
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

The journey continues.

Previously Nathan had managed to find what he was looking for, Mr. Sinister. However, he was unprepared for the fight ahead. Sinister planned everything perfectly. Making Nathan fight in a place where he couldn't use his powers. However, before sinister or the hand working for him could deal the final blow, Nathan managed to escape.

Across the globe, Laura along with Gambit had a run in with a girl Laura had seen be murdered the night before, her name was Alice. Wanting to find out how Alice was alive again and why she knew of her mother, Laura followed the girl to her hideout where she was met by Miss, Sinister. After a brief stay and talking with the children and those who worked in the town, Larua confronted Miss Sinister. However, before she could kill the woman, her body began to turn and change into that of Mr. Sinister.

" Ah, I see you're the one named Laura, yes? I had a run in with your boyfriend a few weeks ago. I wonder how he'll feel when I drag your mutilated corpse to him. Did you know you two share more in common than you thought? Ah, I can see the look on your face says you distrust me. Smart. But I have no need to hide anything. Especially not from a corpse."

Sinister ranted to the woman.


Gambit yelled in anger as he rushed to attack the man.

" Ah, Gambit. How appropriate, I find you here."

Sinister said to the man before blasting him in the face.

" Now, back to you."

Sinister said as he turned back towards Laura.

" What do you know about, Nathan?"

Laura asked the man.

" I know everything. Who do you think named the boy. Nathaniel Essex. Nathan Drake. Do those names not seem close? But that's only part of the name. His full name is Nathaniel Drake Essex. My son."

Sinister explained to the woman.

Laura's eyes widened in shock as she heard Sinister's declaration.

" Well, only by name anyway."

Sinister added on.

" Why are you telling me this?"

Laura asked the man carefully as she observed him for any weaknesses.

" Simple, I know you won't be alive long enough to tell him."

Sinister said to the woman in full confidence he could kill her.

" Ragh!

Laura growled as she attacked sinister, she jumped at the man and dug both of her hands into his chest and used the claws on her feet to stab into his stomach. She began twisting and turning her claws into the man's body but to her shock it didn't seem to affect him.

" Let this be your first lesson, little girl."

Sinister said to Laura threateningly as he squeezed her neck.

Laura struggled in the man's hand as she drove her claws further into his body, however, seconds later Sinister broke her neck.

Seeing she was "dead" Sinister threw Laura to the side. He then turned and pointed at one of the Alice's.

" You! Prepare my... What? No! Not yet!"

Sinister yelled as his body started reforming once again and Miss Sinister, claudine, reappeared.

" Ms. Claudine?"

Alice called out to the woman.

" Don't be afraid, dear. I'm back."

Claudine explained to the woman as she crawled over to Laura's dead body.

" Is she dead?"

Alice asked as she checked Laura's pulse.

" Yes. But not for long, my dear. Go, prepare the chair."

Claudine said to the young girl who nodded and ran off to prepare Claudine's mind chair. Claudine grabbed Laura and carried her to the room where she would wait for a few minutes until Laura regained consciousness.

" I'm sorry it has to end like this. Actually, I take that back. I'm not even a little bit sorry, but it makes me feel better to say the words."

Claudine explained to Laura as she woke from her fatal injury.

" Why are you doing this?"

Laura asked the woman.

" Because my bod is not my own. Mr. Sinister has been slowly taking possession of me. I can feel him, even now. A worm, at the back of mind. I've been fighting him for months, ever since i came to this place. I didn't realize what would happen when I sat in this chair. I didn't know I would lose so much. But even if I had, I might have not been able to stop myself. The instinct that compelled me to activate it was too overwhelming. As important as breathing. By the time I realized what was happening, I could already feel him consuming me. That was always his intention. If not me, then someone else he engineered. I don't know how I stopped him, but I did. I broke free of the chair, but I only delayed the inevitable. I opened the door that let him inside me."

Claudine explained to Laura as she regaled the events that led to sinister coming back.

" You are dying."

Laura said to the woman.

" I'm dying. Not my body. But me. My personality, my mind, my dreams... Everything I am, is being swallowed up by him. The times he possesses me are growing more frequent. I haven't been able to stop him. I need a new body."

Claudine explained to the girl.

" Mine."

Laura stated.

" You have one thing I want most. A healing factor. A healing factor is the holy grail. It's immortality. What good is switching to a new body without it? It's the one thing that Malcom Colcord wants most, as well. It's the only thing that will allow his weapons program to move forward. He promised me a healing factor in return for my cooperation. A serum that I could inject into my chosen host. For a time, I thought he had succeeded in developing that serum. But when he tested it on the Alices, the results were less than satisfactory. They were defective. Much like the Alice whose murder you avenged. She was going to die anyway. Snaring you was going to be her reprieve for a day or two."

Claudine explained to Laura as she played with her body. She drug her nails across Laura's arm and cut it open and watched as it healed back up. She then turned to play with Laura's hair.

" You know you really are lovely. No wonder little Nathan is so infatuated with you."

Claudine said to Laura getting a rise out of the girl.

" No, it's more than that. You are beautiful. Beautiful, young, with a healing factor. God must love me."

Claudine whispered into Laura's ear.

" You will do the same to me that was done to you."

Laura said to the woman.

" I can live with that. I just want to live. I do have one question though. Why does a girl with a healing factor have a scar?"

Claudine asked as she looked down at the scar hellverine left on her hand after she and Nathan had managed to beat him back.

" Do you believe a clone has a soul?"

Laura asked the woman.

" What does that have to do with anything?"

Claudine asked.

" You are a clone."

Laura said to the woman as Claudine placed a helmet on her head.

" I was never a clone. I was a woman. Infected with a virus engineered to transform me into a clone. Is that what you're worried about, Laura? That you'll lose your soul once I'm inside you?"

Claudine asked the girl as she secured the helmet to her head.

" No. I am concerned you never had one in the first place."

Laura said to the woman.

" If there is such a thing. I have my doubts. I believe more in the power of electrical impulses. Memories. Desires. All limited, and contained, within a span of a single life. Rest assured though... If you do have a soul... It won't be with you much longer."

Claudine explained to the woman as she turned the machine on and began trying to switch bodies with Laura.


Laura growled in pain as the machine went to work

" It's working. There I can feel... No. Something's wrong. I'm not leaving my body... But I can feel sinister slipping away, into... into... You!"

Claudine exclaimed as she watched Laura change.

" Claudine. What were you thinking trying to rid yourself of me?"

Sinister asked the woman as he inhabited Laura's body.

" No, you son of a bitch! That's my body!"

Claudine exclaimed.

" No, no it's not. You don't deserve the privilege. You don't deserve to keep the body you have now."

Sinister explained to the girl.

" I'll Kill you first!"

Claudine said to the man as she hit Laura in the face with a metal pole.

" No, you won't!"

The roof above Claudine suddenly gave way and Nathan fell into the room. Nathan pulled back and punched Claudine in her face drilling her into the floor.

" Ahhh, Nathan, good to see you agai... No!"

Sinister was saying until Laura began fighting back.

" GAEEEEEGGGGGGGGH! Get out... Of my... HEAD!"

Laura yelled as she struggled to push sinister out of her body. Her struggling resulted in a massive wave of energy erupting across the underground lab they were in.

Once her body settled down Nathan ran over to Laura to help her.

" Nathan?"

Laura called out to the man weakly.

" Don't worry love, I'll get you out of here."

Nathan said to the girl as he began untying her.

" Behind you."

Laura warned the man as Claudine approached.

Nathan turned just as Claudine was about to attack but the woman was suddenly hit in the head by Alice who had returned.

" I'm here to help."

Alice said to the man and woman.

" Okay. Let's get you out of here love."

Nathan turned back to the woman.

As Alice watched Claudine got to her feet again and hit Alice in the head with a metal pole knocking the girl out.

" No! Alice!"

Laira yelled as she got free from her chair.

She got to her feet in anger just as an alarm started going off in the facility.

" No, that's... The self-destruct warning."

Claudine stated in a panic.

Claudine looked back at the two to see Nathan's fist coming right into her face.

" Ugh!"

Claudine grunted as Nathan smashed her against the wall with his fist.

" Damn lady stay down."

Nathan exclaimed.

" LAURA! Nathan?"

Gambit yelled out as he ran into the room.

" Gambit? What are you doing here?"

Nathan asked the man.

" No time for that! We need to get out of here!"

Gambit yelled to the two.

" Alright, come on."

Nathan said to Laura as he walked over to her.

" Don't worry about her, I got her. Let's go."

Nathan said to the girl as he picked Alice up.

" The other Alice!"

Laura yelled.

" Non petite. we gotta run."

gambit said to the girl.

" The last clone is here somewhere. I have to save her."

Laura explained to the man.

" This clone need you. You can still help Alice. An' there are a dozen kids who need savin. I can't do it alone. Not before this place blows. You can't save everyone. Sometimes you have to let go.

Gambit explained to the girl. Though his words hit home for Nathan as well.

" Then why are you here?"

Laura asked the man.

" Come on petite. Live."

Gambit said to the girl as he and Nathan ran away with Alice.

" Where are the children? Gambit! "

Laura asked the man as they ran.

" I don't hear any other hearts."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Damn it! You lied to me. The children are already out!"

Laura yelled at the man as they exited the collapsing lab.

" Cut me later."

Gambit replied.

The four managed to escape the collapsing lab in time.

" Damn, we got lucky. Gambit, why do I have a feeling you were responsible for that shit."

Nathan said to the man.

" Because I was."

Gambit replied.

Nathan glared at gambit before handing Alice over to him. He then turned to Laura and hugged the girl for the first time in three months.

" Hey."

Nathan said to the girl as he held her in his arms.

" Hey."

Laura replied as she hugged him back.

" I got your letter, Nathan. Each one of them. And the world may not suffer... But I would."

Laura explained to the man.

" I love you, Laura."

Nathan said to the girl.

" I love you too, and... I have something I need to tell you. Something I found out."

Laura said to the man as she stared into his eyes seriously.

Later after explaining to Nathan everything, she had learned from sinister before he disappeared, Nathan, Gambit and Laura took Alice to a hospital.

" She'll have the best care. I've already called Storm. She's having someone medivac Alice to a special hospital in San Francisco."

Gambit explained to Laura as the group sat Next to Alice in the hospital.

" And the other children?"

Laura asked

" She's sendin a team for them. I don't think that town can be trusted. They probably can't even trust their own minds right now."

Gambit explained to the woman.

" The children will be targets. If miss sinister was telling the truth about Malcom Colcord, he will want to study them. In case they were modified."

Laura explained.

" It'll be taken care of."

Gambit said to the girl.

" You asked why I came looking for you. It wasn't for storm. Not the X-Men either. It was for this. To be here for you."

Gambit explained to the woman.

" Why? You hardly know me."

Laura said to the man.

" You hardly knew, Alice right?"

Nathan asked the girl.

" I knew enough."

Laura replied.

" My point, exactly."

Gambit spoke and Nathan nodded.

" So, what's next love?"

Nathan asked the girl.

" Malcom Colcord. The weapon X program cannot be allowed to begin again."

Laura explained to the men.

" What about you, Nathan. Are you going to continue searching for sinister?"

Laura asked the man.

" I don't know. Finding out he was my father is unsettling. I want to finish searching for my answers but i fear that the end of tunnel is only more darkness that what I've seen so far. So, I don't know if I will. But I do know you need help, Laura. You're about to do something crazy and dangerous and there's no way in hell I'm letting you do it alone. So, I'm tagging along with you love. That is if you'll have me."

Nathan explained to the woman.

Laura looked at the man and smiled before leaning in for a kiss.

Nathan returned the smile and met her halfway, gently placing his lips over hers.

" So, I believe our first stop is obvious. Madripoor?"

Nathan asked the girl.

" Our first stop is Madripoor."

Laura said to the two men as they walked out of the hospital together.