
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

I just want to publish as a fanfic so people can read it for free.

Fantasy_Bringer · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 68

They tried their best to plan and plan.

Just want to be a good dog of the wolf clan.


The nobles who looked up at the blood-colored light curtain, the determination to betray the human race in their hearts, like a balloon that was blown open, inflated wildly.

Inside the Imperial City.

out of sight.

But where expected.

The dark tide is turbulent, and there is a trend of turbulent...

And outside the imperial city shrouded in a blood-colored light curtain.

Zhu Yuheng raised his eyes and stared at the blood-colored light curtain.

I saw that in the light curtain, the wolf lord laughed extraordinarily wildly, and was extraordinarily insufferable, as if the winning ticket was in hand.

It's so complacent.

Because whether it is hard power or strategic ability, it believes that it is far superior to the old emperor of the human race.

"I am destined to be the emperor of destiny in this world!"

The wolf lord smiled wildly.

"One year from now, I will ascend to the extreme realm and rule the world!"

Say it.

The wolf master waved away the blood-colored light curtain...

"More arrogant than me!"

Zhu Yuheng frowned slightly and sneered disdainfully.


He shifted his gaze to Lin Qiye.

"What are you going to do? The dignitaries who repressed by killing only made them submit on the surface. Now, they have found a once-in-lifetime opportunity, and they will definitely use the common people to coerce public opinion to achieve the ultimate goal of fleeing to the wolf clan as a dog."

"If you stop it, you will be timid. If you don't stop it, the powerful and immortals will flee in large numbers."

"At that time... the visible reduction in the combat power of the Daqin Empire will really not shake the nation's capital?

In the Daqin Empire, Jindan cultivators were far less than the wolf clan. You slaughtered and killed a group of people, and you are about to run away another group. The gap between the human race and the wolf race is like a world of difference. "

Zhu Yuheng analyzed it carefully, putting himself in the shoes of Lin Qiye's current situation and worrying about it.


Lin Qiye smiled and didn't take it to heart at all.

"The wolf master's move is indeed a clever move. For an ordinary emperor, immortal cultivators and immortal dignitaries are an indispensable part. They must be used and united to maintain their rule."

"But to me, the millionaires are nothing but rubbish! If they want to be the dogs of the wolf clan, I will open a way for them to run away."

For Lin Qiye Honey Juice calmly.

Zhu Yuheng did not understand.

"Are you really sure about dealing with that stupid wolf? It's lighting up the Eighth Heaven Gate now. After a year of seclusion, the realm has stabilized, and no one can stop it."

"Although I have lit up the two gates of death, it is extremely difficult to light up the Xiu gate after the Golden Dragon of Fortune is beheaded... After all, my combat power is only the seventh gate, and facing the powerhouses of the eighth gate, I'm afraid it is a hundred You'll be killed in a round."

"As for you, although you are not affected by the Destiny Destiny Arrow, you can't upgrade from the fifth heaven gate to the eighth heaven gate in just one year, right?"

Zhu Yuheng analyzes the strengths and weaknesses in a straight-forward manner.

In general.

She and Lin Qiye were at an extreme disadvantage.

There is absolutely no way to turn things around.

Zhu Yuheng sighed softly.

"If only I had ten hearts, I would light up the ten gates of death at the same time, and kill that stupid wolf in one second."

Zhu Yuheng gritted his teeth and said angrily, that muttering to himself, the appearance of unbalanced victory and defeat, do not have a kind of naivety.

Lin Qiye couldn't help laughing.

I wanted to say something funny.


Lin Qiye froze in place.

It seems to have captured a very crucial piece of information.

"Ten hearts... eh?!"

"Zhu Yuheng has an extra heart, and he will open an extra gate..."

"The heart belongs to the organ, don't the wings also belong to the organ? My wings... can I open the double heaven door?!"

Lin Qiye thought for ten seconds.

The light in the eyes quickly gathered together, becoming dazzling and bright.

The first-generation enthusiastic researcher finally 'logged in' to his account and started 'operation'.

"The hunch is completely feasible!"

"According to the characteristics of the wings, it is not a dream to light up the double heaven gate. Moreover, the wings are condensed from the nine-color divine thunder body as the main body, and the speed of lighting will be much faster than the lighting of the gates of life!"

Thoughts so far.

Lin Qiye was ecstatic in his heart, and his facial features were overflowing with smiles.

"I have to say, Qin Xingtong is really a super genius! The 'artifact of life' angel wings can not only grow up with practitioners, but also have the opportunity to light up two more heavenly gates!"

Qin Xingtong's face appeared in Lin Qiye's mind.

That guy is indeed an ultimate scientific research genius!

Although born in the miniature universe of silver time and space.

However, it can start from the genetic level and give humans a 'natural artifact'.

In Lin Qiye's mind, Qin Xingtong's research is even more against the sky than the Godly Arrow of Destiny, led by the wolf master!

Qin Xingtong is several times more monstrous than the Wolf Lord!


Can Qin Xingtong live three million years like Ji Qinghuan, or even longer, until the next time we meet?

Lin Qiye had no idea.

I can only bless Qin Xingtong.

"However...how can I light up the double heaven gates on the wings?"

Lin Qiye silently opened the creation deduction.

[In this deduction, 10,000 walking points need to be consumed, and 290,000 walking points remain after consumption. ]

[Successful deduction: Carefully study Zhu Yuheng's heart, she is born with two hearts, she has a special destiny, and she can find an unprecedented path to open up from her. ]

See the demo.

Lin Qiye was stunned, his eyes turned to Zhu Yuheng.

Study the heart of Zhu Yuheng?


If you want to study thoroughly, you must take off your clothes, at least the upper body...

But how could Zhu Yuheng's character allow such a thing to happen?

Lin Qiye took a deep breath. He knew that he would be beaten, but for the sake of scientific research, he still risked everything.

"Uh... I wish girl, did you have any special skills or experience when you lighted the position of your heart and injured the door twice?"

Zhu Yuheng shook his head: "There is no special technique, that is, when I want to light up the door of the heart injury, the other heart also resonates. Naturally, it will light up the two doors of heaven. It is very simple."

"Is it natural? My wings don't seem to resonate naturally..."

Lin Qiye was lost in thought.


Lin Qiye raised his head, meticulously, and looked at Zhu Yuheng.

"I have an idea, if you have an extra heart, you can open a door for serious injuries, and I have an extra pair of wings. Can you open two heavenly doors in the position of the wings?"

"After all, this wing is actually a part of my body. It's no different from the heart. If I can light up the double heaven gate on the wing, I will be sure to kill the wolf master! Even if he lights up the eight heaven gate, he is not my opponent! "

talking room.

Behind Lin Qiye, a pair of lightning and thunder wings slowly unfolded.

Milky white thunder and lightning flowed on the wings, causing the wings to bloom with a holy and strange white light.

It was the first time that Zhu Yuheng came into close contact with Lin Qiye's wings.

Holy white light.

Made her awestruck.

She stretched out her pure white hand and gently stroked the wings.

Threads of thunder rustled between his fingers.

A strange feeling flooded into his body, making Zhu Yuheng's heart beat faster.

She quickly stopped and took two steps back.

"How did the curious wings come from?"

"It can be retracted freely, and it is still shining with lightning. Is it a martial art or a magic weapon? But I think... only important body parts or organs can light up the gate of heaven. Your wings... should not."

Zhu Yuheng shook his head.

"No, it's not a magic weapon, nor a martial art, but a part of my body, and it's the same principle as an organ, it's a real organ!"

"It must be able to light up the gate of heaven, but I don't know how to light it..."

"I want to learn from your successful experience..."

Lin Qiye figured out the poor dagger to see, and explained the ultimate goal.

Zhu Yuheng didn't realize what was about to happen, so he nodded indifferently.

"How do you want to learn from it? Now, the fate of the human race's golden dragon has been beheaded, and the difficulty of my breakthrough has increased by a hundred times. You are the only one who is not affected."

"Only you can defeat that stupid wolf, so...if I can help, I will definitely help!"

Zhu Yuheng nodded his chin boldly.

The eyes are sincere and candid.

She felt to Lin Qiye that she was no longer the stranger she met by chance.


Lin Qiye and her have the life-saving grace of heart remodeling.

There are 'intimate contacts' that are ashamed to talk about.

There is also a special feeling imprinted in the 'classic picture'.

Even though she was still reluctant to admit her love for Lin Qiye on the surface.

But at the moment, she is willing to help.

Looking at Zhu Yuheng's sincere expression.

Lin Qiye felt a little guilty.

"If...the research is going to come out, you have to find a research room, you lie on the bed, take off your clothes. Then..."

Not finished yet.

Zhu Yuheng frowned instantly, covered his shoulders with both hands, and put on a gesture of rejection.

"Xia Ji! Are you courting death?!"

She called out Lin Qiye's 'name' and was extremely serious.

"Although I have been living in isolation on the snowy plateau, and have little contact with humans. But I also know that men and women are not close, and their bodies cannot be seen by other people, even women! Not to mention men!"

"When I was injured, you treated me as a legitimate reason and didn't care about you. But you actually asked me to strip and show you...you bastard!"

"Believe it or not I stomped on your face?!"

Zhu Yuheng's tone was extremely cold, and strands of cold air came out of her body.

Her eyes were full of vigilance, and deep disgust appeared on her beautiful face.

Lin Qiye had already anticipated this situation.

"Don't be angry...don't be angry...I'm just asking for your opinion. If you don't want to...I will of course find another way."

Lin Qiye immediately stopped the topic.

He knew that this was not the first and second worlds. The first world and the second world, if you really do research and explain it carefully, many people can accept it.

But this world.

People have no concept of scientific research.

Even if he wears his lips, Zhu Yuheng will not believe it, but will be vigilant, disgusted, and disgusted.


Lin Qiye quickly skipped the topic.

"Sorry, I really just asked. I didn't specifically ask you to agree."

"Okay, back to the palace."

"There is still a year left, and I will definitely find a way to light up the double heaven gate at the wing position. If it is lit, it will be equivalent to the seventh heaven gate realm!"

"With my strength, relying on the realm of the Seventh Heaven Gate, it is not too difficult to deal with the Wolf Lord who lights up the Eighth Heaven Gate. Unless the Wolf Lord breaks through the real Nascent Soul."

talking room.

Lin Qiye flicked his wings lightly behind him.

The wind galloped towards the imperial city.

Zhu Yuheng was left behind, standing in the clouds, silent.

"Looking at his demeanor and eyes, it seems that he really just wants to study a breakthrough method? Let me take off my nakedness... Lying in front of him, how did he come up with it?"

Zhu Yuheng snorted coldly, deep in his heart he couldn't accept it no matter what.

outside the palace.

Lin Qiye bid farewell to Zhu Yuheng with a guilty conscience.

He rushed back to the palace without stopping.

Inside the palace.

The old emperor stood on the cornice.

Quietly waiting for Lin Qiye to return.

"Little Seventeen... Hmm? You actually lighted up the Fifth Heaven Gate?! How is that possible? After the Golden Dragon of Fortune was beheaded, wasn't the bottleneck of all races strengthened a hundred times?"

"Why are you still able to break through?!"

The old emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, surprised.

"I have a special chance. Not only was I not affected by the Godly Arrow of Destiny Destiny, but it also lit up the door of death at the location of my heart, and also gained another special chance."

Lin Qiye explained with a smile.

The old emperor was stunned at first.

Then, his face was full of surprises.

After the three evil blood dragons slaughtered the golden dragon of luck, he was always worried.


Seeing the breakthrough of Xiao Shiqi's adversity, the old emperor's heart rekindled hope.

"You are indeed a natural emperor destined to save the human race! You are so lucky to be able to hold the divine arrow of the Wolf Lord!"

The old emperor grinned and patted Lin Qiye on the shoulder.

"Good boy! You have such an indestructible luck, why don't my human race not be revived?"

Optimism for the old emperor.

Lin Qiye shook his head.

"The Wolf Lord has now lit up the Eighth Heaven Gate. After a year of retreat, when the realm is stable, he will lead the army to the south, intending to destroy the human race in one fell swoop. For the decisive battle in a year's time, I will go to retreat first and strive for a new breakthrough."

Lin Qiye's eyes were calm.

He didn't feel complacent just because he lit up the fifth heaven gate and obtained ten strands of crape myrtle.

Facing the wolf master who is also a super genius.

He must light up the double heaven gate contained in the wings to have the power to suppress it!


Must die in the hands of the wolf master.

By the time.

All the efforts in this world have come to nothing...

Lin Qiye couldn't accept that kind of tragic loss.


Lin Qiye was full of fighting spirit and full of energy.

Drill directly into the underground training room.

Training room.

Lightning and thunderous wings spread out behind Lin Qiye.

In his mind, he recalled the details of lighting up the first five doors of heaven, and at the same time, his consciousness followed the spiritual energy, walking through the meridians of the wings, looking for a plan that might light up the doors of heaven.

"What's going on? When you light up the other five-level heavenly gates, it's all natural and accomplished overnight. Only the two-level heavenly gate on the wings has never been able to find a way."

Lin Qiye frowned, quite helpless.

"The double heaven gates on the wings are different from the heaven gates on other parts of the body! But what's the difference?"

Lin Qiye was puzzled.

Closed for a few days.

Lin Qiye had to go out.

"No clue. Is it really necessary to study Zhu Yuheng?"

Lin Qiye instructed the palace maid to prepare a medicinal soup to eliminate physical and mental exhaustion, take off all clothes, soak in the water, close her eyes and rest...

Threads of medicinal power.

Drilling into Lin Qiye's body relieved Lin Qiye's exhaustion.


Zhu Yuheng quietly fell outside the house.

Zhu Yuheng was sitting on the desk.

The left leg was stacked on the right leg, and a pair of long, slender, straight, crystal-like long legs hung in the air and swayed gently.

"Hey, do you have an idea?"

Lin Qiye noticed Zhu Yuheng's breath early.

"I'm taking a bath, can't you break in like this?"

"I didn't come in and stare at you again! Besides, you've already touched me, can't I look at you?"

Zhu Yuheng sat on the desk with an arrogant royal elder sister attitude.

Lin Qiye: "...Okay."

"I asked you if you have any clues about the two heavenly gates on the wings."

"Not yet."

Lin Qiye sighed slightly.

There was a long silence in the room.

Needle drop is audible.

Only the sound of the wind blowing the bead curtain. Xi Xi rustling.

"So...is it really necessary to study my heart?"

"I'll think to myself..."

Zhu Yuheng interrupted Lin Qiye, his voice was crisp and loud, and he couldn't say anything: "I'm asking you, study my heart, will the speed speed up?!"

Her tone was strong, but her voice trembled slightly.


Zhu Yuheng propped up his scene with a tough tone.

Lin Qiye saw through it, but didn't say it. He had long known that Zhu Yuheng was a tough and arrogant character.

"Yes. If you can study it, it will definitely speed up the breakthrough."

"Then I can help you."

Zhu Yuheng took a deep breath and said the decision he had hesitated for several nights.

Halfway through.

She felt her cheeks hot as if a volcano was about to erupt.

How could it be like this, obviously never wanted to contact other human beings.

But happened to meet this guy.

Obviously just to return a favor.

But later, I saw that he was angry and destroyed the six sects for the sake of ordinary people. Angry and bloody.


Even before he was about to die, he prayed pitifully to him, and the most humiliating aspect was exposed in front of him.

Since then.

He reshaped the heart.

The first moment I opened my eyes, the 'classic picture' was deeply imprinted in my mind and lingered.

Everything, in a direction that she couldn't control, ran wildly all the way, becoming very magical.

So much so that now, she is even willing to pay more and more for his research.


for this matter.

Zhu Yuheng was very embarrassed in his heart and very difficult to speak.

But just now.

After really speaking out about your decision.

In the depths of her heart, there was a wisp of contentment.

How could this be?

Zhu Yuheng didn't understand why he became so strange.

The two hearts were beating wildly, like beating drums.

inside the bucket.

Lin Qiye turned his head to look at Zhu Yuheng, and there was a little surprise and surprise in his eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, but... If you dare to look around and mess around, be careful I will cut your eyeballs! Feed it to the dog!"

Zhu Yuheng warned coldly, with a very serious expression.

Lin Qiye was helpless.

"I won't mess around with it, I'm all about research."

Lin Qiye was quite confident in his determination.

What he pursues wholeheartedly is always to get a higher score and get a better reward.

Lust and **** are not his pursuits.

after all.

Lin Qiye will never forget.

In the main world, he was just a Daqian practitioner who had just reached the gold quality, and could not afford the gold quality cultivation method.

The day before, he was even attacked and killed by the Jianghu faction.

There is only a thin line between death.

Even if it becomes a gold walker.

He still feels insecure!

after all.

There is also a platinum walker in the Jianghu faction who is eyeing it!

Lin Qiye was so calm in his heart!

He just wants to become stronger step by step and eradicate Li You forever!

Let Li You understand.

If you provoke yourself, there is only one dead end.

Lin Qiye is very vengeful!

Extremely vengeful!

If Li You is not killed, there will always be a thorn stuck in his heart!

Thoughts so far.

Lin Qiye got up immediately, put on his clothes in a flash, and came to Zhu Yuheng with a grateful light in his eyes.

"Thank you, please come with me, I swear, I will never look around."

talking room.

Lin Qiye brought Zhu Yuheng to the underground training room.

"Lie on the stone bed and take off your clothes."

Zhu Yuheng: "..."

Although she had made a decision last night, her heart was still beating wildly when she really wanted to get to this point.

But no matter what.

It's all here.

Don't be timid.

Zhu Yuheng pursed his red lips, took off the white tiger fur, and untied everything.

Although Lin Qiye was a gentleman and did not squint, his eyelids twitched with fright.

A poem even popped into my head:

She is like the queen of spring,

The mind is clean and free of dust.

She looks like a fairy goddess,

If the avenue becomes an eternity!

(Note: Tibetan poems...)

to be frank.

Lin Qiye had never seen such a scene before.

My heartbeat involuntarily quickened a little, and my whole body was a little hot.


Lin Qiye quickly held his breath and suppressed the restlessness in his dantian.


Lin Qiye looked serious.

He stretched out his finger and gently tapped on Zhu Yuheng's soft heart.

at the same time.

With a ray of crape myrtle infuriating, the thought was introduced into Zhu Yuheng's body.

Carefully feel the two unique hearts of Zhu Yuheng.

Opposite Lin Qiye.

Zhu Yuheng's head was blank.

Lin Qiye's **** landed on his heart!

Although only light touch.

But those **** were hotter than a red-hot soldering iron.

Let her two hearts, overlapping and overlapping, beating wildly, unable to stop for a moment.

She closed her eyes and held her breath, but her shoulders were still trembling slightly, and her ears were already red and shiny...

Fortunately, Lin Qiye didn't change anything.

Just seriously feel the two hearts of Zhu Yuheng and the wonder in their hearts.

At the same time, let Zhu Yuheng feel a little at ease.

There is also some inexplicable loss.

One day, two days, one month, two months...

The two get along like this every day.

At the beginning.

I wish Yuheng could not calm down.

But after a while.

Zhu Yuheng got used to it.

Because she found out that Lin Qiye was really researching it!

While observing, he quickly thought in his mind. Because of overthinking, he was often tired and sweaty.

His gaze is so focused, it can be said that he is attentive, engrossed, and meticulous.

When he had nothing else to focus on, his body seemed to glow with light, as if special effects had been added.

Seeing that Zhu Yuheng was a little surprised.

six months later.

Research continues.

Lin Qiye's forehead was full of sweat.

But suddenly-

Lin Qiye's light of contemplation between his five senses vanished, but instead, the light of excitement quickly condensed in his eyes.

"I understand! I understand!"

"Thank you! Best wishes, girl! I know how to light up the double heaven gate in the wings. Thank you! You can put on your clothes and leave first, I want to retreat, I want to retreat!"

Lin Qiye was so excited that he stood up abruptly, wiping the sweat from his forehead while panting heavily.

Zhu Yuheng: "..."

Her dragon's eyebrows were raised, and for the first time, the arc of extreme anger was wrinkled.

Danfeng's long eyes widened angrily, and there was a flame of anger in his eyes, which was burning brightly.

Throw it away immediately after I use it up?

Why is it so uncomfortable!

So annoying!

So annoying!

Zhu Yuheng clenched his fists and punched hard, hitting Lin Qiye on the face. Ying Delin tumbled several meters on the ground for seven nights.

Lin Qiye was stunned.

"why did you hit me?"

Zhu Yuheng was speechless.

You can't always express your true thoughts.

She snorted coldly: "You've watched me for six months, it's not too much to punch you, right?"

Zhu Yuheng quickly put on his clothes and put on the white tiger fur.

Looking down at Lin Qiye.

She was very angry, but it wasn't that she was angry at being watched by Lin Qiye, but she was angry that Lin Qiye actually studied meticulously for six months.

There is no extra thought at all.

And after using her, he actually let her go.

Although she understood, Lin Qiye had been studying hard for six months, and now she suddenly realized that she was at the juncture of excitement.

But no matter what, I can't take this breath!

"Don't hit my sister, your thoughts are about to be beaten by you. After I break through, you can hit whatever you want, how about it?"

Lin Qiye immediately sat cross-legged on the stone bed.

Close your eyes and break through seriously.

Seeing that Lin Qiye was wholeheartedly thinking about a breakthrough.

Zhu Yuheng's chest heaved with anger, but there was nothing he could do.

He could only sit on the futon not far away, raise his eyebrows, and keep an eye on Lin Qiye.

"What a bastard! When you break through, you must step on you again and again with your feet."

Zhu Yuheng clenched his fist secretly.


Lin Qiye was completely immersed in the state of breakthrough.

The wings of lightning and thunder suddenly unfolded.


next moment.

Lin Qiye made an amazing move.

He actually controlled the power in his body and crushed his wings inch by inch!




The shocking sound of bone smashing resounded through the training room.

The tragic voice made the anger in Zhu Yuheng's heart disappear, but Danfeng's long eyes were slightly wrinkled, and a worried look appeared in his eyes.

"What's the matter, you actually crushed your own wings inch by inch?"

Zhu Yuheng stared at Lin Qiye, his eyes full of concern, puzzlement and worry...


Lin Qiye was sweating like rain on his forehead, and he was experiencing extreme pain.

But Lin Qiye did not stop.

Instead, in extreme pain, he continued to crush the wings inch by inch.

Blood stained the white wings of lightning and thunder, making the wings dripping with blood, and the training room was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Smelling this **** smell, Zhu Yuheng felt a dull pain in his heart for some reason.

She wanted to stop Lin Qiye immediately.

But he was afraid of ruining Lin Qiye's good deeds.

He could only clench his fists, and his fists were so blue that he was worried.

"What a ruthless means! What a ruthless willpower! It's really scary! How did you endure it?"

Zhu Yuheng couldn't help but admire him.

A moving face.

Staring at the dying Lin Qiye, and the pair of white wings that had been shattered beyond recognition.

The bones in the wings have been completely crushed.

Relying on thunder and lightning, it maintained its original shape.

And Lin Qiye is also on the verge of falling, and may die at any time.

What is even more exaggerated is that Lin Qiye did not use Innate Qi or Ziwei Zhen Qi to heal himself, but forcibly relied on willpower to support him.

After the wings were destroyed.

Lin Qiye exhaled a suffocating breath, and slowly, inch by inch, he put his wings into his body.

The damaged wings entered the body, and Ziwei's True Qi and Innate True Qi quickly healed the wounds of the wings.

Let the wings be born inch by inch.

And at the same time as the wings were reborn.

The wings finally had a very clear induction with the Tianmen of the heart and other parts of the body!

"Come on, that's how it feels! That's how it feels!"

Lin Qiye was ecstatic in his heart~www.mtlnovel.com~ It really is! The quickest way to establish a deeper connection with the rest of the body is to be broken inch by inch and reborn again!

This is the quickest and easiest way, albeit with heart-wrenching pain.

But in order to improve his strength, in order to get an SSSS rating, in order to kill the Platinum Walker... What is this pain? ! "

Lin Qiye felt no pain at all.

He smiled lightly.

"Go ahead, take advantage of the induction to light up the double heaven gate! Don't miss this golden opportunity!"

Thoughts so far.

Lin Qiye let out a deep breath!

Start hitting the final level!

Although there is a possibility of failure, Lin Qiye will never allow himself to fail!