
x Love Will Lead You Back x

He looked at Ji An and she can sense something was wrong with him 'What is wrong with people today? Everyone seems off.' "Where have you been?" He asked coldly. Ji An was taken aback by his question and by the tone of it. "Do I have to report to you what I'm doing and where I Am?" She replied sarcastically. He moved closer to her and he put his left arm on her side resting on top of the bonnet of his car and his right arm on the other side. She can't go anywhere, he basically trapped her in between his arms. He moved his face close to hers and his lips hovered on hers, it was dangerously close. "Yes, you should. Since I'm your husband, I should know where you are and what you are doing and who you are with." He inhaled her sweet scent and he let out his cool breath on her lips "I'm the jealous type of husband, I don't want that Eric near you." He still didn't move. Ji An's heartbeat beaten erratically, she's struggled to think for a comeback for what he said. But she can't think of any, all she knew was his cool breath was so inviting, his lips were so close that a simple movement from her will seal a kiss. 'Why am I like this?' Her body temperature rose rapidly her behaviour was uncontrollable. She tried to pull herself away from her shameless thoughts of him. Cheng Ze can feel the heat coming from her body. 'Is she unwell?' He moved away from her and saw her flushed cheeks. Her breathing was different from normal. He touched her face and her forehead "Are you unwell? Do you have a fever?" He asked in a very concerned voice. His touch felt cool against her warm skin. But instead of cooling her down, her body temperature rose even more. He became more worried than earlier. She was incredibly warm. It's not normal. Ji An has no control over her body now, her desire and her lust for him has taken over her. She knew she shouldn't but her body knows different. He asked Ji An for her key but she didn't respond. He looked on her bag and he found it. He carried her up to the door and he opened it. Before he can carry her again, to take her inside, she grabbed the collar of his suit and pulled him to her. She kissed his lips like she really wanted it as if it belongs to her. He doesn't know what's going on with her, but her kiss was making him lose all senses. He pinned her against the door and he held her waist, he responded to her kiss very passionately, full of love and admiration. His lips then travelled to her neck and he gently gropes her breast with his left hand while his right hand was still on her waist holding her in place. He wanted her, all of her 'She's giving herself to me voluntarily.' With that thought, it made him want her more. "Baby" he whispered in her ear, while he kisses and nibbles her earlobe. "Not here... we have to get inside first." His whisper somehow turned her on even more. https://chaptail.com/Novel/tp3rHlJYRvSJGo2rIjx8 https://discord.gg/A33fHxA

MiszYumi · Hiện thực
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21 Chs

A Chance Not To Be Missed

"How are you feeling Ji?" Alice sat on the bed where Ji An was lying down. "I really want us to be family." She held her hand in a comforting way, "I hope you can forgive Eric. You know he is a responsible and sensible person. I know what he did was wrong but look, he is making up for it. He is trying." her voice was low and reassuring.

She held her hands back and smiled, "Alice, to me you are already my sister." To her, Eric doesn't need to be in the picture for them to be sisters. They have been friends for four years and living together in their flat for a year, their bond was already enough for them to become sisters.

"Ji An, please... My brother is here now. Taking responsibility for what he has done. What else do you want? Ji, you have us. We are here for you. Don't you like the idea of having me as your sister in law? Legally sisters?"

Those words should make her feel happy but it doesn't. This is not what she wanted and she didn't ask for all this to happen. "You know the person I really like... I shouldn't be saying this but—" Her heart only belongs to him and to him alone. How can she possibly stop herself from loving him? How can she tell her heart to stop beating only for him? Even after what he did to her, she still loves him the same way she did before. It might sound really stupid because even to her it doesn't make any sense why she still feels the same way towards him after everything.

"But what? Yes, I am fully aware of your childhood love! But come on Ji, how long has it been? Did you meet him in China? Did he say he will take responsibility for the child that's not his?!? My brother is here!" Alice couldn't help but raise her voice due to her frustration. "The father of your baby! Can't you accept him? Have a family?" she calmed down after she realised her voice was a little loud, "If you don't like him right now, I'm sure eventually you will love him." Alice tried so hard to convince Ji An. All she wanted was to have her as a family, legally and for her brother to be happy.

"Alice..." she paused and looked at her friend, "I met Cheng Ze in Beijing and I still feel that he is the one I love." Ji An lowered her head, after what he did to her, she still said it out loud, she loves him.

"I'm gonna be an aunt for god sake! And I'm gonna fight for it! I want my nephew or niece to have a father.. the real father and that is Eric! Ji An please, I'm begging you give him a chance. If you don't want to marry him then just send him to jail. I don't give a fuck anymore!" A tinge of anger and desperation in her voice echoed in the room, she gazed at Ji An with disappointed eyes before leaving the room.

Outside, Eric heard almost everything they talked about and when his sister came out, he stopped her, "Alice, can we talk?" His curiosity and jealousy got ahead of him. He must find out who that guy from Beijing is to her.

They went to Alice's room to have privacy, more like secrecy. After Eric had shut the door he asked Alice immediately, "Can you tell me who Zengsi is Alice?"

His sister can tell that he was jealous, she can hear it from his voice. "Well, he is your rival! He is her past love? First love! Such a thing existed. I know right." her eyes rolled as she said that.

"Past? First love?" he licked his lips and touched his forehead, "I heard they met in Beijing? Does he know she's pregnant... and...." His voice didn't sound confident, "Carrying my child?"

Alice sense his brother's apprehension and started to doubt her brother, "To be honest, I don't know Eric! Tell me, honestly! Did you really do it?" Her gaze to him says it all, she is doubting him or she needs confirmation.

He tried to regain his composure first and with his brows creased, "Of course. Why will I admit for something I didn't do. I'm not stupid!"

"I feel like you are somewhat lying to me. I feel like... you are just grabbing an opportunity." She couldn't help it, voicing her thoughts was normal for her. Knowing the truth and admitting mistakes was important to her. It's easy for her to forgive people when they admit they're wrong.

"No way! Do you want me to tell you in complete details what happened? What I did and how I did it? Alice, you know me." his face went all serious, "I will not deny that I love her, and because of that love, I'm becoming like this. But if she really doesn't want me... then there is nothing I can do. I'll still support her and our child and just be friends with her." He really meant what he said, if Ji An will not accept him, he will not force her. Being friends with the woman he loves is better than being not next to her.

Suddenly, Alice's door burst open and Ji An came in. She only heard his last two sentences as eavesdropping is not her thing. "But if she really doesn't want me then there is nothing I can do. I'll still support her and our child and just be friends with her." She followed Alice after she left the room to talk to her about Eric and circumstances but what she heard was enough for her to make a decision for now.

The siblings looked at the door and saw Ji An, she walked and stood in front of Eric. She was not sure if she was doing the right thing or the biggest mistake of her life that she might regret later but right now, she thought that it's the right thing to do for her baby. "Eric, I will give it a try. Let's try to get along. I cannot promise you anything. But I will not deny you the chance of being a father to our baby. I'm not saying that I'm agreeing to the marriage nor forgiving you but let us try being friends and maybe a couple first."

Eric didn't expect that from her at all, but it was good news, he was actually expecting the worst. But what she said just now gave him hope. It was like a light after the long dark tunnel. "Are you sure?"

"But Ji your belly will become bigger by the time you want to get married." Alice butt in due to her excitement. She already pictured them in wedding attire while kissing each other and holding each other tenderly. She herself couldn't believe what she just heard from Ji An's mouth.

Eric glared at his sister to warn her not to rush Ji An. "I'm not gonna rush you. Let's take it slow if that's what you want." Of course, he will be patient after all, she was giving him a chance, a chance for him to love, have and be a part of her life.

"I want to continue my studies and finish it and become a Psychologist to work at my own Clinic, and of course, I will try to understand your line of work too so I can support you in the future. We should get to know each other deeply first and no more secrets, no more messing up and lying." Her soft voice was like music to his ears as she explained what she wanted to do in the future. She doesn't want Eric to stop her from achieving her dreams.

"We will achieve your dreams. I will be here to support you. I'll give you your very own Clinic. And yes, I'll take you to the office so you can see what kind of work I'm doing and I agree that we should know each other with no secrets." He smiled at her wholeheartedly but at the back of his head, the words 'no secrets, no lies' has to stay there. She must never learn the truth.

Alice just gave them a look saying and then tease them, 'Hello!!!! I'm still here, you know. I'm not invisible!' She was so happy for them. Finally, her friend came to her senses and made the right decision that will benefit her and their child, a family is what she needed.

"We should go back to our flat and prepare going back to Uni." Ji An reminded Alice who was still smiling as she hugged her brother's arm.

"I will visit you whenever I have free time." Eric's smile made his handsome face looked more dashing. All his worries disappeared and replaced with pure happiness.