
Worlds Unbound: A Gamer’s Quest

The power of the Gamer System was something I had only ever dreamed about. Now, it's a reality that's brought me into the very Universes I've longed to explore all my life. The question is, how far can I climb? And just now many lives will it take for me to experience them all?

Daoist57YPnD · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Chapter 4

Well shit…I'm glad I didn't go with Issei, my level would have been capped at 500 as both a Devil and a Sacred Gear wielder. 'Why is that anyways, Gaia?'

The Biblical God created the Biblical Races and the Sacred Gears.

He didn't want any of them getting too strong and threatening him.

…he was a meanie.

'And the Yōkai?'

The Shino Gods followed his idea.

There's something about being a God that makes people meanies.

While I doubt I'll have to worry about the effects of Godhood any time in the near future; I do have to worry about that fact that, until I can figure out a way to change my race or get a Sacred Gear, I'm going to be stuck with a maximum level of 100.

Before I can continue that thought, another textbox appears.

Quest Completed!

[Learning The Game]


Ability Unlocked - [Dungeon: Open]

[Dungeon: Open] (Active) - Lvl. MAX

Allows you to access the Dungeons.

So there are Dungeons too? Nice! I'll have to hold off on checking that out until I get a better idea of what's going on. For now, I need to figure out where the hell I am.

Yay! Exploration time!

'Heh, it's nice having you with me Gaia. This would get depressing fast if I was on my own.'


Leaving the room, I finally get to explore the rest of the building.

It's a nice one-story Japanese house with an open courtyard in the front, and a small garden in the back. A large wall surrounds the perimeter of the grounds with a beautiful front gate made of thick wood that acts as the only point of entry. Painted all over the walls and hung from black cloth banners is the Sakai Clan symbol that I remembered from the game, Ghost of Tsushima; two white triangles overlapping to represent the Twin Mountains.

Rising up all around the outside of the walls, a massive bamboo forest blocks the house from being seen at a distance, and cutting me off from everything else beyond the walls. Thankfully, there was a single dirt road leading from the gate to a main street that disappeared off in the distance towards a city.

In the sky overhead, I can faintly spot a shimmer covering the entire estate, '[Observe]'.

[Gamer Home Barrier]

Protects the Gamer's Home from outward intrusion, attacks, and unregistered teleportation.

That is going to be extremely useful. Not having to deal with people constantly teleporting into my home unannounced saves me from so many headaches. And the protection against attacks means this is the perfect base to retreat to if something goes wrong.

Smiling, I walk back inside my new house as two more textboxes appear.

Quest Received:

[Attend School]

Objective: Attend your first day of school.

Reward: [?]

Quest Received:

[Finish the Tutorial]

Objective: Reach Level 10

Reward: [?]

Well shit, looks like I've got to get to school…'Um, what school do I go to?'

Kuoh Academy of course!

You can't be a Gamer if you hide away from the Game!

'I know…but still. It's Kuoh, Gaia! You know, the place where everything happens, and acts as the lynchpin that nearly causes a war between the Biblical Factions. The one under the control of two Devil Heiresses of the 72 Pillars and their peerages.'


Taking a deep breath, I let out a heavy sigh. 'No…it's okay. I shouldn't have taken it out on you Gaia, that wasn't fair. I'm the one that's sorry.'

It's okay, I know you didn't really mean it :)

Smiling at how nice my new companion/assistant is, I head back into my room to put on the uniform. It's a black blazer and pants, a white button-up shirt, and a…black ribbon for the collar? Why not a tie? Well, this is the same school that has the female students wear shoulder capes and corsets.

Not that I have anything against the corsets…they certainly enhance their features.

Grabbing the backpack in the closet that has a few blank notebooks inside of it, I look around to see if there's anything that'll get me to school faster, like a bike or a car…

…there's nothing.

Better start walking I guess.

It's a long, boring 20 minutes to make my way into town. I was fortunate that my paperwork to transfer into Kuoh Academy came with a map of the town, otherwise I'd have to stop and ask for directions every few minutes.

Reaching the outer gate to the school, I spot several students making their way inside while one of them stands there waiting. As I get closer, I realize who it is. '[Observe]'

Sona Sitri - Level 53 - Heiress of House Sitri

Devil - High Class

Affection: 0 | Obedience: 0

Level 53, huh. According to the manual I have stashed in my [Inventory], a Devil typically reaches High-Class at Level 50.

But the Affection and Obedience is definitely interesting. Those are usually found in Gamer stories with sex and lewdness in them…

Heh. Nice.

Are you thinking perverted thoughts?

'…yes, I am.'

Good! The Gamer System is meant for you to have fun with!

Sexy times are some of the best fun!

'You're absolutely right, Gaia. Sexy time are the best.'

Also, the continued use of [Observe] seems to have leveled it up a bit.

Leveled Up - Skills:

[Observe] (Active) - Lvl. 4 (Novice)

Your Skills will level the more they're used.

Some skills, like Observe, level faster when they're used on stronger targets.





"If you wish to access more chapters in advance... It's available on my Patreon with a 20-chapter lead over WebNovel."
