
Xbros life

Author_Audri · Võ hiệp
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I hate you Derick!

🤍 Mia's pov🤍

Everything started off blurry but it became clear after a while, I sat up trying to remember what happened but my head hurts each time I try then suddenly a guy came in.

"Hey Mia......"?

"Where is Derick"?! I asked interrupting him.

"Seriously you don't remember........?" He asked shocked


He sat down at the edge of the bed and started explaining all what happened.

I bursted into tears after he finished narrating what happened..... Derick is such a coward, i said between sobs

after crying all my anger out i felt sleepy.

"Calm down Mia" i will come and check you later but for now rest" he said leaving.

"I kept thinking not knowing when i slept off".

🤍 Derick's pov🤍

I walked slowly to the infirmary making sure nobody sighted me.

"Oh i said running to hug Mia on the bed then I realized she would hate me after been a coward.

She started moving around the bed so i went to the corridor so that she won't notice my presence .

After few minutes of looking around, Mia slept back

I kissed her forehead and left the room.

All this while he didn't know Layla was watching them.

🤍 Mia's pov🤍

I noticed someone presence in the room but I just shaked of the feeling and went back to bed.

🤍 Layla's pov🤍

I wanted to go to the infirmary and cut Mia into peices but Mary stopped me.

"Layla let's hatch a plan and destroy her"she said encouraging me .

"No no no"!!!!get out i screamed at Mary and she reluctantly got out.

I took out my phone and started a live video.

Derick i will kill myself if you don't come here and say i love you.I yelled crying profusely.