
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs


" UGh! Doc. Do me a favor give me some salt, some tabasco, and a Gun to shoot myself with."

Nathan groaned in pain as he laid in his hospital bed.

" You've got to be kidding me."

Shan said to the doctor drawing Nathan's attention.

" What?"

Nemesis asked

" You said it was going to be sexy."

Shan complained at the sight of her new prosthetic leg.

" Trust me, beautiful on you anything would be. Ugh! There goes the ribs."

Nathan tried cheering the woman up with a compliment before the searing pain in his ribs struck him again.

" You alright Nathan?"

Hope asked the man beside her.

Nathan turned and smiled at the young girl.

" Never better. Ugh!"

Nathan faked a smile for the girl before turning back towards the doctor.

" It took you much less than a week, didn't it?"

Magneto asked the girl as he woke up from his slumber

" Erik... What are you talking about?"

Hope asked the man.

" When we met, I asked if your arrival had brought us a reprieve from those trying to kill us. You asked me to give you a week."

Magneto said to the girl.

" I was joking."

Hope retorted.

" There was truth in your jest, it would seem. I heard you obliterated Bastion as if he were a toy."

Magneto said to the girl.

" Hey! I Helped too jerk don't leave me out."

Nathan grumbled from his bed.

" Yes, you did. But trust me. It was all her."

Magneto stated to annoyed man.

" I don't really remember what I did. Is that bad? Do they think I'm dangerous?"

Hope asked the man.

" I'd give my head a good scratch about it... But well, you know. By the way, do you know where I can get a good bidet?"

Julian said to the girl sarcastically.

" Julian, go away, before I throw you out."

Nathan said to the boy.

" What?"

Julian asked in anger.

" Run along now."

Magneto said to the boy.

" Don't mind him, Hope. Julian is a douche to everyone. Right now, we need to rest Hope. Especially you. And I promise. Cable will get the burial he deserves."

Nathan said to the girl before passing out from his pain again.

The next day the X-Men and even Deadpool gathered once again to bury their longtime Friend Nathan summers a.k.a. Cable. At first Scott stood at the podium to give his eulogy, but the pain of having to bury both his son and his wife got to him and Hope took over.

" Nathan Christopher Summers was born into a battle. And his life was a war. All the time I knew him he grabbed sleep in ten-minute stretches. Ate with his back to a wall. Never sat still long enough to make an easy target. You know what I mean. All of you know what I mean. he was born a soldier. To the last ounce and inch of him, Cable was a soldier."

Hope explained as tears started to well up in her eyes.

" And there are three blessings a soldier prays for. To fight for things that matter... Things that are real. To find comrades who he loves and trusts, to fight alongside him. And to die on his feet. My dad got three for three. So, don't cry for him. N-Nobody needs to cry for Nathan Summers."

Hope said as tears started to flow from her eyes.

After his burial Nathan watched as a scene played before him, he was familiar with. The X-Men started going their separate ways. While most of them remained on Utopia, some of the more known X-Men left. Storm and Beast were amongst the first. And upon recovering Laura and Nathan themselves planned to leave.

" Ugh! Will it ever end Laura?"

Nathan asked the woman as they sat in her room.

" I'm going to be honest with you Nathan. I don't know. But what I do know is. You've been by my side when I needed you. And I'll be by yours."

Laura said as she kissed the man.

" About what you said in the future. If you still want. I'm ready."

Laura said to the man as she straddled his lap.

" But first, before you decide. I want to tell you about my past. The things I've had to do to survive."

Laura said to the man.

Nathan sat in silence staring into Laura's eyes ready to listen to everything she had to say to him.

" I am a clone, created from the DNA Of Logan. Though I wasn't born in a tube. I was carried in pregnancy by my mother. Her name was Sarah... Sarah Kinney. The facility I was created by wanted the ultimate killing machine and that's what I was. Assassination missions, kidnapping you name it. If they ordered it, I carried it out without question. I killed hundreds of men and women in my time with the facility. There's enough blood on my hands to fill buckets. But despite all of that My mother never once looked at my like a monster. She told me she loved me and even gave me a name."

Laura explained to the man as tears stained her face.

Nathan looked up in pain over the sadness and anger on the girl's face. But he steeled himself for the sake of his lover.

" One day, I was given an order that I couldn't follow. And I learned that day that I never had a choice. The Facility had created a serum that could force me into a killing frenzy. They used it and made me... Made me... Kill my mother."

Laura cried as she explained to the man what she had done.

" I couldn't stop. I could see and I was aware. But my body just moved. I watched as my body cut her to pieces. And yet as I was killing her my mother looked up at me and told me she loved me. She loved me and I killed her."

Laura cried into the man's chest as Nathan wrapped her in a tight hug. He placed one hand on her head and one on her back and gently rubbed both in an attempt to console the broken woman until she was finally ready to continue.

" When I came too, I escaped the facility. But when I did. I had no money. I had no contacts. I had nothing... But my body."

Laura said to the man.

Nathans eyes widen in fear of what she was about to say. But he listened none the less.

" I needed money. I needed shelter. I needed food. So, I turned to... I'm sorry Nathan."

Laura cried to the man as tears started welling up in his eyes.

" I want to hear everything. Bear it all out too me Laura."

Nathan said to the woman as he steeled himself once again.

" I became a prostitute. It was easy. I had a body most men Lusted after, so it was easy for me to get clients. They used me... I let them Violate my body in ways I'm disgusted to remember. I'm so sorry Nathan."

Laura cried as she finished explaining her hard past to the man, who himself was now crying just as hard.

" It wasn't your fault, Laura. None of that was your fault and your mother knew that, and I know that. Those sons of bitches used you, manipulated you, nothing you did was your fault. You are not a monster; you are not X-23. You are Laura Kinney. You are the love of my life and nothing in this world or the next will ever change that."

Nathan said to the girl as he wiped the tears from her eyes.

" Nathan..."

The girl called his name softly.

" I want this, Laura. I want us. And as long as I'm by your side. Nothing and I mean Nothing will ever hurt you that way again. I love you, Laura Kinney. I always will."

Nathan said as he gently kissed Laura on her lips.

Larua parted her lips allowing Nathan's tongue to explore her mouth, and he did so ferociously. The two continued their passionate kiss, until it started heating up. Laura began grinding her crotch against Nathan's and moaned into his mouth.

" Laura!"

Nathan moaned girls name as he felt her wet snatch grinding against his growing erection. Nathan reached up and started removing the girl's top. The two broke their kiss as Lauras top slid over her head and allowed her beautiful and plump breasts to breathe.

" Nathan."

Larua growled as she shoved the man down onto the bed. She straddled his hips again and started devouring his lips hungrily.

" Larua."

Nathan moaned again as he started thrusting his erection against her crotch.

* Snikt!

Laura popped her claws and cut Nathan's shirt off of his body, giving her hands the chance to explore his rock-hard body.

Nathan on the other hand removed his hands from Laura's back and slid them down to her plump and juicy ass giving them a hard squeeze. Laura Moaned into the kiss as Nathan groped her ass.

" UWa! I want you, Nathan. I want to feel you inside me."

Laura said to the man as she broke free from their kiss.

Nathan grabbed Laura and flipped her over so that he could be on top. He then kissed her again while his hands got to work on removing his own pants.

After a couple of second Nathan finally pulled himself from his coverings and threw them too the side.

Laura reached down to feel his throbbing erection. But Nathan grabbed and pinned her hands above her head. He stared Laura in her beautiful emerald eyes as he breathed heavily. He then started placing gentle tender kisses on Laura's body trailing from her neck down until he reached her breasts. Nathan placed one hand on Laura's left Breast as he suckled on the other. Larua moaned as Nathan tenderly cared to her body. Nathan continued his gentle sucking and groping until he suddenly bit down on her stiff nipple.

" Ah! Nathan."

Laura moaned in pleasure as Nathan's

Nathan then switched his attention to Laura's other breast repeating the process once again. Until he finally decided to move on lower down the woman's body. He resumed kissing until he reached her navel where he stuck his tongue inside and swirled it around.

" Nathan. Lower, hurry."

Laura pleaded with the man to continue.

Nathan smiled and slowly moved his way down to the woman's black and gray tights. He placed his fingers on the edge of her waistband and slowly removed her pants along with her all-black panties, leaving behind a single thick string of fluid coming from her pussy.

" Mmm."

Nathan Moaned as he slurped up the fluid escaping her vagina. He came close enough to smell Laura's scent and moaned in excitement. He stuck his tongue out and slowly started trailing it along the side of her pussy, getting close enough for Laura to feel him there.

" Nathan."

Laura pleaded with the man as she bucked her hips into to his face.

Nathan looked up and stared Laura in her eyes as he placed a soft kiss at the entrance to her womanhood. His kiss caused Laura to shutter in pleasure as the heat from his lips overwhelmed the heat from her pussy. Nathan then stuck out his tongue and slowly started moving it up and down Laura's pussy lips.

" Mm. Nathan. More."

Laura moaned as Nathan slowly started consuming her insides.

Nathan continued to enjoy the Warmth from Laura's vagina making sure not to miss a single drop of her fluids.

" Mmmm. Laura, you taste amazing."

Nathan groaned as he continued eating her out. He soon started picking up the pace with his tongue making Laura's hips buck harder against his face.

Nathan then took his hand and started to aggressively rub Laura swelling clit until finally liek a volcano she erupted.

" NATHAN!!!!"

Laura yelled as she climaxed into Nathan's mouth.

* Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!

Laura watched as Nathan swallowed the mouth full of Fluid Laura had given him.

Once he was finished Nathan once again kissed Laura hungrily on her lips. He used his hand to guide his rock-hard penis to the entrance to Laura's pussy and looked her in the eyes. As if waiting for permission.

Laura looked up at him breathlessly and nodded.

" Do it Nathan. I want to feel you inside me. I need you inside me. Make love to me Nathan. Take me!"

Laura demanded the man.

And with the go ahead Nathan shoved the entire length of his penis into Laura, pushing it all the way to the hilt.


Laura yelled in pain and pleasure.

Nathan looked down at where the two where connected and was shocked to see blood flowing from her vagina.

He then looked up at Laura worried he might have hurt her.

" I'm okay. I'm okay."

Laura said to the worried boy.

" My healing factor... It repairs my hymen. So, every time feels like a first time."

Laura explained to the boy.

" Laura, I'm so sorry. Laura, if it hurts too much, please tell me and I swear I'll stop."

Nathan said to the girl as he rubbed the tears from her face.

" How could it hurt. I get to take the virginity of the man I love. How could something this beautiful hurt?"

Laura asked with tears still in her eyes.

Her words ignited a passion inside of Nathan. The boy pulled out gently before slowly thrusting back inside.

" Mmm. Nathan."

Laura moaned as Nathan slowly prodded her insides with his penis. Her blood making for a nice lubricant.

" Larua you feel amazing. Oh god Laura."

Nathan moaned as he started picking up his pace.

He pulled back and slammed his penis into Laura hard making her yell out in pleasure.

" Oh god. Just like that, Nathan. More. Harder!"

Laura moaned to the boy as he continued his hard thrusting

Nathan started picking up his pace more and more until he was practically pistoning in and out of Laura's pussy.


The sound of wet flesh slamming against wet flesh echoed throughout the room as Nathan aggressively pounded into Laura's cave.

' I have and Idea.'

Nathan thought to himself.

As he continued thrusting into Laur's pussy he started making his dick vibrate. Laura's head jerked up and her eyes flew open at the sudden burst of pleasure.

" AHHH!"

Laura yelled as her back arched off the bed. A rush of fluid squirted from her pussy as she climaxed once again.

Nathan gave the woman no time to rest as he slammed his still vibrating cock back into her wet cunt.

" Oh god! Oh god! Oh god Nathan Yes!"

Laura exclaimed as she bucked her hips against the man. The two fucking like wolves in heat.

" Oh fuck Laura! I'm close!"

Nathan exclaimed to the girl.

Laura wrapped her legs around the man keeping him place and pulled him close to her body.

" Me too Nathan. Me too. Don' stop. Inside."

Laura moaned into Nathan's ear making him pick up the pace once again.

" Ugh! AHH!"

Nathan grunted as he fought back against his coming climax, wanting to share the moment with Laura in unison.

He continued thrusting until finally they both were pushed over the edge in unison.

" I'm CUMMIN!"

Laura and Nathan Yelled together.

Her tight cunt clinching onto his hard penis as a torrent of fluid and semen erupted from between their legs.

Nathan collapsed tiredly next to the Laura as they both struggled to catch their breaths.

He then wrapped his arms around Laura's waist and pulled her close to him. He looked Laura in the eyes one more time and kissed her tenderly.

" I love you, Laura Kinney. Now and forever."

Nathan once again proudly declared his eternal love for the woman.

" And I love you, Nathan Drake. Now and forever."

Laura said to the man as she too declared her eternal love.

The two lovers soon fell asleep in each other's arms, finally taking their relationship to the next level.