
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs


" Fuck, He's opening the way. FOLLOW HIM THROUGH!"

Nathan yelled to X-Force as he charged in behind Cable. With Laura in hand, he jumped into the Membrane.

" We die if he's wrong or we live if he's right. Not much of choice now other than to hope for a little luck!"

Domino yelled as she jumped in as well.

" Man, I really hate Summers!"

Logan yelled as he dived in with Douglas in his arms.

" To the end my friends."

Warren said as he joined the others.

Nathan and the rest of X-Force followed Cable through and thanks to man were able to get back to the present.

" AHHHHHH!!!!!"

Nathan yelled as he fell through the portal with Laura in his arms.


Noriko yelled as she ran up to her two teammates.

" They're alive. They're all... They're all coming through now."

Emma said in relief.

" Everyone Quickly get a doctor here now!"

Nathan yelled out to the others to get a doctor for Douglas.

" NOW!"

Logan yelled as he landed with Douglas in his arms.

" Doug! Doug!"

Dani yelled as she ran up to her old friend.

" Take cypher... He did it. The kid shut it all down."

Logan said to Psylocke as she ran up to the man.

" Nathan... Nathan, please say something."

Hope pleaded with the man.

" Cable?"

Nathan called out to the older man.

Cable smiled at hope and slowly started to disintegrate.



Nathan and Hope yelled out in terror as the man was torn apart piece by piece.

The X-Men looked on in terror as the man who had saved their lives died a violent death.

" Hope... I... I'm so sorry. I"

Scott was apologizing to the girl as she grieved the death of Cable.

" You need to come..."

Scott stuck his hand out to the girl only to be cut off by the very same woman.

" If you put that hand on me, I swear to god you will lose it."

Hope threatened Scott justifyingly.

" Hope..."

The man called out.

" You did this. This is all your fault. I hate you. I hate."

Hope was screaming at Scott before Nathan yelled out.

" INCOMING!!!!!"

Nathan yelled having heard Bastion coming.

He placed Laura down and Shoved Hope out of the way in time to intercept Bastion.

The robot slammed into Nathan and forced the man down into the ocean.

" What the hell was that? What the hell happened? I thought we took them all down!"

Domino said as she grabbed Laura's unconscious body.

" Logan... The girl."

Warren said

Just as Logan went to grab the girl, Bastion returned from the bottom of the ocean with Nathan. The two punched and tore at each other as they thrashed around in the air. The two landed hard on a nearby shore. Bastion was the first to his feet. He grabbed Nathan by his foot and threw him into the dome of energy.

" Damn it!"

Nathan cursed out as he bounced against the walls of the dome.

Bastion then turned his attention back towards the young hope.

" You."

Hope calls out to Bastion as he floats down over her.


Scott yelled as he fired at Bastion

" No. Creed! Lang! Kill every mutant you see. We will deal with the girl.

" Hope! go... Ugh!"

Scott yelled before being blasted away by the robot.

" He was all I had. He was my whole life."

Hope said to bastion angrily.

Bastion simple looked down at the girl and uttered

" Die."

Bastion said menacingly.

He fired a beam of energy at Hope. But it failed as a scarlet energy erupted from hopes angry body.

" Warning new mutant powers detected. Classification unknown. Power levels... Unable to cal..."

Bastion's words were cut short as Hope's energy beam started overpowering the machine.


Hope yelled in anger as she fired red energy beams from her eyes like cyclops.

Nathan Appeared above Bastion and slammed his hand into its back.

" Don't let up kid! Give it everything you've got!"

Nathan yelled to the girl

" Our only purpose is to eliminate you. To end the chaos and death that you bring. Do you understand, Hope?"

Bastion asked the girl.

Hope's hand turned to metal, and she drove it through Bastion's body

Bastion growled in anger and blasted Nathan from his back. He then turned and did the same to Hope pushing the two Mutants away from him in an attempt to repair himself.

" This is the moment. This is the beginning. They look to you as a Messiah. but you are not. You are the adversary."

Bastion proclaimed.

" Don't listen to him hope! He doesn't decide who you are. And neither do we. The only person who gets to decide who you are is you! So right here right now! Show the world. WHO. YOU. ARE!"

Nathan yelled to the girl as he jumped to fight bastion again. His body still injured from his earlier outburst of power.

" You are an omega level Mutant. You must be dealt with now!"

Bastion said as he turned to fight Nathan.

Nathan slammed his fist into Bastion's chest and using his power to send out earthquakes he launched Bastion across the bay. Bastion recovered and fired a massive beam of energy towards Nathan.


Nathan yelled as a beam of pure sound erupted from his mouth. The two beams of energy struggled against each other as the two fighters pushed against each other. But Bastion soon started to take control.

" Your death is the reason for our existence. And we will never quit. You must be killed, to ensure that humanity lives. That is our purpose. For if you survive, nothing survives."

Bastion declared.


Nathan yelled to the girl.

Hope remembering the words Cable spoke to her started to emit a glow, a feeling, A Force! To those who hadn't seen it before it seemed as if the girl had just been channeling her own power. But to those who had. The true Veterans, they recognized what this flare was.

Hope added her power to Nathan's blast and with her help the two overcame bastion and forced him back.

" What's happening? Logan what's happening?"

Peter asked in a panic as he fought off sentinels. But Logan was distracted by the sight of the old friend and foe

" Scott... What... No!"

Emma said in disbelief as she stared at Hope, she looked into the young girl's eyes and saw it for the first time in a very long time.


Scott yelled to the man as he rushed to Help Nathan and Hope.

" Stay here, Frosty! There's nothing you can do now!"

Logan yelled as he joined the man.

" I know."

Emma said as she realized the gravity of the situation.

" ARGH!"

Nathan grunted as he was punched away by Bastion.

" It is beyond our capacity to hate you. It is beyond our capacity to enjoy murdering you. We have grown beyond our capacity. Because we do hate you and we do enjoy killing."

Bastion was gloating as he was fighting back the combined might of Hope and Soundwave. However, as he was gloating Scott blasted the machine's arm off with his optic beam, giving Logan a chance to Jump on the machine's back.

" You want to enjoy murdering something you stupid son of a bitch? THIS IS FOR KURT!"

Logan declared as he drove his claws into Bastion's back

" I'm ready now, Nathan, I'm ready."

Hope declared to the world as she charged up her attack.


Nathan declared to the girl as they both fired their attack at Bastion.

The force of the blast was so strong that it not only obliterated Bastion, but it tore through the dome that had been keeping the Mutants trapped in San Francisco.

In the aftermath of the explosion was a glow.

There in the center of the bay Hope floated, her entire body engulfed by the force.

The Phoenix Force.