
Xbros life

Author_Audri · Võ hiệp
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5 Chs


As usual,i get up bright and early to start a new day but today i was flying over the moon because it was the first day i would attend "VIOLET ACADEMY"

I hurried up took my bath,wore my uniform which was sent to my house yesterday,it was a black skirt with violet shirt and and black jacket with the school's logo boldly written on it complemented with a violet bow.

I was a fashion person so i poured my black hair down and used a violet hair clip and a violet flat shoe.

I was so anxious i didn't eat i just went straight to school.

I checked over and over again if there was any dust or anything on my cloth before entering the school.

I didn't make the same mistake I did the other time i just walked past the middle aged man not sparing him a glance.

I was expecting to see Constance but she wasn't there it was another woman.

"Good morning" i greeted with a slight bow.

"Go to class and stop messing around"she yelled

"Ma'am I'm new here", i yelled back

"Thank your stars" she said pushing me away.

I was expecting my head to hit the wall but it didn't rather it collided with a broad soft thing with a pleasant scent.

"Are you okay?" a masculine voice asked and i looked up to meet an angel

His skin is as white as snow without any bruises or cut of so ever a pair of long lashes and bangs falling him from the side of his head.

"Wow" I said pinching myself

"You aren't dreaming" he chuckled and i blushed.

"What's your name?'

M...mai....i mean Mia," i stammered feeling embarrassed.

"Nice name" mine is Derick he said pulling me into a hug.

I didn't resist i just cuddled.

👥My Derick?!

👥Wow she is beautiful!

👥Oh god! How i wish i was her.

I heard people murmuring as we walked through the hallways holding hands.

Suddenly a pair of hands held both our hands and separated it.

"What"?! I frowned looking at the bitch who did that.

Before i could utter a word she gave me a slap on my left cheek which instantly turned red, i made a move to retaliate but suddenly everything turned black.

🤍Layla Pov🤍

I was searching all over for Derick then suddenly a one of my minions came to tell me that he was in the hallway snuggling a girl.

I was so angry i almost bursted

"Calm down" several people said but i didn't listen

By the time i got there,they had already left, I sighted them from afar walking hand in hand.

"Mary get a stick" i ordered

I went over there and separated their hands which was locked together and gave her a resounding slap

She wanted to retaliate but Mary hit the stick on her hand right in time.