
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs


" Hey, man you doing alright?"

Julian asked.

" Yeah, man. Why?"

Nathan asked.

" Well, You and Laura were pretty close man."

Julian said to the man.

" She needed to go find who she was. And I agreed. And I need to do the same. We aren't broken up. I love her and she still loves me. And as long as that fact remains, I'll be just fine. Besides we made a promise before she left. One that I can definitely wait for."

Nathan explained to the man as they walked along the shorelines of Utopia

" So, you're leaving too man?"

Julian asked.

" I don't have anything here Julian. I tried living a normal life, but everything just fell apart again. I pushed it even further by becoming stryfe. And for a while it felt good. Why? That's what I want to go figure out. And I need to start by figuring out what happened all those years ago."

Nathan explained to the man as he looked out over the sea.

" I see. Well, let me tell you something. You're wrong man."

Julian exclaimed.

" What do you mean? Wrong about what?"

Nathan asked in confusion.

" You said you don't have anything here. Well, you're wrong. You've got me. Noriko. David. And the rest of your friends. We're all here for you man. And we always will be."

Julian explained to the man

" I never expected something like that from you Julian. Thank you. If you guys ever need help just give me a call. I'll come running back to save your asses like always."

Nathan shook hands with Julian before turning to leave Island.

" Were you really going to leave without saying goodbye?"

Hope asked as she and a few other notable allies stepped onto the beach.

" Hope. Nori. Ororo. Rogue. Santo. Cessily. Hisako. What are you all doing here... You told them Julian. Why did I go to the guy with the loudest mouth for this?"

Nathan asked himself upon realizing his mistake.

" Because deep down you wanted me to do this fool."

Julian joked as he placed a hand on Nathan's shoulder.

" Nathan, are you really leaving man?"

Santo asked sadly.

" Yeah, I am. I've got some things to figure out myself. So, I figured I'd follow Laura's path and see if I can't find my past. Besides, I'm growing tired cooped up on this Island. I want to go see the good the world has to offer instead of all the bad."

Nathan explained.

" But you just came back to us. Are you sure you can't stay? Just for a little while longer at least."

Cessily asked.

" I'm sorry Cess. But I can't put this off."

Nathan said to the sad metalic girl.

" But I tell ya what. I'll call as often as I can to keep you guys updated. And who knows maybe we'll run into each other during one of your missions. If that happens, I'll definitely help."

Nathan explained.

" Nathan, I will tell you what I told Laura when she left. Go make your own way. Find yourself, and know this you will never be alone. For if you ever need our help I will be there for you. You need only ask Nathan."

Ororo said as she hugged the young man.

" Thanks, Ororo."

Nathan said to the woman as he returned the hug.

" Hey, there sugah! Take this with ya. That will help us stay in contact."

Rogue said to the man as she handed him a small communication device.

" Thanks rogue. Definitely beats what I had in mind. By a mile."

Nathan said as he placed the device into his ear.

" Bring it in hun. Don't be a stranger."

Rogue said as she too hugged the man.

" Ha! I won't."

Nathan said as he returned the hug again.

" Any other hugs before I go? Nori?"

Nathan asked his old friend.

The girl looked at Nathan glaring daggers at him.

" Uh-oh. Nori, what's wrong?"

Nathan asked the woman.

" Nothing, goodbye Nathan."

Noriko turned and ran away from the man as he approached.

" What did I do?"

Nathan asked in sad confusion.

" She's just being Nori. Don't worry about it man."

Julian said to Nathan as he turned him back to the beach.

" Well, I guess I should be going now. Thank you all for coming to say goodbye. I appreciate it. I love you all and I will miss you very much. And Hope, remember what I told you."

Nathan said to the group.

" I will, everyday Nathan. Thank you."

Hope said to the man with a smile on her face.

Nathan smiled and looked out over Utopia one last time drinking in the beauty of the Island before turning back to the sea. And with one last nod from his friends Nathan took off across the water. It wasn't too long before Nathan disappeared from their eyesight that Julian and the others stopped waving.

" Why did you stop him from going after her?"

Hisako asked bitterly.

" He needs to focus and knowing that right now would only do both of them damage."

Julian explained.

" She loves him, Julian. How can you be such a dick? This could have been her chance to finally get him to notice her."

Hisako complained.

" That wouldn't have been real. He still loves Laura. I stopped him because I didn't want either of them getting hurt!"

Julian snapped back.

" He said so himself. They didn't break up over this. They're just separating physically for now anyway."

Julian explained.

" You still shouldn't have gotten involved Julian."

Hisako complained before storming off after Noriko.