
Wrath of the demonic king

In the world of cultivators and magic there layed one guy whom was both a cultivator and a dead king of legend with the powers of a vampire. His path is uncertain and his powers are dark but yet had a little light for the crime he was accused of by the clans he did not commit. Will he be able to walk the right path? Will he be able to prove his innocence?, not that he cares but for a certain woman he has to try for she lost the ability to cultivate because of him. Will he win the woman he loves heart as himself or will the woman he loves be the end of him?. Read to find out and if you believe this book has potential let's not be stingy and leave a vote okay?. Disclaimer: The cover does not belong to me and if you are the artist and want it to be taken down please contact me and I will do it immediately.

Darkswan · Huyền huyễn
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56 Chs


A few hours past and the soldiers found no sign of the girl.

'What are we going to do now Han it is already night?" Hu asked,

"I know and I am confused too but I, keep searching" he responded,

'The soldiers are tired we cannot work them anymore we will continue searching in the morning, for now, I will ask the other cities to keep a lookout for her" Hu said,

Han sighed,

"You are right, I hope she is okay for the time being" he replied then walked away.

"Do you believe that it is Wang's fault now?" the uncle asked Hu,

"Shut your fucking trap old man, I do not believe, you are a little too desperate to blame Wang for all of this if you ask me" Hu responded in anger then walked away and the uncle smiled wickedly.

A few hours later when Lien woke up she saw herself in a house.

The girl trembled and her snake was not even with her,

"Where am I?" she asked herself,

"You are in my temporary home," the guy said as he appeared in front of the girl.

'What is it you want?" she asked and he smiled,

"Give me my seat in the clan, the seat that is rightfully mine" he responded,

"Ha I am not giving anything to anyone," she said,

'I thought you might say that" he replied,

"Good then let me go," she said,

"I will, in time" he replied as she stood up.

"Do I know you?" she asked then his eyes widened and he turned away from her.

"You don't Lien" he responded.

"I want to go home," she said,

"Well I hate to break your bubbles but you cannot for now at least" he replied then she frowned.

"I do not know who you really are and what you want with my clan, you can simply take what you want but what do you want with me?" she asked then he smiled.

"Always want the details, I have to say it's been a long time since I saw that look on your face" he responded then walked away and she went after him.

The house was huge and spacy and apparently it was up in some mountain.

"Where are we?" she asked,

"Stop following me it won't do you any good" he responded as he walked out of the door.

"Do not follow me" he said,

"I want to go home" she replied then the person laughed.

"Damn you never give up, you cannot leave but if you do not want one of your friends or family member to die, you will come with me into the city and if you try anything stupid someone dies," he said,

"No I will stay I am okay right here, just please do not hurt anyone" she replied and he left then she went back and sat down on the couch in the living room.

"Oh god, I am hungry," she said to herself as she lay back on the couch worrying about her brother and Wang.

"So I see he brought you here, you must be something important," a girl said as she appeared in the house and Lien flung up.

'You are the same girl from the last time" Lien said,

"Yes I am and I am here to make his job easier for him, I will kill you" she replied then Lien swallowed deeply.

"I hate being defenseless, a sword cannot save me this time," she said to herself.

"I guess you will meet your parents in heaven too young miss," she said then Lien's eyes widened as the girl was about to strike her with the sword but hit the couch instead for Lien dodged her attack.

Lien then grabbed onto her sword using the sleeve of her wedding dress and pulled the sword out of her hand.

"I guess you are not helpless even without your cultivation," the girl said,

"Why did you bring up my parents?" she asked,

"Since you are about to die call me by my name which is Vinna" she said,

"I do not care about your stupid name" Lien replied then Vinna's palm started glowing blue and she hit Lien in the stomach which made her cough up blood as the hit sent her to the other side of the living room causing a mess.

Lien sat up as the girl grabbed her by her neck and threw her out of the side and she landed on the ground.

"Damn it at this rate I will really die," she said to herself as both of Vinna's hands started glowing blue and she was about to attack Lien but the guy came and grabbed onto Lien's arm pulling her out of the way and towards him.

He then kicked the girl in her stomach as his feet glowed blue and sent her into a tree.

Upon hearing the guy heartbeat Lien looked straight into his eyes then she raised up and Vinna stood up.

"You should have come a little bit late," she said and he looked at her sternly,

"Do that again and I will take your bloody head off, fool" the guy replied as he looked at the bruises on Lien's body then sighed and placed his hand out, pulling Vinna towards him.

Upon seeing him do that Lien's eyes widened as he choked the girl.

"I will kill you, I hope you have learned your lesson, just try to hurt her again then you will find out if I am joking," he said in anger then tossed her to the ground and she coughed.

"Come on," the guy said as he walked into the house and Lien followed him in fear.

"Sit," he said and so she did as Vinna got up and came into the house then he sat near Lien.

He then raised his glowing hand to touch her but she pulled away and he grabbed onto her face then turned her to face him.

"Don't move" he said in a cold tone and she swallowed deeply.

"I am so trapped" she said to herself as he passed his hand on the scratch on her face.