

Centuries after the Great Reality War ended and the Reality Lines are at peace, New threats begin to appear. Kalani Ranel a 15 year old living with grandma is taken by a suspicious group on his way home. People who seem normal at first glance start forming Ice and Fire out of thin air and doing things regular people shouldn't be able to. Kalani is soon forced to join a organization known as NRPK for a week until tragedy happens. He must find out who his TRUE enemies are and the mysteries behind his past.

VenDangoSan · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


When Kalani woke up he felt what seemed to be chains binding his arms and legs to the chair and table he was at. He couldn't see anything because a blindfold of some sort covered his eyes. Fortunately he could smell that there were 2 scents of people in the room and 2 more above him.

Someone pulled the blindfold like object off of Kalani's face and he quickly closed his eyes and pretended asleep.

"Is he awake? What, for real, this is early even for high ranks!"

"Sorry brat, but you are going to have to sit this one out. Also bring me someone capable of handling a S Rank"

"Yes Sir... and also its Agent L not brat Sir"


A few minutes later the sound of a heavy metal door could be heard being slammed shut nearby

"Well, we know you are awake so you can stop pretending. Your choices from this point on will determined how you are treated kid."

Kalani shot a quick peek around the room then continued to fake sleep.

"Seriously kid, you are not even trying to hide it. Get Up Now!" The stern voice repeated getting closer to Kalani.

Kalani quickly sat up and looked around the dark dusty metal room. The room gave off a scent of strong metal and old gunpowder. There was also many different smelling scent with different levels of intensity. The 2 scents above him started shifting around and came to a complete stop when it arrived directly over him. Strangely he couldn't smell anything past the door.

"Wow, you guys are killing it with the Interrogation atmosphere, so that mean you guys probably work with the NFP." Kalani said while shifting around the chainlike metal on him.

"Wait how can you guys unlock this I don't feel or see any lock on these chains? Don't tell me you welded these on me!"

Kalani started to observe the guy who was slowly walking near him.

"Also that arrest was a little aggressive and I feel depending on your choices a lawsuit can be avoided." Kalani said attempting to hold in his giggles.

A muscular bald man stopped in front of the chair and small table that Kalani occupied. He gave a little tug on the chains and looked directly at Kalani with a slightly sadistic smile.

"Kalani Ranel, you don't seem to understand the situation here. This isn't a negotiation or interrogation"

The bald man man leaned closer to Kalani and his eyes started to glow a dark reddish greenish color and the tangy smell around him started to smell more sour and more intense. He was about to reach for Kalani until the heavy metal door opened.

The smell got less intense and the bald man backed up a little and went to talk to the other guy that entered. After a few seconds the bald man left and the new guy who was a middle aged looking man with dark gray eyes and long lazy hair. He smelled like a average guy but there was a smell that was calm yet abnormal about him.

"Sorry about him, he was making sure you were not getting any dangerous ideas." The guy said in a lazy yet chill tone.

The guy came over to Kalani and fiddled with the chains on Kalani until they all came undone.

"Had to get those things off of you, I know how uncomfortable they can be."

Kalani rubbed his arm and looked at the man who sat in front of him giving a long yawn.

"I know about the good cop bad cop routine you can quit the act, also why am I here? I had nothing to do with the people who kidnapped me."

The guy sat up and the calm smell around him suddenly got more damp and then it disappeared.

"That's a relief because I didn't feel like interrogating such a young kid." The guy mumbled in a relieved tone followed by a relaxed exhale.

"My apologies, I didn't tell you my name. I am Agent Levy, but you can drop the Agent part. You're here because you are suspected of being a terrorist, but since you stated you were kidnapped and you don't seem to be lying then we can move on."

Kalani looked around then gave a quick stare to the ceiling above him. The ceiling was made of metal tiles but it was deteriorated from long term use.

"You wanna tell me about the two above me, you know I can smell them right."

The smells above him quickly disappeared and Levy looked upwards then back down.

" That's a strong nose you have there, what ability is that?" Levy said leaning closer to Kalani and stopping very close at a uncomfortable distance.

~This guy is smart, not only he is reacting to satisfy me but he is also trying to change the topic to remove my interest from the people above me.~ Kalani thought while chewing on his lip with a drop of sweat on his forehead.

"Ability, hmm, Never heard of it."

The calm abnormal smell surrounded Levy again as he returned to his original position. He then sighed as he put his hand on Kalani shoulder while looking at his closely.

"You're Lying Kalani Ranel." He said in a serious yet exhausted tone.

~They must have some sort of lie detector somewhere nearby. I better tell the truth, they mean business. I can just tell for some reason, what have I gotten myself into again.~ Kalani sighed and looked at the guy while sweating intensely from the rooms vibe.

"Well I'm not lying when I say that I don't know, the terrorist guys said something about do I know what an ability is and when I said I don't know they started talking nonsense about F lines this and that. I think they were on some type of drug and drugged me with it beforehand. I remember seeing fire and ice stuff, invisible walls, and dark water."

The vibe in the metal room lightened and the scent disappeared again but even more this time. Levy sighed and started laughing followed by him standing up. He walked over to a wall near the door and knocked 7 times.

A button quickly popped out and Levy pressed it before a small boxlike opening appeared. Levy reached in the hole and pulled out a weird device that looked like a very fat smooth white pencil.

He then started to walk towards Kalani holding the strange looking object.

"Woah, hey I told you the truth I swear. I know you work for the CIA and all but there is limits to what you guys can get away with."

Kalani quickly stood up and backed up into the wall as Levy got closer while tapping the device.

"Calm down Ranel this wont hurt, this thing will help you understand the situation better." Levy attempted to reassure as he approached Kalani.

He then grabbed Kalani shoulder and poked his forehead with the device. He held it there for one minute and pulled it off.

In one minute, tons of information flowed into Kalani mind explaining things that seemed like a dream but was very much real.

When Levy pulled the device away Kalani was quiet for a moment chewing his lip then shot his head up to look at Levy with an excited expression. He started pacing around the room back and forth.

"I KNEW IT! Powers do exist, well they are called abilities. Who would've guess that the multiverse exist, although they call it Reality Lines! Bad name by the way. But I spent 13 years not knowing this, if only I known sooner I would've been studied and stopped all worlds crime, Sarah would've been so impressed...."

Kalani stopped abruptly and quickly looked at Levy.

"What's your power! You gotta tell me, you just have to!" Kalani pleaded while circling Levy poking parts of his body.

~F ranks are usually scared when they find out about all this or flat out deny it. How do he seem so happy?!~ Levy thought with a sweat rolling down his head. He then cleared his throat and sighed.

He pushed Kalani away. "Now that you are all caught up, can you explain the deal with your nose and why the Xenverions kidnapped you?"

Kalani stopped and gave Levy a concerned look. "Wait a minute, that's true. If what you showed me is right and im from a F rank line... What would a Xenverion, the rare unobtainable rank want with me, a kid from a F rank line?"

Kalani tapped his nose and looked excited for a quick second then disappointed.

~Wait do that mean my nose is an ability~ Kalani thought while he returned to his seat.

Levy walked over back to the wall and put the device back into the wall and clicked the button from before; closing the hole. He then knocked on the wall 6 times and the hole reopened. This time when he reached in, he pulled out a black bulky pen. He then walked over to the light and turned it off.

Kalani returned from his deep thought and was greeted with a quick bright flash of light. Blinded he started rubbing his eyes in pain as he heard the wall close back up, light turn back on, and the metal door open then close.

~Its not like I was gonna run or anything that was uncalled for!~ Kalani yelled as his head looked upwards towards the 2 smells that was there previously.