
x Love Will Lead You Back x

He looked at Ji An and she can sense something was wrong with him 'What is wrong with people today? Everyone seems off.' "Where have you been?" He asked coldly. Ji An was taken aback by his question and by the tone of it. "Do I have to report to you what I'm doing and where I Am?" She replied sarcastically. He moved closer to her and he put his left arm on her side resting on top of the bonnet of his car and his right arm on the other side. She can't go anywhere, he basically trapped her in between his arms. He moved his face close to hers and his lips hovered on hers, it was dangerously close. "Yes, you should. Since I'm your husband, I should know where you are and what you are doing and who you are with." He inhaled her sweet scent and he let out his cool breath on her lips "I'm the jealous type of husband, I don't want that Eric near you." He still didn't move. Ji An's heartbeat beaten erratically, she's struggled to think for a comeback for what he said. But she can't think of any, all she knew was his cool breath was so inviting, his lips were so close that a simple movement from her will seal a kiss. 'Why am I like this?' Her body temperature rose rapidly her behaviour was uncontrollable. She tried to pull herself away from her shameless thoughts of him. Cheng Ze can feel the heat coming from her body. 'Is she unwell?' He moved away from her and saw her flushed cheeks. Her breathing was different from normal. He touched her face and her forehead "Are you unwell? Do you have a fever?" He asked in a very concerned voice. His touch felt cool against her warm skin. But instead of cooling her down, her body temperature rose even more. He became more worried than earlier. She was incredibly warm. It's not normal. Ji An has no control over her body now, her desire and her lust for him has taken over her. She knew she shouldn't but her body knows different. He asked Ji An for her key but she didn't respond. He looked on her bag and he found it. He carried her up to the door and he opened it. Before he can carry her again, to take her inside, she grabbed the collar of his suit and pulled him to her. She kissed his lips like she really wanted it as if it belongs to her. He doesn't know what's going on with her, but her kiss was making him lose all senses. He pinned her against the door and he held her waist, he responded to her kiss very passionately, full of love and admiration. His lips then travelled to her neck and he gently gropes her breast with his left hand while his right hand was still on her waist holding her in place. He wanted her, all of her 'She's giving herself to me voluntarily.' With that thought, it made him want her more. "Baby" he whispered in her ear, while he kisses and nibbles her earlobe. "Not here... we have to get inside first." His whisper somehow turned her on even more. https://chaptail.com/Novel/tp3rHlJYRvSJGo2rIjx8 https://discord.gg/A33fHxA

MiszYumi · Hiện thực
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21 Chs

Sharing Their First Kiss

Li Maike went to see Gu Cheng Ze in their house and introduced himself, they became friends almost instantly and didn't waste any time to bond and spend time together. They hung out and played basketball all afternoon. Like Ji An, he showed Maike around and came home together in the evening, he invited Cheng Ze in their house for dinner, after all, they are now friends and he should introduce him to their mother.

However, Cheng Ze thought differently, he was afraid of embarrassing himself in front of Ji An, if she found a flaw on him while they eat, he won't have any chance to be with her in the future. He wanted to refuse Maike's offer but Ji An butt in and personally asked him to stay for dinner. There is no way he would refuse her, even if it's a little uncomfortable for him, he will deal with it for her.

At the dining table, Maike introduced Cheng Ze to their mother and she delivered her motherly speech to them as they eat. "So you live next door? Cheng Ze is it? I hope you will get along well with Maike and Ji An, they are good kids. We just moved here so they don't have any friends. Thank you for showing them around." her voice didn't sound strict and there was no hint of disapproval but encouragement.

Cheng Ze didn't expect that at all, he smiled and tried to gather his thoughts before he spoke, "Mrs Li, thank you for accepting me in your home." he politely replied, "I'm glad I met them and become friends with them. I heard you enrolled them in our school." he couldn't hide his happiness, his face was showing it as his smile was consistent, "I'll walk with them to school every day starting tomorrow."

She nodded and smiled back at him, "You are such a nice boy." she looked at Maike and Cheng Ze, "Both of you, look after our Ji An okay?" Of course, her daughter needs their protection as she was the only girl and her only daughter.

Ji An just smiled and focused on her dinner, she didn't interrupt her mother or voice out her opinion or her thoughts.

It was their first day in school, Ji An was in 4th grade while Maike and Cheng Ze were classmates in 7th grade. They walked to school and came home together and every time they have to cross the road, Cheng Ze would hold Ji An's hand and she would let go of his hand after they crossed, it had become their routine for 5 years.

Every year, for Ji An's birthday, Cheng Ze would always make her a birthday card, he never failed to make her one, but on those cards, he never once mentioned that he liked her a lot in those five long years, he never told her that he loved her. He thought his actions were loud enough for her to notice.

Now she was turning thirteen, it was her last birthday in Beijing. They will be going back to England to live with their dad. The sudden news from their mother caught them unprepared, both of them didn't have a say if they wanted to stay or not, they were forced to go to their dad, not that they didn't want to, but they made new friends and life in Beijing already and now they will have to start all over again in England.

Ji An and Maike never told anyone that they will be leaving as the reason for it was hard for them to accept. Their mother was gonna marry another man which is why they have to go and they thought she was being selfish for sending them to their dad without a say.

At Ji An's party, everyone was having fun except her, the thought of her leaving her friends made her sad. She saw Cheng Ze eating some dumplings not far from her and made a decision to grab Cheng Ze's hand and dragged him where they can be alone, she wanted to talk to him privately.

Not knowing what to say to him exactly, she blurted out, "Gu Cheng Ze! I don't want you holding my hands anymore. I don't want to hang out with you anymore." after delivering her words, she felt stupid for saying it.

"...." Cheng Ze suddenly got confused, "Have I done anything wrong to you? Have I upset you?" he was worried sick, the last thing he would do was to upset the girl he liked for five years, he doesn't have a death wish.

Ji An just stared at him, she likes him a lot and they are leaving tomorrow, it's better to push him away and for him to hate her than to give him hope. They will never see each other again, what is the point of telling him that she loves him.

Cheng Ze held her hand and touched her face with the other, "What is wrong? Are you upset with me? Have I done something?" eyebrows creased, his voice was low and sad.

Ji An tensed up with his actions, she doesn't know what to do or say next. She stared at him while her thoughts have a lot to say but she doesn't want to voice it out, 'I love you... but I can only whisper it in my heart. I liked you since the day I met you. But I can't tell you that because I'm too young and immature you might not feel the same.' She then pushed him to make a distance between them but Cheng Ze held her hand tightly making the distance closer than before.

"Tell me, are you upset with me? Why are you doing this? Look at me and tell me." Only Ji An was capable of messing up his mind and making him act like a possessive person, she was the only person that he wanted in his life and he cannot accept this from her.

Ji An looked down, she couldn't stand his gaze, she wanted to scream and tell him she likes him but she can't and she won't, in her little mind, she was thinking what's good for him and it's not her because she is leaving, she doesn't want to be selfish, "Cheng Ze... I- I- ...I can't do this—"

His gaze was more intense than before, "You can't do what? Please, Ji An I'm begging you tell me what's on your mind." he pleaded as he was determined to find out what went wrong, he was always careful as he doesn't want to make her sad or angry.

After swallowing her saliva, her voice calmed down and looked at his eyes, "I'm going to do something but promise me, you will not follow me or ask anything from me." her voice didn't break, "You will stay here until I'm out sight and don't come to our house tomorrow I will not see you." she didn't flinch but her heart pounded hard, she was not sure if what she's about to do was right or wrong or what, all she knew was that she will be leaving tomorrow and this will be her last moment with him. 'If I can't tell him, then I have to show him that I like him.' she thought.

Her eyes didn't falter and called his name softly and sweetly. "Gu Cheng Ze, close your eyes I have something to give you."

Cheng Ze was still confused but he did what she asked and closed his eyes. Ji An moved closer to his face and looked at his lips, "Do not open your eyes, whatever happens, whatever you feel, keep your eyes shut," she said softly and slowly. She didn't wait for his response, aimed for his lips and kissed him with all her heart. Cheng Ze felt her lips on his, he let her hand go due to shock, he hadn't expected that from her. He kissed her back when he recovered from the shock and their little kiss went deeper.

She can no longer hold back her tears and let go of his lips before running away. It hurts to love and leave you first love like that. Why does it have to be like this? Why?

Gu Cheng Ze POV

He doesn't know what's going on with her, but he followed her instructions. When he felt her lips, he wasn't sure if it was a dream or what but he kissed her back. It was his first kiss and it was with Ji An plus she kissed him first. What was the meaning of her kiss? Her lips were soft and he wanted more of her lips. As he was going deeper into their kiss, she suddenly ran away. 'How can she do that to me, was she embarrassed? Is she my girlfriend now? Are we together?' he asked himself. "When and how did I learn to kiss like that? I can't wait to see her, ask her and get answers. Why am I so happy? She's turning me into a crazy person. Ji An I love you... I will show you how much love I have for you."