, I dont think your relationship will last very long."

"I see, I will definitely keep that in mind." Kalani said nodding his head with reassurance.

The guy then went lifted up back to normal height and walked back to the the position he was standing at before.

"Well first off we are not dating, and secondly what do you guys need with him anyway." Sarah said with annoyance.

"It wont be long we just need to ask him a few questions about a case that came up nearby. When the case was reported, He just happened to be in the area at the time." The guy who was in the front responded with his hands behind his back.

"Oh sorry I misunderstood. Its just he is like a little brother to me and I dont want to worry his nana." Sarah apologized while eyeing the group.

"Friendzone? Nah I just got family zoned." Kalani said jokingly while wiping away his fake tears.

Sarah tapped Kalani on the shoulder and leaned closer, "Are you sure about this, I dont know about you but they seem highly suspicious." She whispered in his ear while peeking at the three tall guys.

Kalani gave a nod and walked over to the guys smiling while he waved at Sarah.

"Imma be back, you can walk home without me. Also can you tell nana I'm going to be a little late for dinner?"

The group then walked off with him as Sarah looked at them closely from behind.

"I forgot to ask them for their badges or who they work with, well I hope he didn't get himself into trouble again." She said as she walked in the opposite direction.

"I got a question, why did she have drawings on her face?" The guy in the front bent lower and said staring at Kalani.

Kalani suddenly burst out in laughter and continued walking with an evil smile.

"Oh I see." The guy said and also continued walking.

After walking for about half of an hour they stopped at a gate and walked in.

~This place seem awfully familiar.~ Kalani thought while looking around at the broken down buildings and vines growing everywhere. They then started walking down a path into a road surrounded by trees.

"So, where are we heading. I dont think any station would be down here." Kalani said while looking at the abnormally tall trees.

"Well you see, since we cant mess with the evidence yet, we thought to bring you here instead." The guy in the middle said reassuringly.

The sun was almost no longer visible so the guy in the back turned on a very bright flashlight that brightened up the path.

"Ehhh, for real, I thought yall can do almost anything. Must be with the JDSF huh?" Kalani asked while eyeing the guy in the front.

The guy in the middle looked at Kalani with a smile, "Yeah, they get real stingy about their case scenes."

Kalani slowed his walking pace a little and yawned, "Thats crazy, by the way, where's ya badges. I heard the JDSF always carry their badges."

"Well you see we left it at the station, Dont want it to get lost while walking down this path." the guy in the front responded scratching the back of his head.

"I see, Understandable." Kalani said continuing his walk once more.

After three minutes passed, He suddenly turned around and attempted to make a run towards the forest but just before he made his escape, he bumped into the guy who was in the back. The guy then grabbed Kalani's arm and continued walking pulling him along.

"Whoops that was close, cant have you running away now. The boss would've killed us if we let you go." The guy from the front responded from behind him.

Kalani noticed he was already surrounded and had no chance of getting. They continued walking while surrounding Kalani who now had his arm held by the guy who was in the back.

"By the way what gave it away, we did are best to hide it you know?" The guy who was in the middle asked curiously.

"Well you would've had me clueless if it wasn't for the fact that the JDSF doesn't exist. The only thing I know is the police and FBI." Kalani responded struggling trying to free himself from the tall guy's grip.

~Are these guys idiots or are they just playing dumb, there's no way they didn't know about the police.~ Kalani thought while looking for an opening to run.

Every few seconds Kalani would struggle to get away and fall onto the ground. He then would be lifted back to his feet and continue his previous steps of struggling and falling.

"Something tells me you are the guy that the boss is looking for. You know its not so easy to figure us out like you just did, and also dont worry, if boss doesn't want you, we will let you go." The guy in the middle reassured as they came to as stop.

In front of them sat a big wooden cabin that was still in decent condition that showed signs that it was being occupied. In the front of the entrance, there were two adults and one teenager that was standing guard while they wore the same tactical outfits.

"Wow its like trying to pull a brick wall, someone doesn't skip out on gym class I see." Kalani said sarcastically while he continued his pulling.

The guys in front of the building walked towards the group carrying Kalani and stopped them.

"This is the kid the boss wants?" The teenager asked while staring at Kalani who was now biting the guys arm who was holding him.

"Yeah so hurry up and open up, we dont want to keep the boss waiting any longer, and also we need one of you to clean the marker trail that the kid left behind." The guy in the front responded as they continued their walk.

One of the adults gave a snap while the other ran down the path where they came from. When they were inside, Kalani smelt a familiar scent that he already have smelt before.

Walking closer to them from down the hall was tall guy with a greenish blueish hair color and toned body. His face was also slightly scarred, Kalani could feel that this guy was different from everyone he saw so far.

"Why is he restricted? This is the bosses guest!" The guy shouted angrily while he approached them.

The group carrying Kalani quickly gave a salute towards the man and released Kalani towards him.

"Sorry, its that he attempted to run and we didn't want to bother the boss with the task of retrieving him." The middle guy said as they proceeded the step away.

"You guys sure are pretty bold to let go of me, If you gave me one more second I would of freed myself anyway. Also yall sure are being professionals at kidnapping." Kalani said rubbing his wrist while looking at the exit.

The guys walked back to the exit and started to guard it with a strict serious expression.

~There's no getting out of here now, might as well see what these guys want before I try anything else. They dont seem like they intend to harm me yet~ Kalani thought while eyeing the tall guy who was standing in front of him.

"You can call me Alex by the way and also I can assure you that no harm will come upon you, so you can feel at ease." The tall guy known as Alex said.

Kalani followed Alex down a furnished wooden hallway while looking around for an exit. He slowed down his walking until Alex was a few steps away, then he tried to run to a room nearby. He fell backwards as he bumped into Alex who was now suddenly in front of him.

"I wouldn't recommend going in there, most of these rooms are bait rooms and contain traps that you will undoubtedly be stuck in." Alex said while he started back his walk down the hall.

~But he was in front of me. How? What did he do? Am I drugged right now?~ Kalani thought sweating while following Alex once again.

They stopped in front of a door, and right after they walked in Alex got on his knees and bowed.

"We have succeeded in retrieving Kalani Ranel and is awaiting orders." Alex said with extreme loyalty in his voice.

~Sheesh what is this a cult, what have I gotten dragged into.~ Kalani thought as he walked around Alex.

Kalani walked fully into the room and there he saw a highly furnished living room with six people in it. The black messy haired teenager who wore a hoodie looked like he was sleeping on couch, but then he opened his eyes and looked at Kalani with very high interest.

Kalani knew instantly that this teenager was the boss when his eyes met with the teenager's strange abnormal eyes. Every senses Kalani had gave off signs that he was in mortal danger, so he fell back and started sweating while clenching his fist. Sitting in a pool of sweat, Kalani then got back to his feet, shaking but readying himself to run.