Taylor trap in the locker called out for help, ends up summoning Hasbro heroes. Now the world of Worm now have some old fashion heroes to save the day.
Taylor in her new and improved body is being escorted by the Super Hero Girls, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Bubblebee, Green Lantern, Zatanna, Batgirl, and Harley Quinn. Back in her old highschool that is surrounded by the green shirts of G.I. Joes and other heroes from Hasbro, where the school staff and students are being held hostage. And where her former bullies are being tag team beating by the Equestria girls cast and other child age heroes. Well before the older Harley Quinn and her gang took over the beating, who don't care about the age of the ones that beat.
Walking into the gym Taylor saw all the students and staff sitting on the stands while the trio are on their knees with soldiers with guns press up against the back of their heads. They been repeatedly beaten and maimed by Taylor's minions, with them nearly dying at some points. Only to be healed by magic and beaten and maimed again, an seemingly endless cycle of beating and healing. With the ones doing the beatings being able to break, pull, cut, and smash whatever body part they want, knowing that as long as they don't kill them they can be brought back to full health to do it all over again. (1)
"Speak and I'll have someone shoot your fingers off one at a time," Taylor said to the openingly weeping trio, who have all their old pride beaten out of them.
Taylor turn to the door she came from and waved for someone to enter. Stepping into the gym is Ghost Rider, the spirit of vengeance who is a flaming skull biker. He looks like a demon but is actually an angel.
"I had lots of time to think of what to do to you 3 and I think Ghost Rider using his Penance Stare on you will do the trick. If you look into his eyes while he's within an arm's reach of you, he can force you to experience every iota of pain you ever inflicted on others without cause in your entire life. But of course seeing how you 3 tormented me for 3 years. I should return the favor," Taylor said.
Discord suddenly pop next to her holding a strange looking ray gun.
"Here's the time gun you ask for. Just set the amount of time you want repeat and they be trap in a time loop for the amount of time you set it for," Discord said handing her the time gun.
"That's a time gun?" Greg ask from the stands.
"Yes, I'm going to Grey Boy them. Ghost Rider will use his stare on them and then I use the time gun and make them repeat the whole thing all over again. And before you ask yes this can stop the Grey Boy loops which I'm going to have taken care of, right after some good old fashion revenge. As this isn't a cartoon show where always forgiving the bullies no matter what they did, also Discord it's time," Taylor said.
"Right," Discord said zapping Sophia making her scream before it ended. Leaving her feeling empty, as if he had taken something from her.
"He just taken away your power and the sole reason why you were able to do what you were able to do is now gone. You're now useless to the PRT," Taylor said as she waves for Ghost Rider to do his thing.
Ghost Rider stared into Sophia's eyes and used the Penance Stare on her, forcing her to feel all the harm she has done to others, burning her soul. She screamed as all the pain and suffering she caused is forced onto her, as the stare ended and right before it stop burning her soul, Taylor zaps her with the time gun. Sophia began screaming again as she repeated the start of the penance stare being used on her and right before it ended, she began the cycle all over again.
"Now for you two and then the teachers who allowed it to happen," Taylor said to the remaining two bullies who stared at her in utter fear.
The JL Watch Tower -
Taylor who finish her revenge, trapping her bullies and the school staff who enable them to torment teleported to the watch tower to talk with the others about the next step in the game plan. She got her revenge and she felt great, no remorse for what she did. They would all be stuck in the time loop for 3 years with them, under going the penance stare with all of their sins burning their souls before repeating.
"Was it worth it?" Batman ask Taylor appearing at her side.
"Of course it is. This isn't a fictional world and the reason why Joker is allowed to do what he does in this world, is because he makes lots of money and all the lives he has taken are all fictional. Besides you telling me it's wrong when we all seen what's in your head, where you only think of that night and you killing your parents because you think you deserve it. When I can control my power, I'm so going to summon your parents to set you straight as that's the only way to break you. For them to tell you to your face to knock it off," Taylor said walking with him having long learned how to deal with someone like Batman. (2)
"You didn't tell them it would only last for 3 years," Batman said.
"Oh well, it be a surprise for them. Too bad they can't be interacted with till the time loop ends, and that they will continue to age so when it ends they be 3 years older. And stop this, I'm happy and got my revenge. I can move on. You should try it. Besides they're not dead, just wish they were and sentenced to 3 years in a time loop. They live, just have never ending nightmares and be mentally scarred from what happen to them," Taylor said not caring at all what Batman thinks.
"You could had just handed them over to the law," Batman said.
"That was never on the table," Taylor said.
"What now?" Batman ask.
"Kill off villains and Endbringers. This isn't fiction where never killing the villains doesn't end up causing a bigger problem later. It's either killing the villains or sending them off to the Birdcage. But the ones with the kill orders on them, they're killed on sight for a reason," Taylor said.
"I know," Batman said.
"No you don't, you will try to save the members of Slaughterhouse 9 and they return the favor by killing more people. Do that, I'll kill you myself. As you're the idiot who will get others killed for a belief that what you're doing is right," Taylor said leaving Batman stun as she walks away from him and into the control room of the tower.
1 - You really don't see a healer being used in fiction when they're trying to make someone talk. You can only break or cut off a finger one time in real life, in fiction where healing is a thing you can do it repeatedly.
2 - Remember the reasons why Batman always saves the Joker in universe is nothing more then lame excuses which in real life the Joker would be so getting the death sentence. As the real life reason is that it's all fiction and Joker can kill all he wants as the lives he takes doesn't matter as it's not real and he makes too much money to be killed off.