
Wrath of the Old Gods

“I'm sorry about this, Mom...Dad... I know doing something like this is insane, but I'll try my hardest to make the right choice.” Upon awakening from a long train ride, Derrick finds himself in an illogical world of monsters and magic. A dying wraith is saved by the young Derrick, forming a contract that will bind them by fate. They fight through the underground of the city to reveal the truth of Derrick's transmigration, to reveal a path home! As he fights off the chaos and abnormality, the world’s balance will twist and turn. Will Derrick be able to survive such madness? Or will he wither and die as a clown of fate?

Donny_C · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Chapter 19: Police Commissioner

Elizabeth Abraham and Valora Tusec made their way to the headquarters of the Mathers City Police Department, the 1st Precinct. It was a massive complex that occupied four entire city blocks in a 2x2 formation. The building itself reached well over 300 feet, housing over 30 stories of space. The interior design was nearly night and day from the rest of the city, as the rusty pipes and archaic machinery were replaced with a sleek, modern-day design. It was as though this building alone was built with technology 100 years in the future.

She approached the front entrance and was met with an ID verification screen. She placed her "special exemption" badge on the interface and received permission to enter the premises. As they entered the facility, Valora was visibly shaken by the intricate interior design. 

"Such technology...I couldn't have even imagined architecture like this during my time."

Elizabeth smiled. "It's been 2000 years since your era, it's only natural humans have advanced to such a level. However, don't be deceived by the allure. Even if this is the home of an esteemed police precinct, it's still rife with injustice and lies." 

Valora clenched her hands hard enough to break a tree in two. The unsavory comment caused a slew of painful memories to emerge to the surface. "I know that all too well."

They made their way to the elevator and arrived at the 33rd floor. The commissioner was a truly conceited individual. As such, he made the 33rd floor his official office. It not only had a wonderful view from the glass window but seeing others physically beneath stroked his ego to no end.

At the opposite end of the floor, the Police Commissioner sat at his custom-made barbeque grill with his 4 attendants standing at his side. He quickly turned his gaze forward and met the gaze of Elizabeth Abraham. Or rather, "Alice Nim", her alternate persona.

"Ah! It is wonderful to see you again, Alice!" The commissioner's face was covered in small bits of grilled beef and onions. Everything about his appearance screamed "lazy". From his wrinkly dress shirt to his off-center tie.

Despite his sloppy appearance, Elizabeth returned his greeting. "It has been quite a while has it, Police Commissioner Frank Harrow. I see you still have that ravenous appetite."

"Come now! Sit and chat with me!" Frank said with a welcoming smile.

She took the seat at the opposite end of the table and downed a few shots of wine easily. "Yes, this is quite an excellent wine. This must be around 100, no, 150 years old yes?" Elizabeth was quite a fan of alcohol, especially wine. However, she completely refrained from alcohol for her negotiation.

"Say...it's rather rare that an esteemed customer like you appears here. What is the issue?"

"Oh, it's nothing! I just need some info."

"Info? About what exactly?" His eyes were thin like a snake.

She snapped her finger, signaling Valora to place the evidence on the table.

"There've been some rumors spreading lately of a certain scammer in the city. Or rather, scammers. I've been notified of a string of identity fraud incidents within West Borough. The majority of stolen identities are from homeless people. Care to give me any leads?"

Police Commissioner Frank Harrow was a bit startled by the sudden accusatory question, but he remained calm and collected. "Given my position as Police Commissioner, I'm not directly involved in any investigation regarding such matters. That is solely the jurisdiction of independent credit card companies and the federal government. You seemed to misunderstand my relative importance."

"Oh? Then how would you like to explain your dealings within West Borough?"

"...?!" Frank Harrow realized that the woman he knew as "Alice Nim" wasn't as naive as he had previously believed. If he were not careful, he would be dragged into her game.

"You have quite a colorful history. I heard that you've been involved in numerous false convictions involving minority tribes and impoverished citizens. Hell, almost every single precinct that you directly control within impoverished areas like Campbell has been enemies to the community. Homeless aid is almost non-existent, and it's a prime target for a little synthetic identity theft. The amount of police occupation within the Campbell neighborhood has nearly tripled within the past decade. I wonder why that is?"

Frank Harrow's face seemed to lose its youth upon hearing such a ridiculous accusation. "D-Do you have evidence for such claims? You are within the headquarters of the MCPD. I could have you arrested as a trespasser whenever I felt like it, so you'd best choose your words carefully."


"Now then, let's reach an agreement. I'm not here to condemn you or convict you. That isn't my job. All I want is access to the file. You must know what I mean, yes? I'm talking about [Karma]"

Karma. It was the name given to a particular file that was an uncommon myth within the higher corporate and civil society. It was a collection of illegal dealings from high-ranked officials within society that was covered up or simply ignored thanks to the police department. It is a collection of society's "Karma" that keeps the political world in check. A vast majority of people are entirely unaware of its existence, and even many high-ranking officials are convinced that the existence of Karma is merely a myth.

Frank Harrow's demeanor suddenly gained a serious, almost malicious aura. He immediately snapped his fingers, summoning dozens of men in black suits.

Elizabeth recognized this technique. A summoning ability that allows the user to infect other hosts and manifest their madness into physical form. This was an ability of the Colian tribe, [Parasitism].

"Alice...there are certain things that you are better off not knowing. It's an issue common among young people, they do not know when to indulge and when to refrain. It's the curse of youth. That is why..."

The commissioner picked up the piece of steak from the grill and placed it on his plate. He meticulously cut up the steak into smaller, bite-sized pieces before indulging himself in its flavor. "I will silence you now."