
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Issu #7

" Alright, you're good to go Mr. Drake you have a wonderful day."

Hank said to the boy, officially clearing him.

" Thanks, Mr. McCoy."

Nathan waved to the man as he left the Med-Bay.

' Hm, I feel just like I did a few days ago.'

" I should probably, go see how Nori's doing. She's probably more used to this crap than I am. Well, then again, I'm used to dodging bullets."

Nathan thought as he walked up the stairs.

Nathan continued his way up stairs eventually running into someone he didn't recognize.

" Oh, sorry miss. I didn't see you there. Are you alright?"

Nathan asked as he looked up at the woman.

" gggrrr!"

The woman let out a low growl.

Nathan looked at the woman a little concerned.

The woman glared at Nathan for a second before her face relaxed into one of indifference.

" it's fine."

The woman said to the man before walking past him

Nathan reached out and grabbed her shoulder, the woman instantly jerked from his grasp and turned to face him.

" What do you want?"

She asked

" Well, it's just I haven't seen you here before and I wanted to ask your name."

Nathan said to the woman.

She looked at him as if he was crazy for a second before relenting.

" Laura."

The woman said before walking away.

Nathan watched as the woman made her way down to the sub-basement.

" Laura huh?"

Nathan whispered before resuming his journey up the stairs.

It was late so there weren't many students still wandering the halls of the institute.

" Hm, I figured everyone would be in their rooms by now, I usually am. But I didn't think it'd be so quiet."

Nathan said to himself as he walked through the hallway.

However. he did eventually run into a familiar face,

" Hey, Cess what's up."

Nathan called out to red haired girl who was currently sitting against the wall.

Cess lifted her head and smiled at the boy.

" Hey, Nate. Glad to see you're okay."

Cessily said to the boy.

" Thanks. Hey are you okay?"

Nathan asked.

" Yeah, I've just been looking for Jay all day and it seems no one knows where he is."

Cessily replied.

" Jay? That's weird he doesn't usually stay out this late."

Nathan said aloud.

" I know, that's why I'm worried."

Cessily replied.

" I'm sure he's okay. He's probably out practicing or something. Give him time he'll pop up somewhere. And if I see him before you do, I'll let him know you're looking for him."

Nathan explained to the young girl.

" Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks Nathan."

Cessily said to the boy.

" Hey, do you know where Noriko is?"

Nathan asked.

" Her rooms the second to last at the end of this hall."

Cessily explained to the boy.

" Thanks Cess. And don't worry everything's going to be alright."

Nathan said as he waved goodbye to the girl.

Nathan walked to the end of the hall and knocked on the second to last door.

' She might be sleep. Maybe I should come back later.'

Nathan thought.

He turned to walk away but heard the sound of someone unlocking the door, so he stayed.

Hearing the sound of someone knocking on the door, Noriko got up to answer the door.

" Did you forget your key soor....aya?"

Noriko said as she opened the door.

Nathan stared at the woman as blood rushed to his face, making him blush heavily.

Thinking it was her roommate at the door Noriko opened the door in nothing, but her bra and panties.

" Kyaaa!"

Noriko yelled as she slammed the door.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare!"

Nathan yelled through door.

" You idiot, Boys aren't allowed on the girl's side at night!"

Noriko yelled back.

" Sorry, I just wanted to come see if you were okay."

Nathan said to the woman.

There was an awkward silence filling the hall as Nathan stared at the door. and suddenly the door opened again. This time Noriko was dressed, wearing a loose shirt and sweatpants.

" Come in. Hurry, before a teacher comes."

Noriko said as she ushered the boy into the room.

Nathan looked around and was surprised to see that half of the room looked like it belonged to someone religious.

" Sooraya is really religious. Don't mind, she's actually really nice."

Noriko explained.

" I see. So..."

Nathan said awkwardly, avoiding making eye contact with the girl out of embarrassment.

" It was a mistake; you don't have to avoid looking at me you know. I'm not mad or anything."

Noriko said as she plopped down on her bed.

" Yeah, still though sorry. i should have announced myself."

Nathan replied.

" Don't worry about it. Just make sure you let me know next time."

Noriko chuckled at the boy's embarrassment.

" So, are you okay? I mean I didn't see you when you visited. So, I figured I'd stop by now since I was released."

Nathan asked.

" Yeah, I'm fine. I'm used to people trying to kill us for what we are now. After a awhile it just becomes something that's normal I guess."

Noriko replied.

" I know how you feel. Even before I was a mutant, I always had to worry about whether or not I was going to make it another day. It sucks and I'm sorry you have to go through that Nori. You of all people don't deserve that kind of hate."

Nathan said to the woman as he hung his head down. His usual smile gone.

Noriko gazed at the boy's eyes seeing the sadness behind them. The entire time she had known, this was first time she had seen the boy with anything other than a smile.

Noriko scooted over to the boy and placed her hand on his shoulder.

" Are you okay?"

Noriko asked.

Nathans head suddenly jerked up

" Yeah, sorry. Just remembering some unfortunate memories. Sorry, didn't mean to worry ya."

Nathan replied to the woman.

" Do you wanna talk about it?"

Noriko asked.

" It's..."

Nathan was saying before the door opened again.

" Oh, Noriko. I didn't know you were having someone over. I'll give you two some privacy."

Sooraya said as she walked into the room. She turned to leave but was stopped by Nathan.

" No, it's okay. I should be going now."

Nathan said as he got to his feet.

" Nathan, you don't have to leave."

Noriko said to the boy as she got to her feet as well.

" No, it's okay, tomorrow we have class again and we both need rest. And I'm sure sooraya is ready to rest as well. I'm glad to see you're okay Nori."

Nathan explained to the woman.

Nathan reached out and hugged Noriko.

" Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then. Sleep tight Nate."

Noriko said as she hugged back.

Nathan turned from the woman and walked out of the room, giving Sooraya a smile before leaving for his own room where he turned in for the night.