


On the computer screen are all the upgrades to Taylor's new body, and hopefully restore her shard that burnt out when she summon so many people at one. Doctor T'Ana, Mercy, and Bekka, are making sure that all the upgrades work on Taylor which she wished up from different fictions. So that she'll be much stronger and more powerful, better to handle her shard's power which is still burnt out and being worked on to fix. It couldn't be just wished to be fixed as it was tried and the shard stayed burnt. The Q revealed that it will fix itself with enough time but if Taylor's body was strong it would regenerate faster.

So the doctors have been pouring all the advance technology and bioscience into Taylor to make her much stronger than she was before. They're rebuilding her body from the ground up, making her superhuman, then they start with the implants. The only reason why they're not just make a new body and transfer her mind to it, is that the shard would just stay with her old body, if that was done. Which Q told them that would happen if they tried.

"Alright let's check off everything before we begin," Doctor T'Ana said working the touch screen to see all the upgrades and implants they be putting into Taylor.

By reinforcing Taylor's skeleton with a synthetic weave, her bones can be made almost unbreakable. In the event of bone trauma, medi-gel conduits allow for bone regenerations in a matter of days.

Perforating the muscles with micro-fibers increases overall strength and decreases the potential for muscle damage from exertion.

Dense bones and muscles, with them having structures like carbon nanofibers making them even stronger than normal. Even having smaller redundant organs to back up her main ones, with having a second heart to power the powerful body.

Strong synthetic fibers can be woven through the skin, dramatically reducing damage taken from most attacks. These fibers also act as a medi-gel conduit, improving healing.

The Hypertrophy Accelerator Strength Implant, designed to enhance the adrenaline output of the body and muscle mass of the person. It does this by acting as an automatic version of steroids, forcing the body to make a large amount of muscle mass.

Optics Enhancer Perception Implant, designed to improve the eyesight of the person it's installed in by acting as an enhancement to the optic nerve, sharpening the view of the user.

Nociception Regulator Endurance Implant, describes the implant as a change to the cardiovascular system.

Logic Co-Processor Intelligence Implant, allows faster thinking.

Reflex Booster Agility Implant, designed to boost the reflex action of the recipient by conducting the electric current in the nervous system and sending it to the area where it needs to go to, therefore increasing the recipient's

Probability Calculator Luck Implant, quickly calculating the chances of situations, allowing the user to make better choices in any situation.

AMP Factor, like Action Man, Taylor would mentally freeze time and evaluate her surroundings in Matrix-like slow-motion to see every possible action she can take and make the right one.

"And the nanobots from Amazo to heal and keep Taylor healthy," Doctor T'Ana said looking at the tube containing the nanobots.

"Where is Amazo anyways?" Mercy ask.

"With Q, saying something about how Amazo is like how the Q were before they evolved," Doctor T'Ana answers.

"Alright everything is ready," Bekka said.

The door open and a little woman in a dark dress and short black hair in a bowl cut came in. Edna Mode fashion designer of superheroes and models.

"Ah good, you're not under yet," Edna said waving to someone to come in.

In comes Cinderella holding a black bodysuit that covers everything but the head, who holds it out for Taylor to see.

"Solid black to wear underneath anything you wear, which we're still working on. Has inbuilt cups so that you don't have to wear a bra, panties are an option. The suit gives you increase strength, endurance, and speed, as well as while being fabric-like material still serves as armor, giving you protection against extreme temperatures, radiation, magic, mental powers, spiritual, time powers, and strains. Thanks to it being made with orihalcon, vibranium, carbonadium, uru, adamantine, Nth Metal, and other things. Has an inbuilt forcefield generator that protects your head and filters air, self repair system, breathes like Egyptian cotton, and machine washable," Edna explains.

"Good and the power armor?" Taylor ask.

"Tony and the others are working on that. I'm making sure it looks good," Edna said.

"I try it on after this," Taylor said.

"You heard her everyone not needed out," Doctor T'Ana orders.


Brockton Bay -

The streets around the hospital are covered in ice with only one road clear for those leaving the hospital. The ice is from the number of ice Pokémon that are helping to secure the hospital with the G.I. Joes and other summons. There are also a number of ghost Pokémon floating around the hospital keeping watch.

"Seeing how they have Pokémon and dug in, it will take a missile strike to get them out," Miss Militia said over the radio.

The entire city is in chaos as Hasbro IPs are running around, especially with all the Pokémon running around. Like the main entrance of a police station is blocked off because of a Snorlax wandering inside the station and falling asleep up against the main door. Porygons and its evolved forms are seen on computer screens. Koffings and Weezings are floating around the factories and other places where the air is bad. Mr. Mimes are creating invisible walls blocks roads. Magnemites, Magnetons, and Magnezones along with other electric Pokémon's have gathered around the power plants and substations. Grimers and Muks have overrun the sewers and water ways. Flying Pokémon's are flying around, and all the other Pokémon's are running around.

"I have a problem here," Dauntless over the radio. "It's Uber and Leet, they were trying to capture Pokémon here."

"What happen?" Miss Militia ask.

"One of Leet's devices worked in drawing Pokemon to them, the problem is that they're all Voltorbs and Electrodes. The Pokémon's that looks like the pokeballs and blew up like bombs. There's hundreds of them and they're right by the Deaco power plant. If they all blow up at once, the entire power grid could go with it."

"I have hundreds of Stunkys and Skuntanks in the downtown area," Velocity said. "If they all spray at once, the downtown area will never smell the same."

"I'm more worried about is all the Pokemon who can use the move, Earthquake. The buildings around here aren't made to handle earthquakes," Battery said on the radio. (1)

"Stand down and don't provoke them," Piggot's voice said on the radio. "They have us outgun and they know it."

"So what do we do?" Miss Militia ask.

"Has anyone found Mr. Hebert?" Piggot ask.

"Found him but he refuses to do anything. He's leaving that to Taylor," Dragon said on the radio.

"This is Alexandria, I'm here," said superheroine as she flew and landed in front of the hospital.

The soldiers and other Hasbro characters didn't look bothered seeing one of the big 3 in front of them.

"Alexandria, what can I do for you?" Colton ask walking up to her.

"I'm asking you to stand down and let us fix this situation," Alexandria said.

"Don't you mean keep the image of the Protectorate clean? Just bush it aside and hide it? I think not, we're going to let it all out where everyone can see what the Protectorate allowed to happen," Colton said.

"You're an American soldier, you have a duty to uphold," Alexandria said.

"Yes, but this isn't my America. Taylor will decide on the fates of the ones who trigger her and none of you have any say in the matter," Colton said.

"They're being beaten to death," Alexandria said.

"And being shown online with them after they die being place in the Stargate sarcophagus to bring them back to life so that they can be nearly killed again. And yes I'm one of those soldiers who has ice water in their veins. And my orders are from Taylor to keep them alive till she can decide what to do with them. And let the kids have their fun," Colton said.

"You and the G.I. Joes are suppose to be heroes," Alexandria said.

"No I'm a soldier," Colton said.

"I'm going in and you better not stop me," Alexandria said.

"Would never dream to, it's their job," Colton said stepping to the side and allowing Alexandria to see who's coming out of the hospital.

"You're Hasbro?" Alexandria ask seeing Superman walking out with Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Captain Marvel, and the Marvel Family.

"Hasbro made toys for Batman Beyond and that show is connected to the rest of the DC animated universe," Superman explains.

"Is Marvel also under the Hasbro brand?" Alexandria ask.

"Yes," Captain America said poking his head out of the Mobile Command Center. "We are and we're on Taylor's side." (2)

"Oh shit," Alexandria said seeing how bad things are for them. (3)


Author's Notes -

1 - Pokémon can only work as a game seeing how if animals who can use the move earthquake and other large scale attacks would cause lots of deaths and destruction.

2 - The Mobile Command Center was first released boxed in U.S. toy stores in 1987. It included the driver, Steam-Roller. The Command Center was also sold in 1988 and was discontinued domestically in 1989.

3 - I'm going with the IP that Hasbro has in real life, not by the year the world setting of Worm is set in.
