
Đeath And It's Revelation

Martin Luther King Jr. once said that no one knows why they are alive until they know what they'd die for.

I knew I was slipping away into the endless darkness and there seemed to be no end to it. I was dying, but why?

What did I do to fall this low in life? Why was I even dying?! That's the question that has been eating me up.

I guess it's true what they say that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. It's called Life.

At that moment I reminisced about all that has happened in my life and it was all heartbreaking. First of all, I woke up with a little knowledge of whom I was, and if not for those angels that stayed with me in my healing process I would be already dead long ago.

Then I got shot with a peculiar bullet that was dosed with a deadly poison from another planet. I was dying but I couldn't help but feel like I have been living for the wrong purpose in this life. And the poison was probably the one killing me now.