

Daichi, a high school student and popular manga writer, was declared dead just 5 minutes after his birth. However, he suddenly came back to life. His grandfather, believing him to be a monster, insisted that his father separate him. To avoid any commotion, his father purchased an apartment in Tokyo and decided to send Daichi there, where no one would know about his abilities. Daichi's parents also moved there with him. When Daichi turned 15, his parents died in a road accident, and Daichi was also present. But thanks to his abilities, he survived. His uncle then took responsibility for his living expenses. Over time, it became clear to Daichi that he isn't normal. Now, it's up to him whether he'll use his abilities as a blessing to help others or as a curse to bring sadness upon them.

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What is he?

After he was released, he returned to his apartment.

He started to write his new manga, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bring himself to write one. So, he went to bed that night.

After all he had been through, he overslept. It was already 8:00 PM. He somehow managed to get ready for school and had to bring his breakfast with him. He barely made it past the school gate before the last minute.

When he got to his classroom, his classmate and seat neighbor, Kaori, greeted him.

- Good morning, Daichi.

- Morning, Kaori.

- I heard the news. How are you now?

- I'm fine.

- Sorry I couldn't visit you. By the time I heard, you were surrounded by many people wondering how you survived after the truck hit you. The most miraculous thing was that you were unharmed, but the person passing by died.

- Well, I'm not certain myself. Let's just forget about it. (Trying to hide it)

Suddenly, Daichi's close friend, Shin, interfered and hugged Daichi while crying like a baby.

- I'm so glad you're fine! Don't make us worry, okay? (Shin is Daichi's childhood friend. Since childhood, he was too shy to talk, so most kids avoided him. But Daichi, without any hesitation, became his only friend.)

- I'm completely unharmed. So, get off me already. Don't choke me to death.

- Fine. (Proceeds to cry again)

The homeroom teacher came in and told the students to take their seats.

After class ended, Daichi rushed to his apartment because he finally found the story he was looking for.

On his way home, when he was passing under a construction building, a heavy brick fell on his head. Luckily, no one was around. So, Daichi continued on his way home as if nothing had happened.

Did he dodge it? Or did it not actually fall on him?

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