
Writing the Death

What happens when the fantasy comes true? what happens when life becomes a living hell? What happens when death stands in front of you? What happens when your nightmare wants to live with you? What happens when you met the real demon in your life? What happens when you beg to die, but death refuses you? What happens when you feel children whacking in your arms? What happens when these screams don't let you sleep? What happens when the greatest truth stands in front of you? What happens when the devil wants you? The story starts with a mistake, a terrible mistake, which snatches the lives of many people, the story of a monster, which is not born, but made, The story of love and horror, a little mistake give rise to the darkest mind, This was a story of the devil, who plays well, who do passionately, and who love dementedly, The story of fear and terror. The story of when the devil finds an angel, the story of ruining someone from inside. The story where life is cheap,

Sana_Hanook · Thành thị
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6 Chs

"Chapter 1" Eyes on her

The story begins with a mistake the tremendous mistake of writing... writing the death.

Aria, age 25 years executing internship to fulfill becoming a doctor. But besides her professional life there was her passion, the passion for writing novels, she always wanted to be a writer but her family never allow her, they want her to focus on her study, but later she started to live the passion, the passion of becoming writer, that was a secret, an enormous secret.

Aria open her eyes quickly and see herself in bed, the sun was rising so pleasantly, and she squint from that, she remember the incident of last night, and curse herself.

Suddenly she look for something, which she had last night, she look so badly for it but didn't find it anywhere.

" Oh, God where it goes?" She tried to remember but the only thing she remembered was that she fainted and in the morning she was in her bed. Unexpectedly her phone rings and she runs for it.

" Aria! Where are you? Did you know what the time is?" The person said on the phone.

" Edward, please I am so sorry, can you look it for me, I will be there in no time," She retorted.

" Okay, But you have just twenty minutes, come fast,"

"Thank you... thank you so much I am coming," she hang up the phone, let out her dress, and got ready for her job, without having her breakfast she wrap her things into her bag.

" Stethoscope, oximeter, okay everything is checked, She takes everything and leaves for her car, she locks the door, and turns to the shining street.

" Hey, Aria," she turned and see a tall handsome man, having features of Greek' God mythology, the huge height of six feet, was standing to welcome her again this morning, he greets her and she give him a bright smile, He walks to her, and give her a gleaming smile of this morning.

" Hey, Ben, Good morning," She replied.

" Very good morning to you, beautiful, leaving for a job?" he asks, and she nodded in yes.

" How Aunt Emily is doing?" She asks.

"She is missing you so much, you should visit her sometime," he said with a little long face.

"I am so sorry, you know my job, I don't get enough time for myself," she said.

" Yes, and the time you got you spent on writing,"

" Shiiiiii, Ben, stop it, don't say it this loud you know I don't want anyone to know this,"

" Okay, okay not saying it aloud, but please come home whenever you got time, "

" Yes, I will, you know I was writing a scary story, but I lost it, and now I was thinking why I was writing that kind of story, thank God I lost it, I will definitely upload it, cause I like it a bit, but I don't like it at all,"

" Ari, what are you trying to say, work pressure is rising to your veins, "

"Hey, right, I should take an off," She said with a blink.

"Yes, and spent that day with me, and Aunt Emily," he said and she nodded her head in yes.

" Hey wait for a second," she said with suspicious eyes.

" What happen?" he asks.

"Don't you feel that someone is looking at us?" She asks.

"You should remember this all eyes are on you when you come out," He said and make her chuckle.

"Sometimes you are so cheesy,"

" No, I am telling the truth," he said while chuckling.

" No, Ben, this is something wrong, I am not feeling right, some eyes are scanning me," she said to him.

"Aria, if you don't mind can I drop you at your hospital, and also let me pick you up, you are scaring me, you know today's situation, last night that ripper attempted another murder,"

"Ben, I don't want to disturb you, and you know I will be fine, you know how much I am scared of it, that's the reason I take this morning shift, don't worry, I will be back safely," she says and pats his shoulder.

"I will be waiting for you," he said and she gets into her car. she drives her car on way, but on the road she sees the body of a girl coming out of her home. she got absorbed in this and stops looking at the road.

"Hey, Ms. stop," she heard a manly voice of a cop. She got extremely scared and stops her car.

"Watch your eyes on the road", he said and she got fascinated by his alluring personality, she had never seen a cop like him, with a muscular body, long height, broad chest, thin and sharp lips, blue eyes, and black hair, his jawline was sharp and prominent, his cheekbones were high, and looking the most handsome man in the world.

"Ms. Benedict," he said and she stares at him.

"you know my name?" She said with big eyes.

"Yes, I know you so well, I am detective Bryon," He said and followed his hand forward.

"Hey, my name is.....," she was about to say but he cuts her off. and clutched her hand firmly.

" Your name is Aria Benedict," He said and she give him a weak smile.

"Ben was right everyone knows me," she said in her mind.

"Detective Bryon, I am so sorry, I will keep my eyes on the road," She apologizes to him.

"No, it's okay, you are getting late, Oh you are already late," he glimpses at his watch and said.

"Okay, I am leaving thank you," she said and drives her car.

" Sir, she was in front of you,"

" Yes, Carl, she was again in front of me, I don't know why she runs from everyone," Bryon said to Carl.

" Sir, you know later her parents died that was so tough to bring her back, and that can be a reason she runs away from everyone,"

"Yes, I know it's not easy for her, " Bryon was a tall dashing detective who are handling the case of murder in Portland city. Everyone was scared of this serial killer, After 8 O" clock, the streets will become bleak, everyone hide in their homes, but doing all this the killer never let go of his prey, a new girl after every two-three days.

Police have surrounded the area, but he does it with strong cleanliness. That was his 7th attempt and no one knows what would happen the next.

" Let's check it out," Bryon said and put his gloves on.

"Sir, we don't understand Ms. Mallory was not at her home, for weeks, and suddenly her body finds in her own home, her body is fresh, that's like she had killed last night,"

"Yes, Carl, that killer is so clever, I think he kidnapped her first," Bryon said while examining her body.

" Sir, every murder he attempted with no clue, look how cleanly he did this," Bryon look at the body and sees that her stomach was whacked, and her head was laying on the other side, She was wearing the proper clothes no sign of the ravishing, a body was clean, no fingerprints, the body was like it has blown by itself. No, marks on the body, the case was so tricky.

"I promise when I got him he will be so killed," Bryon said. He turns her body and sees a tape recorder on her back.

"Hey, Carl, pick it up," Carl takes it and plays it.

" Good Morning detective Bryon, seeing your damn struggle to save them, but today I want to tell you, the game is going to change, we will going to have more fun, Tada, surprise for you, Mallory was a good woman, so good in bed, and I give her what she deserves, look at her beautiful body, you will see what is going to be next, this is nothing," The killer said and the record stop.

" Carl, this is going to be more ugly,"

" Carl, inform people to stay in the home, after 8, we need more force, we need to surround all these highlighted areas, he is going to play rough,"

" Yes, Sir," Carl said and leave to do.

Aria got to the hospital, the morning feels tiring she doesn't like to work today, but she has to.

"Good morning look who is here?" Edwards Aria's friend said.

" Thank you so much, you saved me," she said and give him a gleaming smile.

" Why were you late what happened to you?" Edward asks in worry.

" Nothing, the night was too hard," she said and he made a hopeful face.

" Did you find a boyfriend?" He asks.

" No, never, boyfriends are not of my type, I really wanted to seize myself from all these", she said and he laugh.

"Aria sometimes you feel so stupid, why you don't need any boyfriend? This is the age when you must have someone who would care about you," He said and she rolled her eyes.

"No, I don't need anyone," she said and smiles.

" But you are alone after your parents die, you seem so alone you need to look for someone," he said and her smiles fade away.

" Edward, I got to work, thanks so much for doing this every time," she said and he place his hand on his chest.

"With pleasure my love, anything for you," he said and she got engulfed with her work.

Her job was hard, all day she had to stand up, and look, at patients who needs help. the day was tiring after doing so much work, she glimpses at the time, it was going 4 O'Clock and this time is to leave.

She wanted to rest desperately, she sleeps the whole night, but it doesn't feel like she had a good rest, something is bothering her. she head to the doctor's room, and wrapped her things to leave, but suddenly she feels someone hard and stiff torso standing behind her, she scares and turns fastly.

" Ms. Benedict," she sees the coordinator of the ward standing here, and then her breath goes relaxed.

" Hey..... hi..... I mean good afternoon Mr. Brooklyn, I am so sorry," she said with a trembling body.

"Are you okay, Ms. Benedict?" he asks and she nods in yes.

" Ms. Benedict, you were late again, continuously third time in the week," he said with his eyebrows followed up.

"Did you know?" he said and she nodded in yes.

" I am so sorry Mr. Brooklyn not going to do this again, please this is my last," she begged him.

" I let you go several times, but now you deserve punishment," he said and her eyes got widened.

" Ms. Brooklyn, you are having a double shift today, you can leave after 8," he said and her heart started to jump in her heart.

"Sir, I am so sorry, telling you not going to happen again please," she pleaded but he cuts her off.

"Do as I say, no more discussion," he said and leaves the doctor's room.

"Oh, my what I will do? That was so dangerous to go out later 8, Oh please someone help me," Aria said to herself, but there was no chance instead of staying.

The doctor of the second shift arrived and sees her still working there.

"Aria, why you are there still?" She asks and Aria turns to her, she sees a beautiful woman, with brown skin, and gentle hooded eyes, gleaming at her with soft puffy lips, giving her a beautiful smile.

" Rubi, Mr. Brooklyn punish me to do a double shift, and I am so tired," she said with a long face.

" Oh, honey, he did so wrong," Rubi walks to her and gives her a warming hug.

"That was so wrong," she said and feel relaxed by having her company.