
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs


" Man, this place sucks, How the hell are we supposed to get to Madripoor?" Nathan asked.

" Well?" Gambit drowned on. " I have an idea."

" No, Gambit." laura stated shutting the man down instantly making Nathan laugh.

" You haven't even heard my idea yet." Gambit complained.

" No." Laura replied again.

" Laura, I'm offended." Gambit joked.

" I'm not." Nathan interjected.

" Have you hired a boat yet?" Laura asked. " We could be in Madripoor by evening if we leave now. Every second we waste is a second we give to Colcord." Laura explained to the man.

" I know a man who can get us there. But he's got a problem." Gambit explained. " Pirates."

" Pirates?" Nathan asked.

" Local fishermen wit Guns an bad attitudes. They get roped in by larger criminal organizations to target shipping lines or pleasure cruisers... Anyone who looks a little shiny or rubs'em the wrong way. Like our man wit the boat, who did a favor for me once." Gambit explained.

" What was the favor?" Laura asked.

" Not killing me." Gambit replied. " He has a daughter." Gambit stated,

" Oh, that makes sense." Nathan stated.

" What does that have to do with not killing you?" Laura asked the man in confusion.

" Never mind." Gambit replied.

Laura looked at Nathan with a raised eye and Nathan leaned over and whispered into her ear. " Oh, I see." Laura stated.

" What am I gonna do wit you two?" Gambit asked himself.

" Get us on that boat man, let's go. Time's a wasting.

" What have I gotten myself into?" Gambit asked himself. " Come on follow me." Gambit said to the two as he walked towards the docks. The three boarded the nearest boat and started out to see.

" You look good, Remy. Better than I expected. I thought you'd be dead by now." Amar said to Gambit.

" Wishful thinking, Amara?" Gambit asked.

" I'm a practical man. You like to stick your nose in dangerous business." Amar explained to the man.

" You sound like an old man." Gambit joked.

" Different priorities. That's why I work for the police now. Special advisor." Amar explained.

" You break my heart." Gambit joked. But go ahead, tell me about the target." Gambit asked speaking in a more serious tone than before.

" A man named Indi. Two weeks ago he agreed to become an informant for a new task force on Maritime crime." Amar explained.

" When did he disappear?" Gambit asked.

" Didn't check in last night. Which means he's probably already dead. If he's not I need you to get him out." Amar explained.

" After that you'll clear the way to get us to Madripoor?" Gambit asked.

" That's what I said. What about those two?" Amar asked as he looked at Laura and Nathan standing at the front of the boat. " You haven't told me a thing about them."

" Friends." Gambit replied.

" That's what you said about my daughter." Amar responded.

" Not like that. Not even a little." Gambit explained. " That girl and I... We both got wounds to heal. I thought I'd be the one helping her... I thought I was over my problems. But it was the other way around. She makes me remember everything." Gambit explained to the man

" That can't be pleasant. What about the boy?" Amar asked.

" The boy? Well there's more secrets to him than even I would dare ask. The crazy thing is those two are dating. And seem perfect for each other. And that in and of its self is scary." Gambit explained. " But that's good for me. I have to forgive myself. So I can be the kind of friend that can teach them how to love themselves as well."

' I can hear you idiot. But perhaps that's why you said it.' Nathan thought to himself.

A few hours later Amara brought his boat to a stop. " We're safe here for now. These Islands are a labyrinth. Easy to get lost if you don't know your way. Most authorities don't. Which is why the pirates come here to hide. But even those men don't stray too far from their usual routes to the shipping lanes." Amar explained to the group. " They don't expect anyone to come to them especially at night. Most will be gone by now. Out hunting. You should be able to slip in and out without being seen." Amar explained. " I'll look out for them both until you come back. If there's trouble." Amar was saying.

" If there is trouble then I want her with us. Trust me you don think I brought either of them along just for a boat ride do you?" Gambit asked the man.

" You're not serious? They're just kids?" Amar said to the man.

Laura took gambit's staff and twirled it around effortlessly until the tip of it was in Amar's face.

" Did you teach her?" Amar asked as Laura handed the staff back to Gambit.

" Nah. Dems here skills. They be bad I know." Gambit explained.

" Sorry, man. I can't really show off what i can do right now. I tend to be a little flashy for this kind of job." Nathan said to the man.

" Well, either way you shouldn't be taking them where you're going, Remy." Amar said to the man.

Laura turned to Amar and popped her claws. " Where he goes I go." Laura explained to the man.

" And where she goes I do too?" Nathan said to Amar as he drew his sword and sheathed it again before walking away with Laura.

" Those claws." Amar asked Gambit in shock.

" Don ask." Gambit replied.

" And that face. She looks just like." Amar was saying.

" Trust me. You don want the truth." Gambit said to the man before walking off the boat as well.

" Alright, I've fixed the sound around us. No one who isn't a part of this group will be able to here us." Nathan explained to Gambit.

" You can do that?" Gambit asked.

" I can, but it's not easy. It takes a lot of concentration, so I need to stay focused. Moving soundwaves around our bodies is hard. doing the same to our surroundings is harder. So, we need to move fast." Nathan explained to the man.

Gambit nodded and the three of them began moving through the forest towards the center that Amar marked for them.

" No guards." Laura said to the two.

" Nothing to guard. This place is a dump" Gambit stated.

" I don't know about that you guys. I can hear voices ahead." Nathan explained. " Oh, Gambit, you stepped in toilet paper."

" Ewwwwh!" Gambit began kicking at his boots to get the strand of tp off of him. " You know, I heard about places like these. Set up by an environmental group. But the funding ran out."

" Yeah? Well, I can see why. This place sucks." Nathan complained.

" AAAARHHHHHH!" The sounds of a man screaming in pain reached the ears of Gambit, Nathan, and Laura. The three followed the sounds of screaming until they arrived outside a facility where the man they had come to find was being held.

" I can get in and take them all out before he gets hurt further." Nathan explained to the group.

" No, even if they can't hear you. They can see you. The second you pop your head up he's dead. We gotta play this one slow." Gambit explained to the man.

" Fine, look they're going inside. Let's go." Nathan said to the man. Once all of the guards were inside Nathan and the others ran up to the door and breached the facility.

" AHHHHHH!" Indie's screams were heard once more.

" They're cutting him again." Gambit stated.

" No, they aren't this is worse. I can hear it." Nathan replied. " We need to hurry, or he'll die of his wounds before we can get him to safety."

" Shut him up." The head pirate ordered. " I have something to say. When you betray a man who is supposed to be your friend you steal his faith. You take his trust and break it. You break part of the man himself. You make him less of a man. And that's what I'm going to do to you."

" RRRRRRRr!" Laura growled in anger. She burst into the room despite the Chargin of her friends.

" Damn it, X No!" Gambit yelled.

Laura jumped and punched one of the men in the face without using her claws. Seeing there was no other choice but to fight Nathan and Gambit both jumped in after her. Gambit used his cards to blow away a man's chain and Nathan kicked one man in his leg dropping him to the ground only to knee him in his chin and knock him out. Laura jumped over the men she was fighting and popped her claws and slammed them both into the lead pirates chest and fell into the water.

" LAURA!" Both Gambit and Nathan yelled as the girl sank into the pit with Sharks.

" Gambit, look out!" Nathan yelled to the man as he dodged sword strikes.

Gambit turned and was knocked unconscious by a lead pipe just as Laura popped back up form the water. Laura quickly dove for him. While Nathan tended to the remaining forces. Nathan quickly drew his sword and dispatched of the men with guns. He then turned to the pit of sharks and jumped inside.

Once under he could see that Laura was currently in the mouth of a great white.

Nathan opened his mouth and screamed underwater, sending out a noise that was caused uncontrollable pain to the great whites.

The shark biting Laura let go and joined the rest as they swam to the bottom of the tank to get away from the sharp noise.

Nathan gurgled as he started taking in water and swam down to grab Laura and Gambit.

" UGHHHHHHHHHH!" Nathan gasped loudly as he got out of the pit with Laura and Gambit both in his arms. He turned towards the remaining men and glared at them.

" Thanks. Gambit appreciate it." Gambit said to the two others he was with.

" No, problem. What about our rescue? How's he doing?" Nathan asked.

" Dammit. He's dead. Must have bled out from his wounds." Gambit responded.

" For nothing." Laura stated she looked at the men in the room angrily and turned with Gambit and Nathan to leave.

Feeling bold, one of the men tried to attack Laura from behind, but found his head rolling on the ground as Nathan had cut it off the moment he approached Larua.

" It wasn't for nothing, Laura. He was the only one man enough to try and do the right thing. Who at least tried to do something." Nathan explained to the girl as they walked out of the base.

The trio quickly made their way to a speed boat to get off the Island.

" We failed." Laura finally spoke once again.

" That happens, Laura." Nathan responded to the girl.

" He wanted to do the right thing and was killed for it. His family might have been killed. Anyone in that room who stood up for him would have been killed. He had no chance." Laura explained. " So why did he bother?" Laura asked the two men.

" Why did you?" Nathan asked.

" Because... I had to." Laura replied.

" Not because you were told to?" Nathan turned and looked into Laura's eyes and asked again.

" No. Because I had to do something. Because something was wrong... And it needed to be fixed. And I thought. I thought I could fix it." Laura explained to the man.

" Tell me... Why didn't you use your claws at the beginning of the fight? You could have but you held back." Gambit in turn asked the girl.

" You expected me to kill them all." Laura stated.

" I did." Gambit replied.

" Those men smelled like Urine. They smelled like dogs, beaten until they were too afraid to scrape their bellies off the ground. They smelled so much like fear, I could taste it. They were cowards, and weak. So weak it would have been... Unfair to kill them." Laura explained.

" Huh." Nathan smirked. He then turned off the speedboats engine and let it just float in the ocean.

" Why did you turn off the engine?" Laura asked.

" Because I think it's too loud. And a night like this deserves a hush. I mean just look up at those stars. Wouldn't you agree, Gambit?"

" Aye, I think it does my friend." Gambit replied as he kicked back and relaxed.

Nathan looked at Laura and smiled as he took her hand in his own. " Let's just drift for a while. See where the waves take us. Something tells me this just feels right." Nathan said to the woman.

Laura smiled and squeezed Nathan's hand. " It does. For now." Laura replied as she laid back with the two and looked up at the stars in a quiet peace for once.