
Wukong, it's decided to be you

【Please draw the carbon cycle of the 'Sengu Giant' during photosynthesis】 【The division speed of a certain 'Zoophyte' individual is in the geometric sequence {a}, with a1=3 and a5=24. Find the general formula for its division.】 【The main chemical component of the 'Coral Dragon Lizard' scales is ____, soaking it in concentrated hydrochloric acid will produce a precipitate of ____】 Looking at the increasingly absurd questions in the tutoring book, Chen Xuan couldn't help but close it, seeing the words written on the cover: "I am just a series of traces left by others, leading you to the peak of Spirit Binder; I am just a series of earnest reminders, reminding you of every detail of getting along with the Spirits." ——《Five Years of Mock Tests, Three Years of College Entrance Examination (Spirit Manipulation Arts Edition)》

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From now on, if any new students wish to join, I won't take in another soul. I'll focus solely on your cultivation. Even if the Principal tries to negotiate with me, he won't be able to sway me. I'll give him a slight shock on how to manage a workplace.

Anyways, my contract with Imperial Capital University states that I am to teach for four years. They can't fire me before that time is up. If it comes to it, I'll just quit after four years.

Does this level of sincerity convert into a ground of honesty for you?"

Compared to the forcefulness of the two young tutors, an elderly tutor displayed composure:

"For young people, their greatest asset is their youth. Apart from that, they have virtually nothing.

Little friend Chen Xuan, don't be misled by the surface of things. They promised to only accept you as their student, and it seems very sincere.