Sensing the softness of her lips as they melded in a kiss, he became wholly immersed in the moment, where nothing else mattered.
In that embrace, all the unspoken sentiments and desires seemed to find expression through the simple act of connection.
A deep calm crept over him when he was with her; their little break revealed just how dependent they were on one another. She was someone he could trust completely, knowing that she had his back.
Lily, no longer the crazy swordsman he had encountered months ago, seamlessly became a part of his life.
She transformed from a mere companion into someone he could trust unconditionally. His feelings for her had deepened and matured over time, and she, too, shared the same sentiments.
"So, that demon has a soft side too," Benjamin muttered, whispering through the gap in his mouth as their hellish trainer transformed, finding it unreal.