
Wounded and Bounded

What if you woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom and found out that you got kidnapped? What if you found out that you have magical powers? What would you do if your beloved got murdered that very day? And what if you fall in love with the murderer? Particularly, I would call myself insane but the case was a lot different with Cressida. Cressida, a girl with a goddess like face and body, perfect grades and with a promising future, will face an incident which will bring a great turn in her life. Will make a predictable future turn into an unpredictable one. All the kids with magic manipulation powers, will be kidnapped by a mysterious academy; one which promises to guide them to the right path and help them learn how to use their powers. But what will make their lives more astounding, will be the secrets that will keep unfolding, thanks to Cressida and her four more friends. The Prophecy states that four Keystone Diamonds will come, their loyalty bounded to the Queen of Magic Manipulation Powers, and the fate of the century old powers will rest in her hands. But what else lays behind the Prophecy, that the academy tends to keep hidden? Will Cressida be able to unravel the mysteries, handle the surprises, heat of the undesirable love, and beat her enemies? Follow the adventure of Cressida with her friends to have fun at an amazing ride of bunch of genres, all at once!

EemanFaisal · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs


Hello Lovely People!

Don't forget to share my book with your friends and your voice in the comment section. Also read my other new book 'Sealed Desire'






When fate plays with you, it lays down all the hurdles in between and causes you pain to such extent that they leave scars. These scars might disappear but the pain gets inflicted to such extent that even their memory brings tears to the eyes.

This was the case with me at that moment when I sat there in the pool of the blood of my own brother. His head was placed like a master piece on the table in the middle of the study. His flesh was everywhere along the blood, into tiny bits. Nothing was left of him apart from his head.

The kids around me were standing, still witnessing the scene while I was exhausted of crying to such extent that my eyes had stopped producing tears now. They went empty while tears had dried up on my cheeks. Speaking of heart, it felt like it wasn't there because that was true. My heart lied within my brother's life which had now ended along his.

I brought my bloody hand near my chest and checked if my heart was beating. Unfortunately, it was. At that time I wanted to push my hand through my chest and massage my heart to soothe the pain but that was impossible.

Suddenly, there was a death picking pang in my chest, head and hands too. My emotions were swirling inside my mind and along with the sadness of my brother's murder was the rage of revenge and punishment for that heartless being who did this. I wanted to pick up all the furniture in the room and throw out through the windows.

I shut my eyes close, as tightly as possible and my hands by my side turned into tight fists that caused my knuckles to go white and my nails were digging badly into my hands' palms until I felt warm liquid trickling out from the fists making them turn wet.

I started to hear gasps from everyone. What caused them to do that? They were all done already doing that since the very moment they saw the display of Mike's death. Why again?

This enraged me even more and it felt as if my emotions were going to kill me or as if they were a force that was trying to force itself out of my body. I again imagined picking up the furniture and throwing it outside the windows.

Just when I was done imagining throwing it out, a very loud voice of the windows' shattering was heard followed by a louder thud of something falling. I opened my eyes at the sudden outburst of chaos and noise and was startled at what I saw.

The whole room was empty with no furniture. Just the table with Mike's head on it while the rest of the place was empty. Blood and flesh was still there but the furniture wasn't. Adding to the mess, the windows were shattered into a millions of pieces.

After noticing this, I looked at other people in the room. Lord Higgins who was talking on the phone informing the staff about my brother's murder was now looking at me as if he had seen a ghost. I stood up on my shaking legs and turned around to see the same expression of the kids who were also looking at me. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.

At that moment, my energy had completely drained out of my body. The world around me started to get dizzy and soon I couldn't hold onto it any more.

My eyes rolled to my back, my legs which were shaking to their possible extent buckled and folded, not holding my weight anymore, causing me to fall onto the floor which was bathed in my brother's blood.

My eyes were half open and soon they welled up with the tears as the memory of my brother's last encounter with me played in my mind. Soon the darkness drank me in with the world around me melting away, drifting me to the sensation when my brother hugged me the last time and kissed my forehead. I faint.


The rays of the bright sunlight were slapping me on my face really badly, causing me to forcefully open my eyes. At the same time I couldn't as they felt too heavy and tired. The same was the case with the rest of my body. My head felt like it was going to burst. I involuntarily brought one of my hands on my head. A bandage was tightly wrapped there and then I noticed that my palms were also bandaged. After adjusting my eyes, I pushed myself in a sitting position and then rested my head against the headboard of the bed. The room was unfamiliar.

The walls were painted a dark green colour which was one of my favourite colours. The furniture was made up of wood with few small paintings on the right wall of the bed under which was a wooden console. The side tables had white coloured lamps while there was a dark green coloured curtain hanging in a royal way at the back of the bed.

A beautiful chandelier was hanging on the ceiling in the middle. The floor in front of the bed was covered with a white rug while there was a huge window at the very front wall.

On the right wall, at the corner with the windowed wall was a small closet followed by a door which my mind thought of as a washroom while on my left wall was a very small stool beside which was a wooden door which I assumed was the door leading out. The sun had risen.

I then remembered that it wasn't Mike's room in which I had woken up God knew how long ago. Mike! The incidents started to play in my head. They all attacked my head suddenly which caused it to hurt even more. I brought both of my hands on my head and started to scream.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!" I felt a little light but the tears were burning in my eyes.

"Mike! Please come back!" I was crying so loudly that maybe if we had any neighbours, they would have complained already. My sobs got louder and so did the pain. I felt the same emotions which tried to burst out of my body.

Then I heard the door opening. I didn't open my eyes and leave my head either. I kept on sobbing and my emotions started to get stronger. I heard a husky voice speaking but couldn't make out what it was. I was just fighting the internal force that was trying to take control over me.

I again thought of picking up some furniture and hence went with the small stool that I remember sat beside the entrance/exit door. I imagined picking it up and throwing towards the closet. This was followed by a loud banging sound that resonated throughout the huge room.

I then opened my eyes and found the same stool with broken legs, laid in front of the closet. I was nonplussed for sure and I again felt exhausted but this time I didn't give in.

"I told you not to think of it or your emotions might take control over you!" I heard the same husky yet honey laced sound but this time it was soundable and clear.

On turning towards the left at the door, I saw a young boy standing. He was the most handsome boy I had ever seen in my entire life. I thought Mike was the most handsome but no I was wrong. This boy was on some next level.

His dark brown hair jus like mines, were styled in a bad boy style as they fell messily on his forehead but not entirely. They had slight waves in them but the gloss made me want run my hands through them. His eyes were a gray shade with specks of blue framing his orbs.

His skin was fair and smooth despite being a boy and jawline was razor sharp. His face had that display of arrogance which made me realise that it would have been better to listen to him rather than to make fun of yourself.

Adding to these features was his built. It wasn't muscular but at the same time was impeccable with no extra fat and muscles were at the right places. His figure was lean and at a height of 6 feet 1 inch approximately.


"Never seen a handsome boy before, huh?" He asked with amusement dancing in his eyes.


I quickly averted my eyes away from him and tried to focus on what had just happened. Life was getting so tough and needed thousands of answers. Mike's death and then this incident.

"Damien, I think I had asked you to stop her before she could use her powers again but seems like you were really busy praising yourself." Lord Higgins appeared from the outside staring at the handsome boy who I came to know was called Damien. Perfect for a handsome face like him.

"She was the one who was shamelessly looking at me, not I praising myself, Lord Higgins."

He said while moving towards me, following Lord Higgins. This earned him a rage full glare from me which made him smirk. How could he smirk when someone's life had changed drastically? One who had lost her life with the death, in fact murder of her brother so ruthlessly. One who didn't know the answers to her questions. I looked at Lord Higgins who stood in front of me while I was sitting in my bed. Damien's eyes didn't leave me for even once.

"How are feeling Cressida?" Asked Lord Higgins. I snorted at that question. I legit snorted.

"What are you expecting of me Lord? To be happy and cheerful? To be excited for being the part of an academy that just kidnapped me? Or to be happy about the announcement that we, whom we thought of as normal human beings, have powers? Or of all, should I be smiling at the ruthless murder of my only supporter, lifeline, my brother?" Tears started to flow again but I wiped them with the back of my hand. I couldn't act weak. Especially in front the Greek Lord of beauty who was constantly watching my every move. God, that made me really uncomfortable.

"Look I can understand what you are going through. This is what we have seen all these years kid. But the problem is that this time..." He couldn't complete as the Greek Lord spoke to complete his sentence. Woah. I was giving nicknames at such a terrible moment.

"It happened too soon. No kid shows off his or her powers this soon. This was unexpected and adding to this, the murder of your brother. That was unexpected as well. " I met his pair of blueish grey eyes looking back at me with an undefined expression. He didn't seem to be shocked and acted as if he wasn't among the kids at the academy. Maybe he wasn't.

"Look kid. We got ample of time so let me highlight few things which can be explained with details later..." My outburst caused him to stop.

"No lord! I want you to explain to me everything right now! We got ample of time, right?"

He rubbed his forehead with his palm and then sat at the corner of the bed with Damien still standing and looking at me. Was I looking that dead that he didn't take his eyes off me? There was so much more to look at in the room. Including a shirtless and bare feet teacher sitting at the end of the bed.

"Kid, remember we told everyone that there are enemies lingering about? Some as creatures while some as living beings like us. Humans with powers. The attack on your brother seems to be have done by one of them. The question that arises is that a human with powers can not do what was done to your brother. Like you know...." He couldn't say the words and neither did I wanted to hear.

"Cut into pieces, blood completely drawn out of the body and the cutting of the head and then placing it as a decoration piece in the middle of the room." Damien described with ease.

The words he used to describe clearly portrayed what happened to him and brought the image in front of my eyes causing me to wince. Lord Higgins glared at Damien for what he just said. He simply shrugged it off and when I looked at him while trying to kill him with my glare, for the first time since he came into my room, took off his eyes of me and looked towards the broken stool. I succeeded.

"Kid, it can be a doing of the creature or a being with powers. But if it would have been a creature, he should have caused some sort of it's sound of growling etc but if it was a human, then doing this without any sound was possible. However at the same time if it was a human than killing this brutally was not possible."

"Maybe it was done by both." I added. Of course I was intelligent at school for some reason.

"No. That can't be possible. Both cannot be together because the monsters are not loyal enough not to kill the owner, kid."

"But my brother had marks of scratches at his face which cannot be caused by a being. They were far too deep and wide. Like a claw. And the way his head was cut off could only be possible with a weapon which can only be used by a human being, not a monster. If a monster had ripped his head off, it would have been roughly cut but it was too neat. As if we cut a tomato with a knife. It gives a fine cut but if we just pull it with our hands, it would be too rough." I finished with what I felt.

The points that I had laid before them made both of them to see at each other and then at me. This happened twice until Lord Higgins let out a sigh of frustration.

Suddenly the door of my room opened and there came in the mighty; Lady Hannah, still holding her head high and hands locked together at the back, without her wand like stick, and acting as if nothing happened. She smiled at me.

"Very good Diamind. Very, very good observation and analysis. I am happy to learn that this year I got someone this intelligent. Excellent. I believe that you are right my little Diamond. This can be very much possible. Lord Higgins, have you made the preparations for the funeral?" She asked changing the topic so swiftly and coming to hear of it, I finally let a tear fall from my eye. There was just a head left to bury.

"Yes Lady Hannah. It will be tomorrow, early in the morning at 5:00 am." He replied with his eyes looking down on the floor. Respectful movement.

"Hmm. Damien, I want you to help Cressida out with her powers. Tell her as much as you can. The training will be done once the lectures at the academy will begin but till then, teach her to control them. Got it?" She asked.

"Why me, mom?" He asked.

Wait. Mom? Now I noticed how they both had a unique attraction and that explained the arrogance of the Greek Lord, since his mother was at such a high rank.

Lucky he or I would have done something really bad to him.

But at the same time they had a huge difference in their features.

"I don't either want you to teach me mister." I said with hate lacing my words.

He looked at me startled as if he wasn't expecting that. This is how I was. People used to run after my intelligence and beauty. Not me after them. I had some attitude although I know that was bad.

"Eleanor also wanted to assist you Cressida so you both won't be alone. But anyways, I want you to cooperate and take care of each other. An order is an order and Damien, don't call me mom again!" She said and with that she left. Lord Higgins looked at me with sympathy and followed her as well, leaving me and this Greek god alone.

"Don't expect me to be good or soft with you." He said while moving near my bed.

I slid a little away from him, pushing my back into the back of the bed. He noticed this and smirked. Ugh. I abhorred that smirk. He leaned forward and placed his right hand on the headboard of the bed. His face was few metres away from me.

"This is going to be fun cupcake." He said.

"Don't call me that. Only Mike was allowed to." This made my heart hurt.

"Hmm." He said while still looking at my face, while my eyes were looking at my hands which were fiddling. I was never among those who used to be shy or lacked confidence but he made me feel like that, a little. After staring for some time like that he backed away and I let out a breath which I didn't know I was holding.

"So, let's get started. This really is going to be fun." He repeated again with a smirk still on his face whilst he was rubbing his hands. Yeah. It really was going to be fun.


Stay tuned lovely people! A lot is awaiting.

