
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs


Nathan got up early in the morning as usual to prepare for his first day of classes. They were the standards you would expect for a high school senior. World history which would normally be covered by Mr. Logan, however, was covered by Ms. Frost today. Science with Nathans favorite teacher male teacher, Mr. Mccoy. Mathematics with Mr. Summers. And English with Ms. Frost, as it was her main class. Nathan barely said a word to anyone in these classes as those who were there didn't seem to appreciate his presence all too much. Though there were some who did introduce themselves to the boy. Jay, who was a mutant with wings like angel, and victor, who was a boy with lizard like features, were two of the only boys to actually talk to Nathan during their classes. And at one point Jay introduced Nate to Laurie who also welcomed him with open arms.

" Woo. Glad that's finally over. Man, I hate school."

Nathan said as he made his way to the school's gym.

Upon entering the gym all eyes seemed to turn to the Nathan.

" All right Nathan, now that you're here we'll begin. Would you please step-up front for me."

Scott said as the boy entered the gym.

Nathan nodded and came up to the front of the class.

" Since you're new we're going to do some tests today and see what exactly your limits are. Got it?"

Scott explained to the boy.

" All right teach. Hands on just how I like it. What's first?"

Nathan asked as he hyped himself up.

" Strength. Grab onto the machine and lift it. Over time the weight will increase, once you've reached your limit place it down."

Scott explained as he led Nathan to a weight machine.

" Okay, seems simple enough. I can bench about 230 so that should be my limit."

Nathan said as he picked the machine up off the ground.

The number on the machine started at zero and gradually rose. Nate didn't seem to have any problems with it until he reached the three hundreds.

" Whoa! For a guy who looks so scrawny he certainly is strong."

Megan said as she watched the boy hold up the machine.

" He's already the fourth strongest student physically. And everyone above him has super strength."

Jay said in astonishment.

" 400! Keep pushing Nathan!"

Scott called out to the boy giving him encouragement to keep going.


Nathan yelled as the machine kept going up until he eventually placed the machine on the ground.

" 480!"

Scott called out the final number on the machine.

" 480? Damn! I doubled my old record."

Nathan joked exasperatedly. Trying his best not to fall over.

" I'm Impressed. But now's not the time for rest. Next up is speed and endurance. I want you to run around the gym as long as you. Start with a simple jog and then work your way up to full speed got it?"

Scott explained to the boy.

" I got it okay, I get the concept."

Nathan said to the man a little agitated.

Nathan took off around the edges of the gym, going at a slight jog, after his first lap he turned the gears up and started running, after the second lap he cranked it up again into a full-on sprint.

" Look at him go."

Josh said as he watched the boy running circles around the gym.

" How many laps has he done so far?"

Cessily asked

" Twenty-five. He's still a long way from the fifty set by but still out of the students, he's got you all beat in speed and endurance."

Scott said as he wrote down the boy's results.

" Okay, that's enough for now. You can stop."

Scott said to the boy.

Nathan slowly started to decelerate eventually coming to a complete stop.

" Was that good enough? I feel like I could have kept going."

Nathan said with a grin on his face.

" That was pretty good. Seems like your powers have greatly increased your physical abilities as well."

Scott exclaimed.

" What are your abilities?"

Megan the pink haired pixie asked as she flew around the boy.

" Well, I believe Mr. Mcoy called it Sound manipulation."

Nathan stated.

" Sound manipulation? Sounds lethal. What can you do with it?"

Megan asked a question that everyone wanted to know.

" Does it matter? I'm still the strongest."

Julian declared arrogantly.

" I can do two things that I know of right now. I can use what hank called a ballistic scream. It's the combination of sonic scream and explosion inducement."

Nathan explained to the group as Hank explained to him.

" So, what? like Black bolt?"

Noriko asked

" Yes, actually, though a little toned down. I can also create shockwaves from my hands, though I haven't figured out exactly how I do those things yet."

Nathan explained to the group.

" So, you're useless? Hahaha! Oh man that's golden."

Julian laughed as he mocked the boy.

" Don't be such an ass Julian."

Noriko said to the boy.

" Oh, it's fine. I've dealt with punks like him before. It's no big deal. Besides it's usually the guys who talk the most shit that have the smallest peckers."

Nathan joked as he held up his pinky finger getting a round of laughter from the rest of the students.

" What did you say punk?"

Julian asked as his turned green.

" Okay that's enough break it up you two. Can't have you trying to kill each other on your first day here Nathan."

Scott said as he split the two boys up.

" All right everyone. It's time to get class underway."

Scott said making the rest of the student's groan.

" Hm, not bad new kid. Way to get under Julian's skin."

Noriko said to the boy as she walked past him.

After an hour of Physical training scott called an end to the classes for the day.

" Yo nathan what's up?"

Jay called out as he and a group of other students walked over to him.

" What's up?"

Nathan asked as he tried to recreate his shockwaves.

" Let me introduce you to the Hellions and the New mutants."

Jay said as he watched the boy thrusting his hand out.

" The who now?"

Nathan asked as he looked at the boy.

" Oh, sorry. I forgot you haven't been here that long. They are the names of our teams. Noriko, josh, David, and I are the new mutants."

Jay explained

" And we are the Hellions!"

Julian said as he joined the group.

" Yeap the hellions! Cessily, Sooraya, Santo, and Julian are the hellions."

Jay explained.

" Though not all of them are dicks like Julian."

Noriko stated her disdain for the boy apparent.

" Hahaha! It's nice to meet you all. I look forward to learning with you all in the future."

Nathan said to the group of students.

" See, Nori? i told you he was nice guy."

Jay said to the woman.

" I never said he wasn't."

Nori said back.

" Wait, did you think I wasn't? I mean I know I haven't exactly been vocal to any of you really, but I was usually a loner."

Nathan explained.

" it's not that man. People are just upset that the teachers are replacing students all ready."

Cessily stated.

" Wait, replacing? I'm not replacing anyone. Not that I know of anyway."

Nathan exclaimed.

" Uhm, I know you haven't been here long. But most of the students at the school that weren't in this class today, lost their powers."

Jay said to Nathan.

Nathans face suddenly went from one of confusion to one of sadness.

" I see. And you all think I'm going to end up replacing one of the students on your squads. I can see why any of you would be upset about that. But don't take it out on me, I've have enough with dealing with that kind of crap for one lifetime."

Nathan explained to the group.

" Look, just at least try to get to know me before you judge me alright?"

Nathan asked the group to give him a fair chance.

" Absolutely Nathan. We were going to ask if you had decided which squad, you would join but seeing as how you just heard about the squads perhaps another day would be best."

Sooraya said to the boy.

" Really, I don't think I'd be ready to join any squads until I can at least use my powers on command and not when I'm angry."

Nathan explained as he looked down at his palm.

" You'll get the hang of it in no time Nathan."

Cessily stated.

" Well, thank you Cessily for the vote of confidence."

Nathan said with a smile to the woman.

" Now, then guys if you don't mind, I'm going to go try and practice with this some more. I'll see ya tomorrow."

Nathan waved to the group as he exited the gym.

' Okay, time to figure this. I'm going to get it this time for sure.'

Nathan thought as he walked out of the gym and towards the fields.