
X-Men: Curse Unleashed

What would happen if two best friends were put into Marvel, one with the powers and abilities of Satoru Gojo, the greatest sorcerer of today (well, not anymore, lmao), and the other with the powers of Sukuna, the greatest sorcerer in history? If you want to find out, give this a read. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Inoyami · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs


Dear readers, I am seeking your input on a matter related to the format and structure of our chapters. We have two options to consider, and I would appreciate your thoughts on which one would be more suitable for our needs.

The first option is to have shorter chapters with a less structured format. This would allow us to release chapters more quickly, allowing our readers to access new content at a faster pace. However, the drawback of this approach is that the chapters may not be as detailed or well-structured as some of you guys might prefer.

The second option is to have longer chapters with a more detailed and structured format. This approach would provide our readers, you guys, with a more comprehensive and immersive reading experience, as each chapter would be meticulously crafted to deliver a richer storyline. However, the downside of this approach is that it would take longer to release each chapter, which could potentially leave our readers waiting for an extended period.

In summary, the choice is between delivering shorter, less structured chapters quickly or longer, more detailed, and better-structured chapters that take more time to produce. I would appreciate your feedback on which approach you think would be more suitable for our readers and why. Thank you for your time and consideration.

(Post rate: Daily for shorter chapters)

(Post rate: Weekly for longer chapters)