

Daily life of Arek. The only human on earth which DOESN'T have an ability. What a goofy ahh boiii! ...and will go through worst pains...

Vitz_The_Snake_Bun · Thành thị
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

Narrator: Hey. *he leans over to YOU yes YOU and says curiously* What's that behind your ear?

*he takes something from behind your ear, you can't hear aymore, Narrator makes a pose as if gasping, and then shows what he just took, it's feels as if he was saying "It's a hearig aid!" all excited and filled with glee*

*he bends backwards as if he was laughing before he stands normally as if letting the air out of his lungs, but who are we to know if he truly does that, we can't hear him, he then leans over to you and puts the hearing aid back behind your ear, you can finally hear again, he says gigling* Sorry guys.

I just had to do this. *he goes back on his armchair*


You are here.

*nods closing his eyes* Hm.

I'm glad you are.

*looks at you again tilting his head happily* Hope you're not one of the hate watchers. 

I'm trying to create sum nice stuff over here so yeah.

By the way... *opens his arms and makes them into claws* Why!?... *makes them parallel and poimts at ground* Why do hate watchers exist in the first place?! What's so good about watching what you don't like anyway?! 

*puts his head on his hand using it as pillar and shakes his head* I seriously don't get people who watch Velma.


*shrug* Eh.

*looks away* Not my problem I guess. 

*looks at camera* Not anymore.

*he sits straighs* What a shit show. *and pulls out a VHS tape*

*thinks for a sec putting hand on his chin* ... Hmm... 

... No, I hate it... It hurts every time...

*looks at camera* Unrelated anyway. 

Now... *he tries to put the tape into the player*


*but he fails, his hand is trembling fearfully*


*he lets it down with a painful sigh looking down*


I wish... I could hear them...

At least, one. last. time... *he puts it in the tv, the room fills with slowly fading but blinding light*

This is not a fairy tale...

(you are on a palace balcony, the wind whistles so delicately, as a young crowned, ornamented and rich person looks upon his obliterated kingdom, ??? is slowly pacing around him, in the background you hear "in my way")

???: *walks around the place so calmly* You were a good king...

King: But was I?

*turns to ??? angrily and puts hand so gracely at himself* Look at me!

Fallen into ruin!

*points open hand at what's left of* My kingdom is in pieces.

*looks down sad letting his arms down* I wasn't able to save it from you.

*tears appear in his eyes* Only several soldiers and citizens are left alive...

And that's not all... I wasn't able to stop

Leael from sacrificing himself...

I wasn't able to stop those idiotic noblemen from killing Isabel... *you hear grief in his voice*


She, You, Leael, Xair, and Syndra.

*as ??? slowly walks behind King he turns to him to look it in the eyes* All of you have done so much for us.

*looks away defeated* But those people... It's hard for me to call them that way, they're less than animals... Ravenous beasts...

*madness takes him a bit, he smiles opening his arms and looking up trying not to laugh* And I wanted their happiness!

... *he calms down*

*turns to it as ??? Stands in front of kingdom* K... no... you monster.

Please, kill me...

???: Thank you for calling me that, I deserve no better name... But are you sure you want me to kill you?... Yes, you're not perfect, but at the same time, there is no one else more competent than you...

Not to mention that not you, nor your army, ever had a chance against me...

King: But I didn't stop the nobles. *puts hand on his heart and screams into his kingdom* AND I COULD'VE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT!... 

*stands defeated and looks down* I don't want to live in this world... It's too much bloodshed for me...

???: *stops as he walks right behind the King* Please, re-think it...

King: *shakes its head* There's nothing to re-think... I had enough of life, I would die either way in few years, so there's not much to lose...

Please kill me...

???: *sighs letting its head down* ...Then your last order shall be done... *turns and looks at him* I'll give you the least painful death I can...

King: But before you do that. I have something important to tell you...

???: (curious) What is it?...

King: Xair and Syndra have gone to the east to raise an army against you.

???: I figured that already... They probably won't be able to defeat me anyway...

King: But that's not what I'm afraid of, looking at the way of the people from east, they will be first tortured and later killed...

???: WHAT!?!?!? *its breath speeds and he falls to his knees clawing it's hand through it's face*

King: They left a day ago, so if you hurry up you might be able to save them.

???: *calms down a bit* Okay...



King: Go. Save them. I don't want their death either.

???: *stands up* I will... For them, I will do anything... *walks up to King* and I won't do the same mistake again...


*prepares* Goodbye... my friend...


King: In next life... Would you go on an adventure with me?... *??? puts his hand against King's head*


???: Yes... 

*King falls and his on his back breaking his hea-??? caught him before it happened, crown falls off of his head*

???: ...In all honesty... *slowly lets him down* I wanted you to live in my perfect world... *it takes the crown and puts it back on its friends head, it turns to the edge of the balcony and climbs on it*


*it clutches it's fist, and grits it's teeth*

*it takes deep breath and screams*


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*jumps as hard as it can towards east*

Arek: *wakes up with an unsmile on his face*


*sighs closing his eyes* And another one...

*opens them* Then why did you kill him?

He maybe would've want to live again with new found purpose...


*shakes his head out of it and says angrily to himself* Goddammit, what am I even doing, talking to someone in my dreams?

*gets out of his bed angrily*

Let's get moving. *takes the important stuff with him and goes first time in a long while to make breakfast, his expression changes, he says happily* This shall be the healthiest food I've eaten in ages! Its beauty shall outshine every other healthy food I have eaten throughout my entire life!...


Or I could just make a sandwich with nothing... *deep thinking (=-=)*

Well the choice is obvious. *he makes a loaf of bread with nothing and eats it with giant smug on his face, he's sitting on chair as his sister is making an actual breakfast for herself*

Amy: (bit angry) You wanna die of hunger or what?

Arek: *shrugs* I'm just going through my phase.

Amy: *rolls her eyes* Oooczywiście...

Arek: *points at Amy with open palm and says with problem in his voice* No ale what are you pierdolen about?

What's your problem this time? *she waltz up to him*

Amy: *and leans to him forcing her finger against his forehead* Take better care of yourself idiot.

Look at me and mom for example.

*stands back straight* We find time to do stuff we like.

*puts weight on rear leg and raises the other to her shoulder* Like sleeping.

Arek: *tilts his head raising his eyebrow and smiles* That a family curse?

Amy: *looks away crossing her aarms* Yea.

*rolls her eyes and looks at Arek* We all love sleeping too much.


As I was saying. *points at Arek* Yo*interrupted*

Arek's mom: You should take better care of yourself. *she just walked in she's like some kind of celebrity that appears and takes all eyes on herself*

Amy: *glances at her* Thanks for saying that.

Arek's mom: *nods walking up to Arek* Hm.

Arek. *looks at him with that irresistably cute smile*

Arek: *frowns failing to fight back* Mmm...

*sighs letting down his whole upper body*


*looks up with frowning angrily* So it was you who I got it from.

Arek's mom: *gigles guilty* Mm-hm.

So? *opens her arms and waits*


*Arek sighs and hugs her making his mom trap him in her arms*

*Amy is just looking at them*


Amy: *scoffs looking away and says* Ale wy jesteście! *hugs the two of them*

Żeby mnie tak zostawić na lodzie...


(some time later in a forest)


*you can hear Arek and Hubert approaching at high speed screaming their warcries*

Arek&Hubert: shitshitsHitShITSHIT! *they fly on a piece of metal with Hubert holding Arek in his arms, dodging trees in a massive slalom, hunters in black chase them through the trees*

Hubert: *looks back terryfied* HOLY FUCK HOW ARE THEY KEEPING UP?! *he says it as he looks at the two pieces of shit jump faster then he flies*

Arek: *even more fucking terryfied points before him* DUCK!

Hubert: *turns* WHA!?*drops down dodging the massive branch* FUCK TOO CLOSE!

*one of them jumps on that branch*

FUCK IT! PLAN B! *jumps out of Hubert's hands* 

Hubert: *looks at Arek distressed* ARO WHAT THE FUCK!? *Arek still mid-air swings his rod at the piece of shit*

Arek: GET FUCKED! *blocked, but it makes hunter drop on ground, Arek is quickly pulled by Hubert using his power on rod* DAFAQ?!


Hubert: *glances at Arek before going back on road* DON'T FUCK WITH ME LIKE THAT BRO!

Arek: *hapi shrugs dropping the rod as Hubert creates platform under him* But hey it worked!

Huber: *glances at Arek again* DON'T "BUT HEY IT WORKED" ME NOW!

Arek: Fair enough. *other hunter jumps at them unnoticed, he's taken down by a headshot to sphenoid by someone, their armor turns on but they drop down either way, Arek and Hubert look back scared*


*confused raises his eyebrow* U what?

Hubert: *looks forward again* Must've been SFL or Peace.

Arek: (realization) Oh yeah.


*a granade is thrown up right in front of them*

Hubert: (thinking) Shit... *he tries to make a cover with metal as it explodes, managing to block some damage* 

Both: GAH!

*they drop down onto the ground painfully*


Arek: Uuuhhh...*gets on his 4's* U okae br*the ground under them colapses, they fall into the inside*OOO!

*Hubert creates a bouncy metal right before they fall to their death, they fall on it and bounce a bit*


Arek: *he's lying down exhausted just looking up at the light and green* Nice one Wolfy... *the entrance is a small crack, but on the inside it's a giant cavern*

Hubert: *same* Thanks Boss... *the metal slowly disappears and they lie down on what seems to be moss*


Arek: It's nice to lie down like this...

Hubert: Yeah... Moss is just comfy...

Arek: Tho a bit wet. *gigles*

Hubert: *smiles* You're right on that one Boss.



Arek: Sooo... When are we getting out of here? *blink*

Hubert: I just need to replenish a bit of my soul power. 

Then we can get out of here. 

Arek: Gocha.




Hubert: So we just gonna lie down all this time huh?

Arek: I mean.

I'm not complaining. 

Hubert: Me neither... 


When you gonna ask May out finally?

Arek: *blushes oppening his eyes wide in shock and smiles uncontrollably* Bruh...


*shakes his head* It's not that simple.

Hubert: What do you mean it's not that simple?

You go up to her and say "Yo, May. Wanna go out on a date?", and she can't say no because she fucking wants that too!

Arek: *shakes his head delicately closing his eyes for seconds* You don't get it Wolfy.

It's not that simple.

I love her. Really f-ing hard.

Hubert: Well isn't it more of a reason to ask her out!?

Arek: (genuine) You don't get it Wolfy!

Hubert: Hm... *he shuts*

Arek: She's so fucking kind! So warm! So gentle or silly or a bit more attacking, and ALways when the time is right!

Her hair is so fluffy and shining!

Her skin so smooth and delicate to touch!

Her smile so beautiful!


She smells like the lilac flower!!!

You get it!?!?!

And she smells like that just naturally!!!

I... *shakes his head delicately* 

I can never! Have enough of her!...


The moment I ask her out... Has, to be perfect...



Hubert: I'm happy for you Aro.


Arek: Thanks...



Wolfy: Sup?

Arek: One day.

You will meet someone who you're gonna love so dearly too.

And then you'll get just how magical love is.


They might be great. And you might've always seen them as great.

But the moment love steps IN...

They become perfection...

And their flaws like some bonuses...

Hubert: Really?

Arek: Yeah.

I mean. May was always perfect for me... Now, she's a literal demigod in my eyes.

Hubert: *cracks up smiling* Nice.

Arek: It's nothing to laugh or scoff about Wolfy.

*he takes a deep breath*


*and sings* 

Because of lo-o-o-oo-o-ove... We're gonna cha-aaange... 

Because of lo-o-o-oo-o-ove... We're gonna cha-aaange... *stops singing for a sec to say* And it's just so so much.

Because of lo-o-o-oo-o-ove... We're gonna cha-aaange... *and stops again* And is feels sO GOOD!

Because of lo-o-o-oo-o-ove... We're gonna cha-aaange... *and again* You just NEVER! Want it to stop!


Hubert: Hm.



*sits up and turns to Arek* So how do you find that someone?

Arek: *does the same and shakes his head slowly with that distressed smiling open wide eyes look on his face* Absolute RNG. 

*tilts his head looking elsewhere as his expression changes to raising his eyebrows* You can boost it with tinder and going out tho.

Hubert: Guess it makes sense.

Arek: It always does. 

*looks away nervously* Okay almost always. 

Anyway. *stands up struggling, Hubert stands up too* That's enough of that. *Arek spins left and right like a dog that tries to get the water off of himself but this time it's moss*

This was nice. *laughs closing his eyes and bending back*

Hubert: (covered with more moss has the -_- on his face) Yea... 

Arek: *pokes Hubert at his side with elbow and one eye closed, all happy and filled with jokes* Ay. Bro. Comeon. Your turn.

Hubert: *sighs painfully letting his arms down*


*takes a deep breath and does the same as Arek, Arek tries to protect himself from the moss attack while belly laughing*

Arek: Alright then! *points to the sky excitedly* Let's skiddadle out of heree!

*some small and tiny rocks fall down, Arek gets curious* Hm?

*a hunter falls down with their armor on, they look at Arek and Hubert*

(distressed, still with same expression tho) Oh... 

Crumbs... (Narrator: Hey to those who know the reference.)

Hubert: *turns on his armor and aims his gun* AREK STAY BACK! *shoots several times, Hunter dodges it with ease and summons a chain throwing it at Hubert, it wraps around his leg* 

GHA! *before they pull him to themself and with a flip kicking him down into ground that breaks a bit, but Hubert just grabs the piece of shit by its leg and pulling it down from air, it smashes down painfully before Hubert stands up summoning guns to his hands and blasting the shit out of them while running away to a steep and wet slide*

DIEEE!!! *they dodge it backflipping away, they summon a chain which they fling at Hubert again, only this time he catches it and pulls them to himself instead, they try to use that force to kick Hubert from mid-air but he dodges it, they start to exchange punches, Hubert keeping his guard up punches only straight while Hunter tries to put in several kicks as well, they manage to kick Hubert away making him loose balance before they summon "holy lights" to smite him from above, hubert makes a pointy shield above himself, the lights bounce off of it to his sides giving Hubert a moment to summon a sniper rifle, the tides have turned, Hunter stops focusing on attacking and is now trying to dodge the powerful soul gun shots jumping to Hubert in a zigzag matter, too bad Wolfy's a good sniper*

ONE IN! *he shots them in the shoulder* 

TWO IN! *and leg as they are mid-air, Hunter summons chain again and fling it catchong Wolfy's rifle, Wolfy manages to get one last shot in missing the armor core by milimeters*

DAMMIT! *Hunter shoves the gun out of Hubert's hands and then jumps in taking the beams of light into his hands, they proceed slashing at Wolfy with them like double-sided shorts-words, Wolfy summons his spear trying to slash him from far away making long swings and slide-steps, he jabs, but Hunter swings their sabers up and forces spear out of Wolfy's hands into air before dashing at him with an X-slash*

AAH! *Hubert falls down disoriented and weak, Hunter summons a chain flinging it at Hubert as they jump back and with that force they take him into air stopping themselves in process, they fling him around like a rag-doll before they force him into ground with a giant slam, they finally strike him with "final judgement" a MASSIVE light from the sky raising some dust in process, you can hear Wolfy's armor turn off*



*they walk up to the pile of roc-A SHOT to core of Hunter's armor, it breaks and de-summons, Hunter immedieatly strikes Hubert with "final judgement" again right before they drop on their knee and breathes heavily, they raise their head and summon light to their hand and slowly walk up to Hubert*




(pain-filled voice) Come on... *Hubert raises himself slowly, he's covered in dust and bit of blood, a stream is going down his face and eye, yet, he stands, and puts away the piece of metal that took damage from "final judgement"*

That all you've got?... *he says it still standiing strong*

*Hunter grips the light-blade harder before he-JUMPS away from a metal rod coming from behind, it gets stuck in stone they're standing on, he turns and sees XenoX standing powerfully in front of entrance to cavern, first rod in his right hand, second in his left, and third in his teeth, and his eyes filled with excitement* 

XenoX: II AAM DEEP FWIED CUWYGE! *he rushes down on Hunter like a madman* ANN AN APPWWW PIEE OF ANGWYy! *he swings his rods so predictibly yet powerfully the Hunter can only dodge, XenoX uses his whole weight to make everything around him move as he spins, with every single strike being more powerful than the other*

HA! HA! HA! HA! HAa! *and he keeps on going, Hunter tries to swing up->down at XenoX, but he with force of his rods fings himself around them managing to get strike on Hunter who was already running away*

COME ONN THENN! COME ONN! *Hunter loosing hope tries to defend themself from XenoX's slashes, his blades slowly disappear, he creates "last final judgement" over XenoX that-He blocks it with crossed rods and one eye closed just for style points, then XenoX X-slashes up->down Hunter knocking them away and breaking their arms as the blades disappeared from that attack*

*Hunter on his knees tries to look up and-he sees only rod in XenoX's jaw swung at his head, he's knocked away, he stands up quickly-FALL-almost falls but stands straight and-WOLFY'S bullet pierces through their lower spine, they fall on their face immedieatly*


*Arek walks up to Wolfy as he stands up constantly looking at Hunter*

Nice one Wolfy. *raises hand for fist bump*

Wolfy: *stands up looking at hunter* Thanks Boss. *goes for the fist bump*



Arek: *looks at Hubert* Let's skiddadle outta here.

Hubert: *looks back at Arek* I was thinking of the exact same thing.

*they walk up to Hunter and take him under their arms before they start walking to the exit*

Arek: Nice fight bro. *looks to his right*

You did good.

Hubert: Yup.

Arek: (concerned) Oh but sorry for the spine tho.

*looks at Wolfy* Wolfy say sorry.

Wolfy: *rolls his eyes* Yeah yeah whatever.

*looks at Arek* It's not like she can't heal him up you know. *belly laughs*

Arek: *closes his eyes and nods to himself* Fair poit, fair point. 


*And Hunter*

*is hanging there*




*some time later they hardly crawl out of the hole and sigh with relief letting the Hunter down for a bit*

Arek: *breathing heavily he opens his arms to bask in the light of the day* Finally!

Hubert: *he's using his arms as support on his knees* Yeah.


*looks up at Arek* Pizza?

Arek: Hmm... *nod and unsmiles* Yea.

We deserve it. *looks at Hubert* Pizza. *some people take them from behind with chloroformed material, they try to scream and fight but they fail in seconds... you can only see darkness from there*


*Arek wakes up his vision is still blury, he immedieatly wakes himself up opening his eyes wide and taking on a deffensive stance all distressed*

Hubert: *distressed looks at Arek* Oh! Bro chill we're safe! *Arek's vision starts to get better, they're in a nice cozy room with fireplace, Hubert is all stressed out sitting on a couch beside Arek holding him dy his arm, AdC are in front of Arek sitting together in an armchair just looking at him, Arek breathes heavily for a bit before he finally lets his guard down closing his eyes and sighing with relief and facepalming*

Arek: Jesus fucking christ.

Okay. *nods to himself exhausted and sits down properly taking hand off of his face*


*deep breath, siiighs letting hish ead down*


*looks up happily and smiling* Hi guys. *looks around at his team*

You mind telling me what happened.

Hubert: Peace agents took us from behind with chloroform. They were trying to make least possible noise, *looks away* so, yeah. *and back at Arek* That was the safest option. 

Arek: *puts hand on his chin thinking* M-hm... 

*shrug* Maybe that's why my guts didn't give off a distress signal right before that moment.

*points up and looks at his squad* Speaking of guts. I am having the entire day very very bad feeling. 

In the beginning, I thought it was caused by the thing in the woods and everything but, it didn't stop.

Hubert: *a bit scared raises his eyebrow* That's not good? 

Arek: Yup. *smiles uncontrollably* It's actually more bad than it always is

But one thing I can say for sure, *stares into the void* "Impending doom approaches...". *Aiden whispers something to Cynthia*

Hubert: *drops his hand* Nah, you just played too much Terraria bro.

Arek: *makes a begging pose with claws as his hands* But it's just too good! *May comes in, she looks a bit down, Arek jumps out of the couch opening his arms happily before he starts getting concerned* MAaayyy... Um.

*reaches out to her scared* U okay?

May: *looks away nervous* Yeah, just a bit tired from... her.

Arek: Mmm... *opens his arms smiling* Want a quick recharge? 


*she just hugs him, no questions asked, Arek gets even more concerned and frowns, he hugs her tighter and rubs her back*


*she smiles a bit, Arek can't see it tho so he keeps going like hell* (Narrator: I LIIVEE for the wholesomeness!)


Hmmm... What do you say we go to a cinema guys? 

We could watch some nice horror.

May: *excited pushes Arek to look him in the eyes* YESSS! *her's are sparkling like stars on night sky, she forces herself in Arek's arms again*

*Hubert makes eyecontact with Arek, he has that "Told ya" look on his face, Arek just rolls his eyes*

Hubert: *shrug* Not the biggest fan of horrors.

I'll just do my own stuff waiting for you.

AdC: Same.

Arek: Oh. (thinking) They're giving me the green light.

(speaking) Well.

*raises his eyebrows smiling and looks elsewhere* If you say so I guess.

*takes out his phone and looks at it* Hold on is there actually anything good out there?

May: Let me see. *she tries to turn but Arek doesn't let her, he keeps hugging her hard*

Umm... Arek?...

Arek: (angery) Oh hell naw. I ain't not letting you go until you're all nice and warm with happiness.

You're too huggable anyway.

May: *sighs blushing*


Okay. *hugs him again* (Narrator: Yes. This is good.)


*Gaaasps! happily and lets May go with one hand :( to let her see his phone* I found something!

May: *mumbles the desctiption to herself and her smile is getting only wider and wider*

It sounds great!

Arek: Yiss! *makes that pose that you do when you say "yiss"*

*opens his arms at his team* Well what are we waiting for?!

*makes his hands into fists and jiggles them excitedly* Come on guys let's go!

(after the movie in the shopping mall)

*Arek and May walk out of the cinema all excited and happy*

Arek: No but that blood was so realistic!

*looks into void looking for answer* It just had that that... *and back at May* Thing!

May: Yea I know!

*clutches her fists and looks up* But I'm still in love with that chasing scene.

Arek: *wags his head around thinking as he looks away with eyebrow raised* Mmm... 

*tilts hi head excited* Fair enough I guess.

*gets a mad man's smile on his face making his hands into claws* But I'm more of a fan of that ripping scene.

May: *confused raises her eyebrow looking at Arek* But it was so bad?

Arek: *looks at May even more excited* And that's the point! When she was getting torn in half it was such bad CGI it was just hilarious! *cracks up laughing* (Narrator: Man it sounds so bad out of context.)

*looks away with an open palm raised to his shoulder* As much as it was also creepy.

*opens his arms* But it really popped out in front of the whole film.

May: *looks away unsurely* Mmm... *sideeyes Arek* Can't really argue with that.

Arek: *pridefull and excited looks at May* Okay but we both agree that it was great!

May: *nod* Exactly!

*Hubert and AdC notice the two cute ppl walking around with popcorn and cola from far away*

Hubert: (jockingly angry) You couldn't take longer huh?

Arek: *vacant stare* Bruh.

*a bit angry raises his arms a bit and bends forward but gives up mid-sentence* You do realise?-Yea you do realise. *and looks away bored*

Hubert: *cracks up* Yeah. Anyway.

How's the film?

Arek: 9 out of 10.

May: 8 out of 10. *they said that simultaneously*

Hubert: *shrug* Maybe I'll check it out later.

May: You just have to!

*puts hand at her heart* I'm master at horror films and I say it was great!

Arek: *thumb up* Approved.

*back to Hubert all excited* There's that one... *puts hand on his lips* Wait. No. It's a huge spoiler. *backs off*

Hubert: *shrug* Nah it's fine.

You got me curious anyway.

Arek: *bends forward and makes all the scenes with hands like an f-ing italian* Okay, so basically there's that person that gets tied up on top and bottom and on the bottom side they're tied up to a boulder that will be dropped from cliff and will tear them in half.

*makes the pacha perfect pose but with more delight* Beautiful scene.

May: (not so enthusiastic) Terrible CGI tho.

Arek: *turns at May begging with claws as hands and says* But that's what makes it so good!

May: *puts hands behind herself and shakes her head with eyes closed* I can't agree on that one.

Arek: Geeeez. *bends backwards, he can't do it anymore* (Narrator: Ani-memes intensify.)

*sighs going forth dropping his hands and looking at May angeryrirly* Have it your way I guess.

*stands up straight* Anyway, what time it is? *looks at his phone* Hmm, almost 19.

May: I have only 30 more minutes.

Arek: Hey! *goes in front of everyone turns and says happily with open arms* That's quite a lot of time if I do say so myself! Let's go around the shop and look at the clothes that we won't buy but we will still stare at them and maybe even try them on! *cracks up laughing*

Hubert: *raises his eyebrow* Yeah?!

Arek: *clutches his fist* Yeah!

Hubert: *clutches both fists* YEAH!

Arek: *bends forward excited clutching his fists* YEAH! *you can hear a massive explosion, screams of people fill the hallways*


Nevermind. This is bad. (Narrator: No shit Sherlock!)

Hubert: What the hell even happened?!

May: I think they're after us.

Arek: *looks at AdC confused* But weren't you two making us invisible?

AdC: We can't block soul power.

May: *takes out her phone and makes a call putting phone up to her ear* Not to mention that the soul power of those with mythical abilities is easy to differentiate from others. Anyway, we have to get out of here so I'm getting us transport.

Arek: *takes out his phone angrily looking at May* You calling for Peace? Alright. Ja dzwonie po zioło. *belly laughs* (Narrator: Hey to those who know the reference.)

Hubert: *shrug* What now?

Aiden&Cynthia: *turn on their armor and wolk up to edge of gallery balcony* We'll go and help people. You keep Arek safe. *they jump down on the ground floor*

May: *Makes cone out of her hand* Bring the injured to me!

Arek: *excited jiggles around* An' what bout me?

Hubert: *sits down* You heard them.

Arek: Aw cmon! I wanna do something too!

Hubert: I know Aro.

I know.

Arek: *walks to the barriers and looks at Aiden&Cynthia as they beat up the terrorists* Wish I could help them out.

May: Don't worry. You help them everyday by being yourself. *Arek blushes and looks at May* Help will be here in 7.

Arek: *walks up to her cracking up laughing* 7 what? Apples? Bannanas?

May: *sigh* Don't try to imitate our physics teacher. You're better than her. *she makes him blush harder*

*few injured people float to the 2nd floor* That's my cue. *she rushes to heal them*

*in the background you can hear massive combat coming from the ground floor*

Arek: *sighs and sits beside Hubert* Wish I could kick some ass.

Hubert: Same here. *fake punches him* But instead, I have to take care of you so you won't get kidnapped.

Arek: Sorry bro.

Hubert: *cracks up* Hey I didn't say I wasn't enjoying it. *belly laughs*

Arek: *simles brightly and sighs...* Dammit. You're the best bro. You know?

Hubert: Oh hell na. That would be you.

Someone: (he's everywhere) Aww. That's so cute of you. 

Hubert: *turns on armor and stands up* Stay close Aro.

Arek: *nods standing up* Hm.

Shadow: You can call me Shadow if you wish to. *he emerges out of Areks shadow* 

Arek: Ay yo wtf? *backs up distressed* Dude not nice. I never allowed you to use my shadow.

Shadow: *bows oh so gracefully* Allow me to apologize for my behavior BY CUTTING YOU INTO PIECES! *takes out a knife and tries to attack Arek but Hubert quickly pulls out steel rods from the ground and tries to tie him up*

Hubert: Did you seriously think that you can just run around in a building?

You know that every modern concrete construction is supported by steel? (Narrator: Yes, Hubert can control alloys of metals with non-metals, it's all based on chemistry, too complicated to tell you everything.)

Shadow: Oh I know about that young one. *disappears in the shadow of steel rods*

Hubert: *sigh...* Nevermind... 

Shadow: I'm just intel. I was supposed to make sure you are here. When my Master will come, you won't be all happy.



Arek: This is bad. Maybe this is what my guts are so scared of. 

Hubert: Maybe.

*sigh* Okay. Let's think. We could technically just get out through the*Arek points up with hapi&excited expression right before a massive explosion rips a hole in the wall of the second floor making everyone jump a bit scared*


*Hubert sighs angry* Nevermind...

Arek: *cracks up laughing* Yup.

*two people slowly waltz in, one already has his armor on, the color is sky blue*

Guy in armor: (has a very formal voice, emotionless) Master I believe such a strong explosion wasn't necessary for our entrance.

Master: (Narrator: Master... Hmm, kinky, he looks rich.) *he looks at his sidekick with that rich-kid type of look* Sometimes you have to show your enemies what you are capable of to bring fear into their hearts, my dear Seeker.

Seeker: *nods* Yes Master.

Arek: That whole master thing is kinda kinky ya know. (Narrator: Ayyy.)

Master: Hmm? *glances at Seeker* And who's that?

Seeker: This must be second target, I don't sense any soul power coming from him.

May: *runs up to our team* What did I miss? *Master and Seeker are saying something but too quietly to make anything out of it*

Arek: *puts hands at his waist* Well... *points at them with open palm* those two. *tilts his head raising his eyebrows* I bet that the guy without armor has some explosive powers and the one on right can see the soul power.

Master: *smiles so full of himself* I'm impressed, you've managed to see through everything so clearly! What do you say I'll give you a reward?!

Arek: (scared) Oooh.-Shit. *he crosses his arms in front of him before Master snaps his fingers causing a massive explosion in front of Arek, throwing him 8 meters into a wall*

May and Huber: *they turn distressed* AREK! *May rushes to aid him*

Hubert: *turns back* Oh, NOW YOU'VE DONE IT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! *tries to pierce them with a bunch of steel from the floor in a wave- like matter but they dodge it*

Master: *opens his palm raising it to his shoulder still so prideful* Now don't get any stupid ideas, if you cooperate wit*he's interrupted*

Hubert: (pissed) COOPERATE MY ASS! *does the same but from the ceiling, one hits Master, his armor turns on* Gotcha bitch!

Master: (angry) Shut up you little punk! *creates explosion, blocked by Hubert's steel*

Don't think that's all I've got! *creates a massive amount of explosions that destroy Hubert's barrier*

Hubert: (thinking) Why I can't hold it? His attacks are weak and I still can't do shit. 

Master: Listen kid. If you go with us as our hos*he's interrupted*

Hubert: You do know you are outnumbered, right?

Master: M-PFFFHAHAHAHA! You actually are funny! 

Downstairs I have around 60 men. They might not be the best *opens his arms raising them* but they're enough to take over this whole goddamn place.

Hubert: *nods to himself* Cool.

*crosses his arms confidently putting weight on rear leg* And we have time n' space.

Master: *spiteful crosses arms himself* Don't underestemate my people...

Hubert: *shrug* I don't, I just know that they are no match for them. That's all.

Master: Then what do you say I call one of them?

Hubert: Sure thing, I do wonder if there is anyone left after those two jumped down there.

Master: *looks at Hubert suspicious before he takes out radio* Hawk, what's the status? 

*no response* 



Hubert: *glances at balcony* Guess they're finishing.

Master: No chances in hell. Noone would be able to defeat this many pe*Aiden&Cynthia jump to the 2nd floor, Hubert looks at them unsurprised*

Aiden&Cynthia: We're here.


Hubert: *looks back at Master* You said something? *Master clutches his fist and makes the angry noises*

*Hubert looks at AdC* Don't worry everything's under control on my side.

Aiden&Cynthia: *they look around* 

...Don't worry. We'll take it from here.

Master: (anger) Oh you'll pay big time. Seeker, you know what to do!

Seeker: As you wish. *he focuses and creates a ball of soul power*

Hubert: HN! *stretches his hands back and rushes them to front making the steel rise from the ground like spikes while Aiden&Cynthia rush on Seeker but he unleashes the energy causing everyone in the area to lose their powers, steel stops moving, Aiden tries to slash him but Master parries it with a grenade launcher, Cynthia slashes right after Aiden, Master blocks with his arm then quickly sends her flying with a grenade,she managed to slash it for less damage*

Aiden: (scared) Cynthia!

Cynthia: Just a scratch.

Hubert: Now what?

*moment of silence*

Master: *sighs and whispers* No time left. (speaking) Seeker, we're out of here!

XenoX: *he jumps out behind Seeker, with a big sadistic smile on his face, the tape glithces out* G-G-GETTT REAL!!! *proceeds to beat the shit out of Seeker with a steel rod, his armor turns off after several hits, XenoX doesn't stop*

Master: SEEKER! *aims at Arek*

May: *covered in armor jumps at Master out of nowhere* Remember me? *wraps her whips around him and throws him as far as she can through the previously made hole*

Master: YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! *shoots a grenade, May parries it with a single whip, Arek stops after another 7 hits*


Arek: (proudly) AY YO GUYS! LOOK AT ME!

I! AM! THE POWEEER!!! *makes a goofy ahh victory pose and laughs, everyone walk up to him and May*

Hubert: (impressed Dude! What was that!?

Arek: *smug goes back and forth on his toes and heels* Just some good old ass-beating contest. Seems that I won. *looks down on Seeker* Wouldn't ya say so, Seeker? (Narrator: He's long gone in another world... no I don't mean that he's dead.)

Hubert: *trying to imagine what just happened scratches his neck* But like. What happened after you exploded? I thought you were one leg in haven?

Arek: You mean hell. *cracks up laughing before he rolls his eyes* Buuut yeah. *and looks away scratching his head* I kinda was.

After I was blown away into a wall, *looks and points at the wall* I didn't lose consciousness for some reason. I just felt... *puts on a distressed smile on his face and looks on ground* a crap ton of pain...

*raises his hands a bit to look at them* My organs and bones were probably in pieces, but, yeah...

*raises himself, t-poses and spins happily* II'M STILL ALIIIVEe! *and presents himself in the best light*

*stands normally* After May healed me *puts on an excited smile and pointa up* I suddenly got a really stupid idea. 

That Seeker guy *kicks him delicately and looks at him* seemed so relying on his power that it seemed as if he didn't use his eyes and ears at all.

And yeah.

That's more ir less the gust of it.

Hubert: Wow... Really, impressive thinking bro.

Aiden&Cynthia: *smile and nod* Hm.

Arek: *scratches his head embarassed* Aww, come on you guys. You're gonna make me blush. *belly laughs*


*looks at* Wolfy. Can you tie him up?

Wolfy: Gocha covered. *with simple movement he ties seeker up with steel*


Arek: *puts hand on his chin thinking and closes his eyes a bit* Hmmm... *takes out a pen out of his pocket and draws pp on Seekers forehead* OH I'm such a kid! *cracks up laughing as he closes the pen and puts it back in his pocket*

(indulged) I love it...

Narrator: After that May's guards came and took everyone to her mansion. All of the terrorists were taken under arrest for... well... stuff? There is quite a lot of it and I ain't wasting my time on saying all the crimes they committed. As they say, time is money.

The Master guy run off somewhere, wonder where, but don't worry, you'll see him soon enough again, same with that shadow guy, well, maybe not that soon.

And everyone lived happily ever after!... yeeeaaa... no...

(back in town called hometown, it's pitchblack outside, Arek and Hubert going home)

Arek: This sure was a long day wasn't it?

Hubert: Yup. And the way you almost killed that Seeker guy looked like u really meant to do it for a sec. *cracks up*

Arek: *looks at hubert a bit scared* It did?

Hubert: Yeeaah.

You always look so calm cheerful and everything but, when you get in any fight you suddenly become another person.


Arek: When I go into battle.

I always think like "if you're doing it, *clutches his fist* do it right, and give it all you've got to do so". *shrugs rolling his eyes away and making a concerned face* That's at least my way of thinking.

Hubert: *nod* M-hm.


Noone's as awsome as you bro. *smiles*

Arek: *all hapoy and confused shakes his head and looks at Wolfy with open arms* What do you mean?! *and points at him with open palms* You're standing right here bro!

Hubert: *cracks up* Yeah.


Arek: Hey Hubert.

Hubert: Yeah?

Arek: *resists the laughter* I just realised we didn't go for pizza.

Hubert: Oh no. *smiles*

Arek: Oh no.

Hubert: We go for it tomorrow?

Arek: We go for it tomorrow.

Hubert: (curious) Anyway, your guts feeling better?

Arek: Yeah, but.

It was weird. *puts hand on his chin and thinks* How should I say this...

*makes his hands paralell* Every time I feel like something good or bad is going to happen, *opens them* it stops the moment in which the thing that my guts were predicting happens.

*looks at Hubert* But. It didn't stop when the attack began. It stopped just a moment ago, and, well, *shakes his head* I have no idea what is going on.

*looks down concerned again* Something like this never happened before. And before I stopped feeling it I felt so much pain.

*opens his arms* This might mean quite a lot of things but I think that something way WAY worse is going to happen soon enough.

Hubert: Yeah, but. Why did it stop then?

Arek: I think my guts were on their limit so they just stopped for now. But tomorrow...

We'll see what happens tomorrow...

Hubert: Just take some painkillers... Bet it's going to help.

Arek: Maybe.

*in silence you can hear abyss's calling*


Hubert: But hey. *looks at Arek smiling*

Your b-day is tomorrow.

There's no way it's gonna be that bad.

*it's calling strengthens as they slowly approach Arek's house*

Arek: *smiles smugly* Or maybe that's exactly the reason.

*the ambiance stops*

Hubert: Half-past eight. *Arek falls and grovels in pain* Dude u okay?!

Arek: Fuck it hurts!

Hubert: *takes out his phone distressed* Chill I'm calling May!

Arek: NO! This isn't something she can heal! Something bad is about to happen!

Hubert: But what?!

Arek: Do you hear that?

Hubert: Do I hear what?

Arek: It sounds like. A jet? A rocket?

Hubert: Dude I have no idea what you're tal-*a swarm of rockets fly above their heads towards Arek's house, for Arek it felt as if time had slowed down infinitely, he reads "test-B-093 to test-B-108" time resumes... 16 rockets fly into his house*

Arek: *he stares... at whatever's left of his home... he shakes his head delicately* no. . . no, no No NO NOO!!! *he rushes to whatever is left of it, dispair takes him, he frowns crying*



Arek: I REFUSE! *falls on his knees*


Arek: *digging through the rubble* NO!




Arek: *he cries harder* IT CAN'T!


Arek: *and even harder* FUCK FUCK FUCK NO NO NO!

???: THIS!...

Arek: no.



???: OF YOUR PAIN!!!