
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs


" We've got a hound. Domino take him out first."

Cable said to the woman.

Domino raised her rifle and lined up the shot, she pulled the trigger and blew the hounds brains outs.

" Hound's down. Warren! Nathan! You're go! Cypher stay back."

Cable yelled out.

X-Force raced into the prison camp and started killing the guards left and right. Sparing no one in sight.

" There's been a break Ughk!"

The guard was saying before Logan stabbed him in the chest killing him.

" Violence is a primitive, ugly language. Yet I must admit their fluency allows for poetry..."

Douglas was saying before a sentinel unit appeared behind him.

" Hello. <10101010101>"

Douglas spoke.

" X-Gene positive. Lethal force authorized."

The guard said as he identified Douglas as a mutant.

" You don't have to do this you know. <10101110001101>. You're only a slave to them. I can set you free. Show you how to think for yourself. Set yourself free. <01110101010>"

Douglas spoke again.

" You can't talk me out of killing you mutie."

The man inside the sentinel spoke.

" I wasn't talking to you."

Douglas said to the man with a wicked smile on his face.

" Wha?"

The man said as the sentinel suddenly threw him out of the cockpit.

" <1101010101010101>"

The sentinel responded to Douglas as it ejected the pilot.

" Thank you. <101010101010>"

Douglas said to the robot.

" Alright! Let's go."

Cable said to the group as the finished killing the guards outside.

X-Force then turned and entered the facility killing every guard and robot on the way in.

" Master Mold perimeter 6A security credentials verified. Three exonims clear for entry. Correction, Master-Delta. That's two exonims."

One of the guards explained.

" We're reading three."

Another stated.

" What?"

The guard asked.

" Quickly!"

The guard yelled before being sliced in half by Nathan's sound blade.

The rest of X-Force soon came in blasting and killing the remaining guards.

" Well, which one do we take out first?"

Logan asked cable as the rest of X-Force fought the machines.

" The one on the left is producing Nimrods... The other one looks to be out of service."

cable explained as he looked at the two giant sentinel stations.

Suddenly a horde of sentinels left the factory and went straight to the sphere to the past.

" they're ignoring us... heading for the time sphere."

Warren explained.

Suddenly the other Sentinel that Cable said was out of service started to stand up and looked down at the Mutants ominously.

" I gotta be honest old man. I'm starting to worry about the other one."

Logan said to cable.

" I am not dying a Virgin."

Nathan exclaimed as he looked up at the massive robot.

" Nothing this big can be light on its feet. We hit and run; we can take it down."

Warren said as he attacked the giant robot.

" Keep telling yourself that, Warren. But take it from me. It's a lot quicker than it looks."

Wolverine said to the man.

" Armors... About a foot thick."

Laura said as she tried cutting through its leg.

" Back off, X, and let me try. Six pounds of plastique, Pinhead Emps, white phosphorus. A kiss on the cheek from Satan!"

Domino explained as she threw her explosives at the robot.

The blast was big, but the sentinel emerged unscathed.

" Mutant threat level moderate. Cauterize and contain."

The sentinel said as it grabbed Warrens wings.

" Warren! Damnit Logan! We can't even scratch this thing!"

Domino yelled to the man.

" Don't know that yet. SPARKY! YOU'RE UP!"

Logan yelled to Nathan as he and Domino dodged sentinel fire.

Nathan jumped into the air and slammed his fist into the robot's chest


The air around the sentinel cracked and an explosive wave of destruction pushed the robot back onto its back.

" Well, that was better than I expected."

Nathan said as he looked at the downed robot.

" Omega Level Mutant detected. Mutant threat level Extreme. Terminate."

The sentinel said as it got back to its feet.

The robot raised its massive hand and fire at Nathan engulfing him in its fiery beam.

" Hahahaha! Sorry, but fire doesn't really hurt me anymore."

Nathan gloated.

' Gonna have to thank sunspot for that one.'

Nathan thought back to his fight with the firemancer.

Nathan jumped back up to the robot and landed on its arm.

' Just gotta play tag with this thing until Douglas can do his thing.'

Nathan thought as he ran along the sides of the giant machines arm.

Nathan Jumped and landed a vicious punch on the machine's face knocking it down to the ground again.


Nathan roared as he continued to pummel the machine into the ground.

The ground below shook and tremored under the might of the man's fearsome blows.

' Keep it down. Gotta keep it down.'

Nathan thought as he continued punching the machine.

Suddenly the sentinel fired a large blast of energy from its eyes blasting Nathan off of him. Nathan landed harshly near Logan and Laura.

" Nathan!"

Laura called out to the man as she looked at his burned chest.

" Ah! I thought fire couldn't hurt you."

Laura said to the man.

" That wasn't fire. It was energy, plasma maybe. But whatever it was it hurt like a bitch."

Nathan groaned as he got to his feet.

" Come on you piece of crap!"

Logan yelled to the giant robot.

" Terminate.... Bzt. Bztt. termi... un... Unauth... Unatuhtorized input. re-routing"

The sentinel short-circuited and collapsed face first into the ground disabled.

" Well, that was anti-climatic."

Nathan stated.

" Cable and Douglas! Come on. We need to go find the others."

Logan said as he and Domino ran towards the facility.

" Damn it."

Nathan groaned as he followed the two.

" Cable? How's it going old man?"

Logan asked as he and Domino arrived.

" It's done. He did it."

Cable exclaimed.

" Whoa! Not bad seems like you guys did it. You alright Cable?"

Nathan asked as he arrived to join the others.

" Never mind me. Check on cypher."

Cable said to the man.

" He's still breathing. We'd better get him out of here."

Domino said as she held Douglas in her arms. She went to pick him up but was stopped by Logan.

" Domino. Let me."

Logan said to the woman as he picked the boy up.

The team turned and walked back outside to see Warren holding a very injured Laura.

" Laura! What happened?!"

Nathan yelled as he ran up to the woman to check her injuries.

" She's alive. She tried to step through the time-Membrane. Intel was right. Nothing Organic can pass through."

Warren explained to the group as he handed Laura to Nathan, her bloody muscles nestling against the man's chest.

" Damn it Laura. You could have died!"

Nathan said as he held the woman's face.

" Had to... try. The membrane is shrinking. When it closes. it's gone for good."

Laura explained to the group as she sat in Nathans arms.

" Am I hurting you?"

Nathan asked as he placed his hand on the woman's face.

" It all hurts."

Laura said to the man in pain.

" I'm so sorry Love."

Nathan said as he gently kissed Laura on her bloody lips, her blood and muscle rubbing off on Nathans face leaving the man with blood all over his face.

" I'm sorry Nathan. I had to try. That was our only way back."

Laura said to the man.

" It's okay Laura. We'll make it back somehow my love."

Nathan said to the woman as he gently rubbed her bloody face.

" Seriously, are we going to stand here and watch it blink out and strand us here forever? Because I don't think I could take that."

Domino asked the other men.

" No, we're going to get some cover before Nightfall. There'll be other sentinels out there. Best we can hope to do now is survive."

Warren said to the woman.

" Wait... I have an Idea. Nothing Organic can pass through the membrane. What if someone who wasn't organic went tried? Cable?"

Nathan looked to the man and asked.

Cable took a deep breath and stepped into the membrane screaming in pain as he walked forward.

X-Force looked on as the man disappeared through the membrane unsure of what would happen to the man or them in the coming hours.