
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs


" Guess you guys got your butts handed to ya too."

Logan said to Scott.

" It was a surprise attack... A blitz. According to hank the sentinel pilots were somehow infected by the Nano-Sentinels Cassandra nova created. It turned them into Human-Sentinel hybrids... Into Monsters. They destroyed everything."

Scott explained to the man as they stood amongst the destroyed remains of the institute.

" Not everything."

Logan replied.

" We're hurt bad, Logan... You've got wounded, the kids went against the purifiers and took casualties... And all of our telepaths were taken out. On top of that, our only healer right now, elixir, was injured by a falling wall. He's unconscious and probably will be for days."

Scott replied

" Unleashing Nano-Sentinels like some kind of virus? You really think cable'd go that far?"

Logan asked

" He had access to the Nano-Sentinel samples... He's a capable scientist... And we have no idea what his agenda is here logan... We have to assume the worst."

Scott explained.

" I guess so."

Logan replied

" Bishops on his way to one headquarters to brief them on what happened. But regardless of what they decide to do... It's time for us to up the stakes."

Scott stated.

" What do you mean?"

Logan asked.

" It's time. Our backs are against the wall. The future of our race is in the hands of mutant who just turned on us... Who could have killed us all."

Scott explained.

" Yeah, I know... Just never thought you'd have the stones to pull the trigger. Chuck would never even come up with this plan."

Logan replied.

" I know, but these are desperate times, Logan... The kind you're at your best in. You know what to do. The target is Cable. You're to take him down and get that child back by any means necessary. Assemble the X-FORCE!"

Scott ordered.

" You got it!"

Logan replied as he pulled his mask on.

" But Logan, I want you to take one more with you."

Scott said to the man.

" Who?"

Logan asked.

" You want to do what Logan?"

Laura asked as Logan and the rest of X-FORCE Joined them in the Med-Bay.

" I want you and Sparky on X-FORCE."

Logan replied.

" I understand me. But Nathan's hurt. He's not cut out for this kind of mission."

Laura stated angrily.

" Sorry, Laura. I don't really like it myself. But slim wanted him on the squad. I'm extending the offer, it's the kids' decision whether or not to accept it. So, what will it be kid?"

Logan explained.

" Nathan, you can't do this. You still have six broken ribs, a fractured collarbone, and multiple fractures in your arm."

Laura said to the boy.

" All small injuries in the face of death. Our people are in danger. We got a job that needs to get done. You asked me my choice Logan?"

Nathan explained.

He lifted himself off of his gurney and removed the bandages wrapped around his body revealing multiple black and blue spots all around his body.


Nathan said to the man as he slipped on his outfit.

" Heh! Welcome to the team kid! Now then, let's go gut this son of a bitch!"

Logan said with a grin on his face.

" Damn it Nathan! You don't know what you're agreeing to!"

Laura snapped.

" I know it might seem like you know me, Laura. But you don't. I've been happy here with all of you. But I wasn't always. Every time I seem to find something good, the universe just throws it in my face that it won't last. Well, if the universe wants me to be that guy again. I will."

Nathan replied to the woman as he walked out of the med-bay with X-force behind him.

" All right, where are we going first?"

Nathan asked.

After a short walk to the jet the newly formed X-Force headed straight for Cooperstown, Alaska.

" All right, you know what to do."

Logan said to the group.

" Wait."

Nathan said as he stopped the others from leaving.

" What kid?"

Warpath asked.

" Let's move in complete silence."

Nathan said as he repeated his trick from earlier.

He snapped his fingers and the sound around them suddenly disappeared.

" What did you do?"

Rahne asked.

" Simple, I altered the soundwaves around us. Now anything we interact with will only be heard by us. So, now they can't hear us coming."

Nathan explained.

" Nice job kid, now let's go."

Logan said as the group moved towards their target.

While the others moved silently into the building, Nathan took this opportunity to ambush one of the guards. Nathan snuck up behind the man and choked him out.

" Unit three happened?"

The lead officer asked over the radio.

" What the hell are you doing?"

Logan asked the boy.

Nathan raised his finger to his mouth and told the man to be quiet.

" Unit three all clear!"

Nathan said in the unconscious officer's voice.

" Good! Base out!"

The officer said before ending radio transmission.

" What happened to stealth?"

Rahne asked.

" Stealth will work for us getting in. But on the off chance we have to make some noise getting out. We can use this to track their movements and coordinate our strike."

Nathan explained as he held up the radio.

" All right sparky, keep the radio you're in charge of information."

Logan said to the boy as they moved further into the building.

" Okay, so far, so good. When we were first here, there was too much crap in the air to get any scent. Plus, we didn't know what we were looking for.

" Now we are knowing cable."

Hepzibah stated.

" Right, between that and the smoke and chemicals having dissipated we got a better shot. We split into groups."

Logan explained.

" Are you sure that is wise? After a certain distance my sound nullifier stops working, if we get too far from each other, I won't be able to cover you."

Nathan explained.

" All right, that's fine. I have an idea. X-23 with me, Hepzibah you're with Caliban, Warpath you and Wolfsbane. Sparky, I want you to stay here and try to keep us within range."

Logan explained.

" Got it. Stay safe X."

Nathan responded.

" No offense to Rahne, but I'd rather work with Hepzibah."

Warpath stated.

" You go where I say."

Logan responded to the man.

Warpath turned and walked off in anger.

" Rahne?"

Logan called out.

" Aye sir."

Rahne replied.

" Keep an eye on him. When the time comes and it's gonna. We can't hesitate. He can't hesitate. Warpaths valuable to the mission. But if there's any chance, he's gonna falter at the finish line, I gotta know."

Logan explained before splitting off with Laura.

' Alright, setting up echolocation.'

Nathan thought to himself as he sent out his soundwaves throughout the building. after a few minutes Nathan noticed that Caliban and Hepzibah were in trouble.

' Shit, Caliban and Hepzibah are heading straight for the guards.'

Nathan thought as he ran out of the room.

Blam Blam!

The sound of gunshots rang out through the halls drawing the attention of the others.

" I'll take point!" Warpath yelled as he and the others burst through the doors ready to fight.

" Knock yourself out."

Logan replied.

The group finally arrived to see that Caliban and Hepzibah had already finished dealing with the guards.

" Caliban screamed, alerted the men."

Hepzibah stated.

" Sorry, Caliban has good and bad news. Good news whatever kept me from sensing the baby it's gone."

Caliban explained.

" Bad news: Neighbors most likely know we're here."

Hepzibah stated.

" Scratch most likely. They definitely know."

Nathan said as he turned the radio up.

" All unit's convers on Hospital!"

The officer yelled over the radio.

" I grabbed a look at the hospital schematics. There's some old maintenance tunnels accessible through the basement. By the time they get in we'll be in the blackbird."

Warpath explained.

" Let's do it."

Wolverine stated.

The group quickly Ran down to the basement running as fast as they could to avoid the guards.

" Are you alright, X?"

Nathan asked.

" Fine."

Laura replied.

" Yeah, well you seemed pissed about something."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Not the time."

Laura replied.

" Oh, please we've already lost them. They have no idea where we went."

Nathan stated.

" Well, I don't want to talk about it. Better?"

Laura asked.

" Later."

Nathan replied.

" Do you know where we're going Caliban?"

Nathan asked.

" Yes, I do. Alberta Canada. Snowy mountains."

Caliban replied.

" Hm, of course he would."

Logan growled as the Jet flew through the air.

" Hm, it seems like the reavers found him first."

Nathan said as he looked out of the blackbird to see the people, he had fought last night attacking cable.

" Let's go. And sparky, no big moves. We don't need the mountain coming down on us."

Logan explained to the boy.

" You think I don't know that?"

Nate asked as he and the others jumped out of the jet close enough to the reavers that they didn't notice.

" What do you care about this deathstrike? What do you care about the purifiers?"

Cable asked the woman.

" The child's birth was foretold. Foretold by Reverend William Stryker. William told me he would need of me twice... Once when he was alive... And once after his death. He told me of the mutant antichrist. And asked me to kill it. Now I fulfill my vow."

Deathstrike explained as she held his fingers to cables throat.

" Hmph, I guess he didn't mention to look behind you."

Cable said as X-Force attacked the group.

" Yuriko!"

Logan yelled in anger.

" It's probably not the time, but do you know her Wolverine?"

Nathan asked.

" Not the time sparky!"

Logan replied as he drove his claws through one of the reavers throats.

" X! Hepzibah! Someone get to cable!"

Wolverine yelled.

" Kill them! Kill them all!"

Deathstrike ordered.

" X watch your back."

Nathan said as he intercepted one of the reavers.

" Cable!"

Warpath called out.

" Keep your mind on the current prey, James. Else you won't live to get to your friend."

Hepzibah stated as she crushed one of the reavers skulls in her hand.

" How dare ye! How dare ye wear those clothes claiming to be god's servants! Look at what you did in the lord's name! You killed children! You killed babies!"

Rahne yelled as she ripped the reavers apart.

Seeing the chance Logan ran after Cable.

" Dammit, Cable, you move too good for an old man..."

Wolverine complained as he chased the man.

" Logan san... Die!"

Deathstrike yelled as she slashed logan across his chest.

Deathstrike aimed to attack Logan again but was tackled away from the man by Laura.

" You call yourself deathstrike? Show me!"

Laura yelled as she attacked the woman.

" Wolverine insults me... A child? He seeks to shame me. But you?"

Deathstrike stated as she attacked Laura, cutting through her skin with ease.

" You think yourself my equal? I am lady deathstrike daughter of lord dark wind! You are nothing!"

Deathstrike exclaimed as she continued her vicious assault on Laura.

" And your arrogance will cost you your life. Do you hear me? You are not even worth fighting!"

Deathstrike exclaimed to the mutilated girl lying in the snow.

" Get away from her!"

Nathan yelled as he slammed his fist into deathstrikes jaw sending her flying across the mountain.

" X!"

Nate called out as he picked up the girl's bloody body.

" Damn girl, she got you good huh?"

Nate asked.

" I had it under control."

laura growled.

" Yeah, because it sure looks like it."

Nathan stated as he helped the girl to her feet.

Her entrails hanging out of her ripped open torso.

" Looks like she's getting back up. what do you say we finish this?"

Nathan asked.

" Hm!"

Laura nodded.

" Fast ball special Incoming! Soundwave style."

Nathan said as he picked Laura up into his hands

" Raaah!"

Laura growled as Nate threw her at Deathstrike.

" Argh!"

Deathstrike yelled in agony as Laura tore her arm off her body

" You are losing blood faster than you can heal. I cut through your cybernetics faster than they can repair. You are dead and don't even know it."

Laura said to deathstrike. She continued her attack on the woman slashing her claws through her shoulder and then stabbed her through the back. Leaving her in the snow to die.

" You died the second you touched Nathan Drake."

Laura stated.

" Aw, you're still mad about that? I'm touched."

Nate joked much to the woman's annoyance.

" X-Force we got a problem. Cable stole the blackbird."

Wolverine stated.

" Damn!"


Thirty minutes later.


Warpath yelled as he held Caliban's body in his arms.

" I don't hear his heart. I'm sorry Warpath."

Nate said to the man.

" He's not dead!"

Warpath yelled back.

" He is."

Laura stated bluntly.

" Laura."

Nathan growled at the woman.

" James it is death any of us would want. In battle with friends. Fighting for something that matters."

Hepzibah stated.

" You don't understand Hepzibah. Cal died to save me, and I can't pay him back. I can't make it right. I can't balance it ever. AARRRRRH!"

Warpath yelled in anger.

" Logan bring me up to speed."

Scott stated.

" Feel like mourning the dead summer?"

Logan asked.

" We'll mourn Caliban and honor him later. Tell me what happened here."

Scott ordered

" What you see. We met the enemy. We did them harm. But cable got away in our own damn transport, it was my fault. He played us"

Logan explained.

" It was no one's fault. You had to stop the baby from being killed."

Scott stated.

" That's what cable was doing too. He was protecting it."

Laura stated.

" Yeah, if cable was working against us. Why would he be protecting the baby? Wouldn't it just make more sense for him to have killed it? We're missing something. Something crucial to all of this. I don't think it was Cable who turned against us. I don't think he was the one who reprogrammed the sentinels either. Oh man, every time we take a step forward it seems we take a large jump back."

Nathan explained his thoughts.

" Welcome to the life kid."

Logan stated.

" Speaking of, how did he do?"

Scott asked.

" Sparky did pretty damn good. He's efficient and smart. Pretty fucking Lethal too. Glad you recommended him. Because he's ours now Slim."

Logan stated.

" I see. Bobby, you getting anything from blackbird one?"

Scott asked.

" Nothing on the board, scott. But cable knew that jet was fitted with a locator. Makes sense that he'd deactivate it before he even strapped in."

Bobby explained.

" And he's still blindsiding you telepathically?"

Scott asked Emma.

" So, far. I'm getting a faint psi-Echo, but it's too weak to give me a direction."

Emma replied.

" He's heading south. Ever since he left Cooperstown, he's been heading in a straight line south and a little east. We follow that line; we'll find him at the end of it."

Logan explained.

" It's a wide target, but for now it'll do. We'll narrow it down once we're in the air. Guido, Warpath. Put Caliban's body in the aft storage locker. And do it with respect. He died an X-man."

Scott stated.

" Narrow it down how? The only way we found him this time was with Caliban's power."

Laura asked the man.

" I know that."

Scott stated.

" Actually, I might have an idea."

Nathan spoke up.

" What do you think you can do?"

Scott asked.

" Well, actually it's what our friends can do."

Nathan stated.


" Cyclops, Miss Frost. Can you hear us?"

The stepfords asked

" Go ahead."

Scott radioed back.

" We have a location for cable. Dallas, Texas. Approximately two miles from."

The girls were saying.

" Eagle Plaza. He's heading for forge."

Scott stated.

" Then that's where we go next."

Logan stated as the jet flew straight to texas.