
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs


Seeing they were pushed into a corner, Cyclops decided to give X-Force one last mission. Go to the future with Douglas and Cable and put an end to the Sentinels. To stop them before they can come to the past. As X-Force geared up for their mission, Nathan had reawoken from in the Infirmary.

" You're up! Glad to see you made it man."

Josh said to the man as he got up from the bed.

" Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Dude you shouldn't be up. You're still injured."

Josh said to the man as he grabbed his gear.

" Sorry, Josh. But I heard everything while I was out. And I'm needed."

Nathan said to the boy as he strapped on his gear.

Josh went to argue with him but was stopped by Nathan placing his hand over his mouth.

" Listen, the others need your help more than I do. My body is already back to where it was before the blast. That's good enough for me to help out for now. We need all hands-on deck, and I won't sit this out because my life is in danger."

Nathan said to the boy before leaving the infirmary.

' Damn it. It my body still feels like lead. I don't think I'm making it out of this one. If I die. I swear I am going to haunt Cyclops for the rest of his life.'

Nathan thought to himself as he walked up the stairs of Utopia. Nathan arrived at the top to see X-Force, Cable, Scott and Emma gathering around Hope.

" You guys got room for one more on this suicide mission?"

Nathan asked the group as he entered the room.

" Nathan! You shouldn't be up!"

Laura yelled to the man.

" Heh! Was wondering if you were going to make it sparky."

Logan grinned at the man.

" Nathan, are you sure you can do this?"

Scott asked the man as he walked over to join the rest of X-Force.

" Yeah, I got enough in the tank to get us there and back."

Nathan said to the man.

" Nathan there is no coming back."

Scott said to the man.

" Are you doubting me Summers? Come on. You should know better. All of you should. I'm the man who makes the impossible, possible. Now, come on. Let's go put an end to this bullshit."

Nathan slammed his fist into his other hand and explained triumphantly.

" Good man!"

Cable said as he patted the man on the back.

" Damn it Nathan. You weren't supposed to be here. Do you realize what you just agreed to do?"

Laura asked the man in disbelief.

Nathan smiled and placed a kiss on Laura's lips.

" Of course, I do. I just agreed to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Now, Onwards Cable! To the future!"

Nathan said to the man.

Cable smirked and activated his time machine. He and the entirety of X-Force jumped into the future.

" Do you really think they can do it?"

Emma asked the man.

" I do."

Scott replied solemnly.

" Scott... Scott, what aren't you telling me?"

Emma asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

" I just killed them."

Scott said to the woman.

" You just said..."

Emma was saying before Scott cut her off.

" Cable's tech... It only had one more jump left. He knew it. They all knew it. They went anyway. It's a one-way trip Emma. Win or lose. I just killed X-Force. I just killed my own son."

Scott explained to the woman as Hope sat off in the corner grieving the loss of her father figure.

In the Future X-Force just touched down.

" We're hosed."

Logan said to the group as he looked around at the environment and seeing the giant sentinels looming over the city.

" Ah come on. I've blown up bigger things than this."

Cable said to the man.

" Logan.."

Douglas called out to the man as he looked at a nearby wall.

All of X-Force turned to see what he was looking at and were shocked to see it was a poster of all the Mutants they had killed.

" Oh my god. They killed all of us. THEY'VE KILLED US ALL!"

Warren growled in anger as he tore the posters up.

" Keep it down. Keep it together."

Logan said to the man.

" How? How can you..."

Warren asked

" Worthington if you keep screaming, they're going to be on us."

Cable said to the man.

" Cables right. Who cares if we're all dead? All this means for us is that we have to kill them all. Every single one of these bastards. And then figure out a way to get back to the past to stop it all from happening again."

Nathan said to the man as he held Lauras poster in his hand. He tore it up and kissed the woman in defiance.

" Hey, Look at this."

Domino said to the group as they came across one particular poster different from the others.

" Look at Sparky."

Domino said as she held up Nathan's poster.

" M.I.a."

Nathan's poster read.

" Either they killed me and didn't know it. Or I somehow escaped. Either way doesn't really matter. We got business to take care."

Nathan said as he tore up his poster as well.

" Damn right we do. And here's some good news. If we're all dead... Then they got no idea how to fight us."

Logan explained to the group.

" Hey!"

Douglas called out to the others.

" Look out."

Domino said as she pushed Douglas out of the way.

" Attention trespassers! Your presence in this zone is expressly forbidden extreme prejudice is to be exercised in... in... in... Holy god. MUTANTS!"

The man in the sentinel bot yelled as he looked upon the X-Force extremists.

" Kill them all!"

Nathan yelled as he formed a blade of sound. He leapt into the air and started cutting the robots into pieces with the rest of X-Force doing the same.

" So, much for the element of surprise. Shut'em down before they can call for back up."

logan said to the others as he cut the pilot of the sentinel into pieces.

" Mine is down."

Laura said as she took her sentinel down.

" Lucky. We got lucky."

Warren said to the group.

" Yeah, because you couldn't stop yelling."

Nathan said to the man as he finished off his last sentinel.

Douglas quickly ran to one of the downed sentinels and patched into the machine to see what information he could pull from it.

" They're sending all the heavy-duty models into the past. Five at a time."

Douglas explained to the group.

" All right. Here's the plan... We kill our way from here to there. We kill our way inside. And we don't come out until the future is razed and the past is saved. No matter what."

Cable explained to the group.

Nathan nodded and grabbed Laura's hand, giving it a tight squeeze.

" Damn, right. Let's go kill these bastards."

Nathan said strongly.