
Worm : WTF

Just wanted to write a Worm Fanfic.

Otaku_Paradox · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 : Where am I, Who am I, What am I

I woke up in an alley, with nothing but some joggers and a trench coat on. But what was more pressing at the moment was the fact that my skin was blue..fucking blue. I had three fingers on each hand, and each finger was at least twice as large as a regular finger, thankfully my thumb was one of them, and two long toes on each foot and I stood in a way that kept my heels raised. I also felt something attached to my lower back just below my hip, above the crack. I took it back and found a tail with a triangle-like tip that looked like an arrowhead. I had a tattoo that looked like an omega symbol on the center of my chest just below my neck. I felt my skin and realized I was covered in fine blue fur. I felt my face and realized I had pointed ears and a quick pass of my tongue revealed pronounced fang-like canine teeth.

I looked around to make sure no one was present. I slapped my cheeks to calm myself. First things first I need to figure out where I am, I needed a higher vantage point. I notice a four-story building across the street with a fire escape. I looked up towards the roof of the building and confirmed it would provide a decent overview of the surrounding area. Just as I was about to head over I vanished from the alley and reappeared on the in a poof of blue smoke. 

"What the fuck. Di..did I just...fucking teleport." I gradually calmed down and looked at the other end of the roof and tried to do it again.


I once again vanished in a poof of blue smoke and reappeared on the other side of the roof. I noticed that the smoke I reappeared in smelled similar to a lit match. But that didn't matter as much as how awesome this ability was. But now I just had more questions. Did I have other abilities, was this a natural occurrence in whatever city I was currently in? I had so many questions, but I put them on hold and began teleporting back and forth on the roof then I tested a theory that perhaps my powers relied solely on my line of sight. That would be a glaring weakness to have. So to determine if I had this limitation I pictured the alley I woke up in and willed myself to teleport.


And just like that, I was back in the alley. This was amazing. Could I also use coordinates, could I look at a location using a picture or any image and teleport myself there? Could I teleport with others? So many questions, but I wasn't panicking, nah I was fucking excited. But first things first I need clothes and a shower. So I teleported back to the roof and moved from roof to roof until I found a clothing store. It had a glass display window and a security gate protecting the front door but for some reason no security guard. They must be confident in whatever system they have. 

I teleported in and grabbed some clothes and shoes after a quick browse and teleported back to the roof of the building opposite the clothing store. But I wasn't gonna change clothes as yet I needed a bath. I robbed a closed convenience store for soap and deodorant. And took a bath on a roof using water from a water tank. Finally, tonight was going somewhat well. 

After I was finished I took a towel from the clothesline on a nearby roof, dried off, and then changed. I was all black joggers, a shirt, a jacket with a hood, and sneakers. I of course didn't forget underous. Now fresh and clean I went back to my search of finding out where I am.

A few minutes of teleporting all over from roof to roof, let me to an internet cafe. I surprisingly didn't take long to find out where I was. I was currently in Boston. Which was good to know but didn't help. Because I've never been to Boston, or..maybe I have but no memories means I didn't by default.

As for what am I, well that was easy to find out as well. I was a parahuman. Parahumans are humans who have undergone a trigger event and developed superpowers. The slang/colloquial term for parahumans is "cape," which is typically (but not always) used to refer to parahumans who wear costumes, but may also refer to Rogues. Parahumans and potential parahumans have a structure called the Corona Pollentia in their brain. The size, shape, and location of this structure varies with the individual parahuman but tends to be located between the frontal and parietal lobes. The Corona Pollentia, along with a substructure inside the Pollentia called the Gemma, allows the parahuman to control their abilities. A trigger event, also known as a crisis point, a point zero, or simply a trigger, is the moment a parahuman gains superhuman abilities.

A trigger event is typically a very traumatic experience. How people gain powers might hint at why the villains outnumber the heroes two to one, why more women than men have powers, and why third-world countries have the highest densities of people with powers. Not everyone who triggers is given an immediate solution to their problems, and some are killed outright as they trigger. Soo..I could be dead. Being blue doesn't seem so bad now. And it's my favorite color tied with black. And I can learn to love three fingers. It's not like I remember having more, to begin with. 

There was more information on second-generation capes. These are children that inherited abilities and Secondary trigger events that are rare and that remove limits to their abilities or add a secondary aspect to their power. Second triggers are exceedingly rare and generally do more harm than good due to the toll it takes. There was also a Double trigger. Not to be confused with a second trigger, a double trigger is two trigger events that occur in quick succession. This may be the reason why certain parahumans are unable to experience a second trigger since they've already had one.

But none of those explained my amnesia and specifically explained why I look the way I do. So I kept digging. And I found what I was looking for. Case 53s, known as Deviants and variously as Abominations, Demons, or the Branded to the public, are a group of parahumans identified by their typically bizarre or monstrous external appearance. They were so-called because their origin was the 53rd anomalous case investigated by the PRT.

Case 53s were first discovered in out-of-the-way locations in urban areas across North America and around the world. They all exhibit retrograde amnesia, with their first memories being waking up in a strange city. They typically exhibit severe physical alterations or disfigurements and are each marked somewhere on their body with a symbol resembling a stylized "C" or the Greek letter Omega.

Although Case 53s are generally bizarre or monstrous in appearance, it appears that over the years the external appearances of new Case 53s have become progressively more "normal". 

Well, I won't have to run and hide in fear like Frankenstein, but I stick it out worse than a sore thumb. I sighed and took a deep breath. The past...my past won't help my current situation. So I have to focus on the present. I brought up the image of the roof of the internet cafe teleported. I gazed at the full moon above. The first thing I have to do is find a place to stay. Then figured out everything I could do. 

But before that, I have to pick a new name. The old one is lost and I may never remember it. Given my appearance, I look like some kind of blue devil. "Hmm" I hummed out"I'm thinking...oh..oh that will do nicely "The name that came to mind was foreign to me but I like the sound of it."From now on my name shall be.....Azazel"