
Writer's Reincarnations

As he is a lost lamb, he is still predator amongst the human society of the mundane world, as he keeps dying as a human, his vampiric soul reincarnates as forever and eternal. The vampire never dies, even his mortal vessel dissipates under the grave. A wilted flower blooms another.

KleiNightwriter · Kỳ huyễn
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127 Chs

The Conspiracy of Madness

Then I left to pop the can and chug straight from it down to my stomach. And once it did, I saw the logo's letter t turned upside down that looks like the satanic cross. A lot of conspiracies have been in my mind lately. And I'm starting to think the company's CEO of this drink sold their soul. To gain the most perfect ingredients for the best energy drink that will sell people into buying it.

Nevertheless, I liked the flavour anyway. Its logo had been glowing neon green, but it only glows depending on the level of the liquid inside it. If its content is half, the logo glows only halfway, and the rest is shut down. So, we can totally know if this can be still empty or full. Or in between.

The next thing I don't want to know is if the earth is really flat. That way, my mind will just be ended up worse than Sakura's place.

Now, it's time to go to the coordinates I've been sent to. Then disguise me as the mercenary that tried to kill me yesterday, try to be as convincing as possible, and try not to blow my cover in front of them.

I headed there and went online through my CodeX and finally saw the metal door into the underground bar. The man behind me asked for the password.


"What's the meaning of 524?"

I've been researching how you say 5-2-4 in hiragana and make it into an actual sentence. In 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, which 524 are the numbers, 1 and 3 are not included, and once read together means 'imi,' the Japanese word for 'meaning' and since imi is not in the 1,2,3,4,5. It's just 524. 1 and 3 are gone. There is no meaning.

"It means no meaning."

I swear to God, there are so many layers patched in many distinct materials in this rabbit hole I've dived into. Which I don't know where I am going anymore. But all I care about is saving Sakura.

And once I entered, I was given a supposedly intoxicating drug that I must take before I joined, and once I did. I slowly returned to the reality that… everything was fake the entire time…

There is no Cyberpunk 2077 fan-fiction in reality. The conspiracy theories are false. The man I killed was just a drug dealer that shot a homeless man because that's how crime works since homeless people are most likely to be drug addicts.

I took the man's drugs and consumed them and got me into a trippy, hallucinated world that I made up. And because of getting high on narcotics and psychedelics at once, I started going insane with Sakura, and she was taken by authorities forcing her into a mental asylum in Mariveles Mental Institution. The CodeX earpiece chip was the drug that got me hooked here the whole time. I guess I'm happy that I got to see Sakura again.

I went around asking for Sakura in the mental asylum that finally got me locked up for the rest of my life. It turns out she wasn't real after all. I've been alone this whole time. The new higher-dose medications made me realise those reoccurring nightmares. The nightmares about me abusing my parents because I was a narcissistic psychopath were real the entire time.

I thought it was the other way around. I killed them, didn't I? They told me they've been looking for me the whole time ever since I murdered my parents and fled to Metro Manila, knowing the fact that I might get sentenced to prison.

And I went here, by accident, looking for Sakura. I am here now, Sakura… I'm here… with you, in this locked-up padded cell with no windows, and everything is white and extremely silent. You have me now, you're safe with me… nothing and no one can hurt you…