

When the crazy dangerous criminal code named Chaos was caught by the special organization, she willingly allowed them to arrest her without a fuss. Just like her code name suggested, she had caused havoc in different parts of the country and the world. Chaos had already guessed that she would go to prison soon. As long as there was food and clothing, she had decided why not stay in prison for some time until it got boring. And so, Chaos spent the rest of her years behind bars. Apart from eating, sleeping, weekly interrogations and fighting with other prison mates, Chaos, who had been curious about life in prison, found it to be very boring. But...she liked the peace that came with it. Unfortunately, her peaceful days did not last after she ingested poison from her food and she was very much aware. Did chaos die a sad death like that? No, Of course not. She dragged the person who poisoned her to her destination in the afterlife, hell. Unexpectedly, the hell for chaos was very different because she had transmigrated into a character in a novel that she stole from a prison guard. After understanding her pitiful situation, what was the next thing Chaos decided to do as an unfortunate character? Of course! She acted like her code name suggested, and caused chaos in her new life. She wrecked the entire plot! ****** WARNING: This book is not for the weak! Blood and violence is included! I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com Also, Do not use cover without permission! Commissioned by kiyukyuu on IG!

Sowunmi16 · Lịch sử
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25 Chs

She was alive?

''The fourth young master will be the winner.''

''Fourth young lady can't even hold a knife.''

''I heard she always faints at the sight of blood.''

''I heard she failed her first pre-test.''

''She might look like his excellency and second young master, but she is very different from them.''

''It seems she will the first to die in the family.''

''I feel pity for the sixth madam for having such a weak daughter.''

From a glass window of the Langston main manor, Maids in their black and white uniforms could be seen murmuring to themselves. Each of them gathered around the windows to have a clear view of the commotion going on the battle grounds.

The day was the succession battle between the two last born children of the famed Langston family. It was a widely known event in the Amarian empire, especially to the nobility, but only people of the Langston family were allowed to attend. No one, not even the families of the Grand duke's six wives could attend the event despite their connections to the Langston family as in-laws.

This had been the tradition of the Langston family since the founding Grand duke. Though many hearts bore dissatisfaction against the Grand duke for not breaking such tradition, they still did not have the guts to even pass the border of the Langston Grand-duchy. And so, how one would get the news of winners from several successions battles would be through rumors going around in the empire.

As one would have expected, the people present on the battle grounds were the elegant and beautiful six wives of the Grand duke with their own personal maids, the children from the grand duke with their own personal maids and butlers, and finally, the extinguished grand duke of the Langston Grand duchy with his own personal butler.

These people sat in their designated seat while their gazes were fixed on the battle ground below them. In there, two children in their respective training clothes stood facing each other. Well....one of the children was standing, while the other child was on the ground, not moving or showing any sign of life.

The boy stood with folded arms and victorious smirk. His aura exuded a sense of superiority as if he had accomplished everything in life.

'The Langston family has not place for the weak.' The boy snorted with haughtiness as he walked towards the body on the ground.

While the boy was closing the distance, there was a conversation going between the six wives of the grand duke.

''Fifth sister, congratulations.'' A woman in the most luxurious gown out of all the six wives turned away from the scene and her amethyst eyes fell on all the women right by her side. Her gaze was focused on the woman seated before the last wife of the Grand duke.

''Thank you, your excellency.'' The woman referred as Fifth sister returned with a smile. Her pale green eyes twinkled in delight and her aura of arrogance was spilling out of control. She was just like the child below.

The woman referred as your excellency was the first wife of the grand duke, the grand duchess. Disdain flickered in her eyes as she observed the woman's rosy cheeks flushed with success as if that was the end of it all when it was just beginning.

'Eegan can easily deal with him. Though he has the potential, it is better to deal with him before he grows to a threat for Eegan's position as heir.' The grand duchess calculated all this within her mind as she returned her focus to the battle ground.

The other wives followed her action, and congratulated the fifth wife of the Grand duke. Once again, the arrogance of the woman was spilling out of control. Her imaginary peacock tail was high up in the sky and the sight was an eyesore to all the wives of the Grand duke apart from one wife.

The sixth wife.

She was the wife with the least outstanding appearance among the wives of the grand duke. She was also considered the least threat by the other wives. Most of all, she was the quiet one out of all of them. Her warm brown eyes watched the small body still laid on the ground, and disappointment flashed in them.

'The child is useless.' She thought with calm eyes. There was no ripple in her emotions as if the opponent of the boy was not her child.

''Sixth sister, there's no need to be sad. His excellency will definitely comfort you.'' Other wives could tell that the fifth wife's words were mockery. The grand duke comforting one of them? None of the wives thought that was possible.

''.....'' The sixth wife did not move her gaze to the buzzing fly on her right. Her gaze remained forward as if she heard nothing.

Though annoyed that someone lower than her status ignored her noble self, the fifth wife still kept her smile and moved her gaze back to her dear son. She thought there was no need for her to poke the sixth wife since the latter's child was now out of the succession battle.


At certain times, it wasn't good to be too arrogant until the results was announced, unless one could shoot themselves in the foot.

And that was exactly happened to the fifth wife as everyone watching battle, saw how the 'dead' child struggled to get up with a groan.

'W-Where?' Chaos in that 'dead' child's body looked around her surroundings, wondering what kind of hell she was in. Her eyes caught all the people in the hall, especially one that demanded her attention.

Just from his sitting posture alone, Chaos could tell that he was someone of power. His vibrant red eyes were what caught her attention because she had never seen anyone with eyes like that before. She could also see something swirling around him. It was dark and fading into thin air, but Chaos was certain that this thing was coming from this man.

'What in the world....?' She wondered as her ears twitched at the sound of footsteps.

''H-How....'' At the same time, she heard someone's stutter and her eyes moved away from the strange man, and stared forward to a young boy who did not say anything despite his lips closing and opening them few times.

''H-How can you be alive?!'' The boy exclaimed. He used his aura on a weakling like her, and he was absolutely sure that she was not breathing. How was she now alive?

''.....'' Chaos paid no attention to the boy whose voice was a bit loud for her ear. Her goal right now was to find out what truly was going on around her. Her eyes shifted away from the boy and looked to the other side. Her eyes caught onto the women seated, and watching her with different reactions.

'Is this a fashion show?' Chaos wondered for a moment. The sight of the women's beauties and their pretty gowns was truly a view to behold.

She noticed a particular woman staring at herself in disbelief. Other women stared at her shock, but this woman was staring as if she couldn't believe what was going on. It didn't take long for her eyes to change to a glare when the she noticed Chaos's stare.

Chaos noted the similar hair color of the boy and the woman. In her heart, she surmised that this might be the boy's mother. There was also another woman that caught Chaos's attention.

She noticed this woman was not as good-looking as the other women. Her gown was somewhat plain, and the jewelry on her were hardly existent. Unlike the other women, this woman only stared at her blankly. Nothing could be seen in her eyes.

'Finish him.' The woman silently mouthed to Chaos, and for some reason, Chaos felt a reaction in her body. This trembles were real and she was compelled to obey words from that woman.


She, a wanted criminal, code named Chaos obey from an unknown woman?

If Chaos hadn't felt a force coming towards her face, she would have probably laughed till she puked her lungs out.


Out of instincts, Chaos caught the foot of the boy that was about to hit her face. Her fingers wrapped around the small ankle in her tight grasp.

Seriously, she has not spent up to some minutes before someone was trying kill her in this strange hell.

''What are you doing?'' Chaos parted her lips to ask a question. Her eyes that previously held confusion now stared at the boy with a sharp glint.

Should she kill him now?

She hadn't done anything to him but he came with intention of ending her life.

No....wait. What's wrong with her voice? Chaos froze just recalling that her voice sounded a bit weird. It wasn't her smooth feminine voice anymore. This voice sounded a bit high-pitched like she was a child.

When Chaos realized that little detail, her eyes also caught the sight of her hand.

Eeeekkkkkkk! Why was her hand so small and smooth? What happened to her beautiful scarred hands?

Chaos was pulled in a dilemma for a moment. She ruthlessly flung the foot in her hand away like it was a piece of used paper, and stared at her tiny hands in shock. This time, Chaos was now on her knees.

'Why do I feel....weak?' Chaos felt an ache in the same hand that she used to throw the boy out of balance. Her body was not like this. Weak was definitely not in her dictionary.

What exactly happened to her?

''Ugh...'' That groaning sound attracted Chaos's attention and she looked at the boy who sat up on the ground. His gaze on her was definitely not good.

The two children stare at each other for a moment. No...One was glaring, and other was staring at him in daze. Before anything could happen, the sound of someone clapping attracted everyone's attention on the battle ground.

Everyone stared at the middle-aged butler who adjusted his white gloves before moving his hands behind and overlapping them.

''His excellency is tired and will like to withdraw for now. The succession battle between fourth young master and fourth young lady will be postponed until further notice.''

From his words, Chaos guessed that she was the fourth young lady. Anyway, it was good that she hadn't done anything yet because she was still clueless about her environment.

But....why was she called a fourth young lady? Chaos was confused, thinking that she needed information about her surroundings now.

'Hm?' When Chaos wanted stand up, her body felt wobbly and very light as if the tension within has being released. It seemed this body relaxed after listening to the words from that old man

'Not again...' Chaos thought as everything in her vision became double just like the time she was about to die in her prison room.

Before Chaos could say anything, her body dropped on the floor and her world eventually blacked out again.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: See you next week guys. This novel is also on Tapas!